Originally Posted by kareem korn
Rule of thumb is 100#+ acceptable to harvest. In the last ten years kayakers have set their moral standard at 50#. Which is a decent fish to catch off a kayak and is a fair amount of meat.
Now it looks like the new group of expert kayakers are lowering their standards to week old pups.
It's a shame.
But fuck it it's legal.
I'm not sitting high on the horse, but after 45 years of fishing the california coast I have common sense to know right from wrong.
Comparing a green bass to a new born t is stupid.
Walk up dvl ramp with a stringer of "legal" lmb. Show them around the parking lot. Post pics.
Tell me you wont get shit for that
I think this conversation is better suited for the people who makes the fishing regulations. History has shown that people have trouble doing what is morally right.* Its like cheating on your wife knowing that she will never find out. What human law is their to say it is illegal to cheat on your wife, yet people still do it. etc.