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Old 07-26-2014, 12:08 AM   #1
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Proper etiquette on boat ramp

Just got a PA and now am faced with launching at busy boat launch ramps. I have little experience with this and could use some advice as I don't want to piss people off just want to have fun on the water. I know things like hurry the heck up, but how long is too long? Where do u leave your yak when you go park/come back in? I was thinking just tie it as far out so the surge won't beat it against the ramp or just leave it out of the water? Just looking for a few pointers before the first trip out. Mostly launching from Oside harbor if that helps. Thanks for any pointers you can send my way...Anthony
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Old 07-26-2014, 08:16 AM   #2
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Wheels work the best with for me.
Park In lot, unload kayak on wheels. Unload gear on kayak, and roll everything down to the launch at once. Take the wheels out on the water with you, then when you get in you just roll back up so you don't have to rush yourself loading up. If you have more time to unload/load you may not lose as much gear on the freeway. I've seen in happen a lot.

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Old 07-26-2014, 09:21 AM   #3
the dude
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I've launched at the Jolly Roger before...never at the boat ramp. You will need wheels to get there. It's rather chaotic at the boat ramp right now so I would probably try to do that as quick as possible. Free parking at Jolly Roger.
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Old 07-26-2014, 10:08 AM   #4
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Beach wheels best thing I bought for my outback

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Old 07-26-2014, 01:39 PM   #5
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Thank yakDout, I have wheels so gonna try your method out. Just curious I got the scupper trax 2 30 wheels kind of a bitch to put on, what do u have for wheels and do u like them?
@the dude, I currently launch from public kayak/sup dock by the police station if that's what u mean by Jolly Roger? If no could u point me in the right direction please. .. I don't think the pro angler 14 is going to fit thru the gangway or will it? I guess if that's what u do with your pro angler I may try that also
Thanks for the suggestions guys I am looking to get out and don't want to be that guy...
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Old 07-26-2014, 02:27 PM   #6
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I use the hobie scupper cart with the all terrain looking tires. They work well but you still have to tilt the kayak at an angle to get them in. I've also pulled the kayak down the ramp all the way in the water until you are deep enough to pull them out without tilting the yak. Works well. The cart is very strong. I have the PA14 and have loaded it with a lot of weight (gear) and didn't see any flex or stress. I've seen some people use two carts at once and roll it around like a wagon but I can't justify spending that $ on another cart. Sometimes (depending on where I am) I will put the cart in the scupper holes In the middle of the yak.

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Old 07-26-2014, 03:20 PM   #7
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I've never launched from o-side. However, a good rule to follow is to launch and land opposite side of the dock, this way the boat owners can launch, walk or motor their boat onto their trailer or tie onto the dock without having to go around you.

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Old 07-27-2014, 06:52 AM   #8
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at Oceanside we'd just unload in the parking lot or park at the top of the ramp towards the south side and out of the way. get everything set up then park about 100yrds away (the parking lot is kinda tight and unloading in a parking spot just wouldn't work out sometimes). wheel it down to the dock and launch. if you need to store your wheel in the car then wheel the yak down before parking. always keep your drive on you though. that's one thing I would never leave in the PA>
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Old 07-27-2014, 09:10 AM   #9
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You have as much right to use a public launch ramp as any other boater. And like other boaters you should prep your boat in the lot before you go to the actual ramp. It can be tough to get things rigged if your kayak is on your car. If this is the case use wheels. Get every thing ready then head for the ramp. If your PA is in the back of a pick up then get rigged and just back the truck down. I use the sides of the ramps on busy days. So basically have your shit together and take care of business when on the ramp. We've all seen "That Guy" on a ramp; can't back a trailer worth shit, his motor won't start, can't find the plug, ect, while 5 boats are waiting to launch. you get the idea. Had to show this.

Saw one of these at shelter island ramp when I was a kid. Mike
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Old 07-27-2014, 11:47 AM   #10
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If you launch from the boat ramp in Oceanside, there is a separate 15 minute loading/unloading dock connected to the left (north) launch ramp. You can launch and if it's busy, move your kayak there and tie up. Then no rush while you go park, etc. As mentioned already, good idea to keep your drive with you until you're actually ready to go.
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Old 07-27-2014, 04:56 PM   #11
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Just stay out of boats way and don't park on the ramp and you will be fine stick to the edges of the ramp and away from the dock while launching and most people won't care also like everyone else said have your yak rigged and ready to go no one wants that guy who sits on the ramp for 20 mins getting his ish together. I personally use wheels when I have to use a ramp. I have cradle style wheels and I tie a line to the axle once I float off the ramp I pull the wheels out from under yak and toss in the back of my xfactor bc those ramps will eat your yak!
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Old 07-27-2014, 10:26 PM   #12
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Thank you all for your input and advice it is much appreciated. I did a quick drive by and saw the loading zone that lowprofile mentioned, thank you for this advice I will utilize this spot when available, and I will never leave my fins unattended, I hate leaving anything unattended but don't really like carrying my wheels however I'm working on a way so it's easy for me to take them with me.
@ricsen I didn't see that dock in the far north side but will check it out when I launch.
@yakdout thanks for the info on your wheels and launching, after a few practice runs the cart I have isn't bad it's more getting used to the massive size of this beast!!!
Thanks again to you all!!!
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