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Old 01-29-2011, 04:32 PM   #1
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I highly recommend it.....

Today I took a walk along Coast Blvd. in La Jolla checking out the water and ended up at the Children's pool. Lots of people along the seawall and the beach was clear except for 2 guys in lawn chairs just relaxing. I listened to the Friends of the Seals lecture the tourists about how these 2 guys were killing baby seals just by their presence on the beach. So of course I had to join the guys on the beach....nice dudes that were fed up with the BS and misinformation
Soon after the Seal ladies started chanting "get off the beach" slogans and we ignored them. As the tide came in the seals started to land and we soon had a dozen seals nearby on the beach. This sent the seal lovers into a frenzy and they chanted louder and louder. So loud that a couple of seals freaked out and went back into the water. One by one other people started to join us. Soon after we spotted a diver coming into the beach and guess what? He was surrounded by about 20 seals and they followed him onto the beach. (guess the seals thought he had some fish or something..)
The seal ladies were going into epileptic brain trauma shit fits, and continued to chant and called for backup eco-terrorists and the cops. The cops didnt show I guess because they've dealt with these wackos before. More and more seals came up onto the beach clearly not disturbed by our presence while the heads of the seal lovers exploded like that scene from "Mars Attacks".
It was Glorious!
If you ever want to stick it to eco-terrorists I highly recommend it......
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Old 01-29-2011, 04:46 PM   #2
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I'm in.
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Old 01-29-2011, 04:57 PM   #3
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Thanks Matt F.
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Old 01-29-2011, 08:53 PM   #4
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Thanks for the inspiration, Tony!

After I surf Hospitals in the morning, my friends and I are going to pay the Seal Lady a visit. Anyone have a megaphone I can barrow?
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Old 01-29-2011, 09:17 PM   #5
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LMAO! Hurray for you, and anyone else joining in.
No doubt they are probably some of the same eco-wackos that think it's necessary to close down our fishing areas.
"Never say die"
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Old 01-29-2011, 10:31 PM   #6
Olivenhain Bob
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This sounds like fun. Next time I am in the area, I plan to plop a beach chair down and read a good book. Who knows, we could have a revolution in the making.

In case you did not get the memo, the City of SD has hired a ranger whose job will be to keep the peace at the CP. She does not start for a couple months. I do not know what her marching orders are but I suspect that the main job will be to keep the two legged visitors from fighting over the critters with flippers.

It is almost pupping season. At least the Children's Pool will have some young guests for the next few months. Too bad they will not be Children.

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Old 01-30-2011, 06:28 AM   #7
joe tuipala
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The new kayak launch (childrens pool) . it insane how many seal and SEALIONS there are now . I swim in the caves and cove with 700 lb. sealions , my daughter and I have named a few . I have never in 38 yr in our waters seen , so many Mammals . if the seals over pop. the DGF will have to step in , then see what the seal lovers do . My family and I use to hang out at the childrens pool , until not so friendly people started hanging around the wall . so we moved to casa beach and get pounded . thanks for being friends of the seals boyz .
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Old 01-30-2011, 09:50 AM   #8
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I had my girls down at the childrens pool area last summer and listened to the information, er, mis-informatiom the FOS ladies were giving out. I suppose thier little speech might go over with people who knew little or nothing about seals, the ocean, marine biology, or history. Thier's is an emotional appeal that works great on people like them. They can not understand how or why you could disagree with them because they know they're right. The FOS rep told me that seals have been pupping on this beach for thousands of years. I said that the childrens pool beach was an artificial construction that is not very old. She said there was a beach here before the sea wall was built and the seals used that beach for thousands of years. I pointed at the California flag, you know, the flag of the "Bear Flag Republic" and told her that grizzlies used to roam all over our state, including our beaches, and that seals would never pup on a coastal beach where bears lived. She looked at me with a superior patronizing look on her face and told me I didn't know what I was talking about. Ya right, that must be it. Great job not letting these wakos drive you off your beach. Mike
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Old 01-30-2011, 11:26 AM   #9
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I've been breaking their balls for years now.
They get - what they give.
A good technique is to get a parking spot directly in front of their Hot Dog Table and fire abuse directly at them. Bright lights, loud music, and truck horns work well.

Hitler Speeches played on the stereo make them crazy. Leave your camera on the dashboard - they don't like being on the other side of the lens.
-Give it a try. lmao

Last edited by Billy V; 01-30-2011 at 02:04 PM.
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Old 01-30-2011, 01:36 PM   #10
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I took my daughters to the Children's Pool a couple of years ago. My
youngest said she thought the stuffed animal toy seals were cute.

While in ear shot I said to my daughter, yes, they're cute, but
wouldn't it be better if they made them out of REAL seal skin?

The lady at the table nearly freaked out. I thought she was
going to call CPS.

Between the "dogs" on the beach and the "sea kittens" in the water,
I'm not sure there's any room for humans any more.

If only La Jolla wasn't so urbanized, the coyotes would come out
of the canyons and feast on some of those pups to keep the numbers
down. Who's protecting the rights of the coyotes, for taking away their
food source?
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Old 01-30-2011, 05:38 PM   #11
Hunters Pa
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When you go sit on the beach in your lawnchair take along your fish club. Just in case you want a new jacket
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Old 01-30-2011, 07:45 PM   #12
Olivenhain Bob
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Here is some information for those who may want to have a discussion with the FOS folks down the road.

I grew up in La Jolla. There were no seals or seal lions at the CP during my time there. It was a wonderful protected beach that was great for... well, children. I learned to snorkel there and at the Cove.

There is a rock a few hundred yards up the coast called Seal Rock. There is a reason for this name. That is where all the seals hung out. I can't remember if the were seals or seal lions back in the day but they hung out there because no one could get close enough to bother them, (including the occasional California Grizzly Bear I assume).

Some people say that the harbor seals that are there now are the descendent's of some injured animals, rehabilitated by Sea World. I am not sure if that is factual, but it could be. Most of the pinnipeds that I remember being in the area as a kid, were sea lions.

The CP was constructed way before my time and I have no idea what the beach looked like before the wall was built. I can assure you that it was never a seal rookery, however.

The next time someone wants to get into a discussion with one of the FOS folks, maybe you should ask them if they can provide some shred of proof to back up their claims. I am certain that when pressed, these folks will start blabbering nonsense.

Losing the CP is a tragedy for the coming generations. It happened because the City of San Diego was unwilling to spend the money needed to return the place to the pristine state that it was in before the seals moved in, as they were ordered to do by the courts.

This is a lost battle. I have no hope of things ever returning to its former state. That doesn't mean that we can't still have some fun harassing the FOS folks.

Count me in.


Last edited by dsafety; 01-30-2011 at 08:14 PM.
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Old 01-30-2011, 08:03 PM   #13
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I vote for bob to lead the charge!lets us know how you want to proceed.
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Old 01-30-2011, 08:31 PM   #14
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Dorado, you have got me thinking. I know, that this is a dangerous thing, but I have an idea. I will try to reach out to the ranger who has been hired to patrol the CP. One of the first questions I will ask is what her position will be about kayak launching on that beach.

Last year, I spoke to one of the Lifeguard brass who was hanging out at the CP one day. I asked him if there was any regulation what would prohibit kayak launching and landing at the CP. He told me that to his knowledge there were no City regulations against this activity.

I do not think that it would be useful to do any kind of really provocative action but if the new ranger says that it is OK, I think that some of us should start making a habit of launching and landing at the CP. Over time our presence could become a common sight which may reduce the noise from the FOS folks.

If I read the maps correctly, the western boundary of newly adopted MLPA closures end very close CP so it would be a really reasonable place to start using as a launch point.

I should warn anyone considering this that it will be much tougher to do get your gear to the CP than some other locations. Parking is always a bitch and you would have to wheel your gear up and down a steep rough ramp.

Thanks for the idea Dorado. I will check back in when I have something to talk about.

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Old 01-30-2011, 09:43 PM   #15
Billy V
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So - where do you guys shoot them - up high in the neck ?

In 1999 I did a back country guided hunt in Montana. We went in about 70 miles north of Great Falls.

My guide was a family man that lived off the land. All meat was shot, nothing store bought. The only time they bought vegetables was in winter when they couldn't grow their own.

He was firm believer of shooting game high in the neck, and by the time I was packing up for home so was I.

It turns them Off like a switch, they literally drop in place and nothing is wasted.

-If you want to cape them out for a chest mounted wall trophy you'd be better off aiming slightly behind the shoulder - or the hide will have a big hole in the throat.
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