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Old 07-10-2010, 09:57 PM   #1
Loves his member
Mtobolsky's Avatar
Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 122
After 15 skunks for dinner i fi nally got bit!!

I got my Revo last year and have headed out several times only to bring back some stinky ass skunks....i dont consider snot stix any kinda catch.....they're interesting creatures but i dont like the idea of eating boogers so back to davey jones locker they go. I finally got my buddy to get a kayak and a kayak he got. He picked up a sweet Pro Angler...I'm super jealous...you can stand up and piss if you need to insted of sitting in it and then jumping off your boat to let the water wash your wetsuit out...nasty. oh well we're all salty old dogs out there...a little more salt won't kill any body.

Enough b.s. I decided for Marios' maiden voyage we would head out about 3:00am to make it happen. It's a pretty exciting thing to roll out nija style in the middle of the night when the only thing we should be doing is scratching our nut and snoring. so the lauch and push through the waves was pretty uneventfull and we pushed our way out to the grounds to try and amke some squirts.....i was a little perplexed because i couldn't get one of those little red devils to take my jig if my life depended on it til grey light....lesson learned.....bring bright lights to raise them next time.

Grey light hit and i give the candy stick to Mario....he is like a kid in a candy store pulling those little things up, super stoked. Filled up with bait, jokied for position and dropped one down and made a drift. right after asking what the hell this guy (pb) was doing playing with ballons and getting attitude because i was within a100 ft from him and he thinks he he has staked a claim to a football size plot of water, i get wacked...FINALLY!!!!! Mar looks over and wonders how I'm moving so fast without peddeling..lol...sleigh ride...Nice i finally get my first YT, respectable size 27 lbs...those things will cook your arms quick if you dont know what to expect.

Next drop, again about a 100ft from the boat with ballons and bad attitudes, same drop same drift and BAM!!! I get picked up, slam it in gear and away i go....This ones got some shoulders...ugh!!! straight toward a the anchor line of a party boat...wrapped up, damn. gotta work this one out, 5 min work it up the line and find out that all i have to do is drive around it so i do. right to the kelp i go....damn again. Wrapped up in the weeds, made a quick prayer and asked WWJD (what would Josh Do)....got some inspiration and decided to get him up no matter what....20 minutes later, through the trees up comes the biggest freakin' large mouth bass i have ever seen i n my life!! What the hell are they doing in the ocean? 100-150 lb BSB...What a magnificant creature, absolutely georgous animal and what a freakin tank! Mario is trippin" as am I!!! By far the biggest fish of my life, what a feeling!!! man did i beat the skunk down today!

Same spot 3rd squirt, third fish 20+ lb YT..these fish are awsome.

head back to the secret spot righ in front of 150 other people and Mario gets wacked and pulls up a 6 foot soup fin shark...what a day!!!

A couple hours pass and the hurd thins out a bit....down goes my 4th squirt of the day, 5 minutes pas and here we go again.....straight to the forest, wrapped up again...dag nab it...is this another BSB or what the deal. 5-10 minutes later up comes another solid YT. weighed in at 34lb's and i am on cloud nine..

After making some friends out there, WizzBang, The Kid and Paul and catching some fish i decide to call it a great day and head in...but before that i pick up a small bonito and Mario get a decent sized Calico...gave Paul the smaller YT and kept 1 for me and 1 for Mar...what an epic day and what a maiden voyage for Mario........I LOVE THIS SPORT...PEOPLE WHO DONT LIKE FISHING ARE NOT NORMAL!!!!!!!!

Pictures to follow.......

Last edited by Mtobolsky; 07-10-2010 at 10:42 PM.
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