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Old 03-09-2009, 01:05 PM   #1
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Patriotic Question

I was in San Diego Harbor this past Saturday morning. I was riding the current past the sub base when the loud speaker comes on for morning colors. As I sat there, with my hat over my heart and a line in the water, I thought to myself “what if I had a huge hit right now?”

After serving 20 years in the Navy I had never been in such a predicament.

My question to you all is:
What would you do?

I guess I would have to hope for a solid hook up and wait out the song.
By the way I went home empty handed for the day.
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Old 03-09-2009, 01:15 PM   #2
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use your feet!

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Old 03-09-2009, 02:16 PM   #3
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My question to you is "would you rather be bitten by a great white or an alligator?" Is this for real....
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Old 03-09-2009, 04:13 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by dorado50 View Post
My question to you is "would you rather be bitten by a great white or an alligator?" Is this for real....

Dorf... Kind of a strange question to ask here as some just don't understand.


Aside from reveille it's one of the early bugle calls you hear on ship/base/post and it is playing while the flag is being rasied. It demands the same respects as the national anthem and some take it very serious. Being a former Marine, I understand your post. Realize that many won't. I respected morning colors but taps was always my favorite. Maybe it was because it was played at night and it meant (most of the time) the day was done.

If you've got a couple minutes, here is the origin of Taps in the United States.
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Old 03-09-2009, 04:49 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by dorf View Post
I was in lacename w:st=" border=" 0="" alt="">lacename>San Diego lacetype w:st="on">Harbor lacetype>this past Saturday morning. I was riding the current past the sub base when the loud speaker comes on for morning colors. As I sat there, with my hat over my heart and a line in the water, I thought to myself “what if I had a huge hit right now?”

After serving 20 years in the Navy I had never been in such a predicament.

My question to you all is:
What would you do?

I guess I would have to hope for a solid hook up and wait out the song.
By the way I went home empty handed for the day.
We only have one country as free as this and I am thank full for all who make it this way, to answer you question, there are plenty of fish in the ocean, but only one country as free as this one. Just my 2 cents.
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Old 03-09-2009, 08:22 PM   #6
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got to go with wbrewsky, just ride it out.
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Old 03-09-2009, 08:58 PM   #7
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Patriotic question

First of all, no fair, Taps was not part of the original question, but it was added and I can't even think of Taps without thinking of my fathers' military funeral. I simply can't hear Taps and not cry. It's beautiful to me.
In answer to your question Dorf, I will relate a short, and possibly funny story. Just recently, my wife, Belen and I made a deal with each other that I would give up caffeinated soda for Lent and she would not buy anything from QVC. We're not very religious, it was more of a challenge. Anyway, my wife didn't last long and was feeling guilty, and she asked me, "Do you think Jesus would forgive me?" My answer was, "Of course he would".
Dorf, should you continue to show respect even though a fish might be calling while you are at attention? It's a good question. I would let the fish be until morning colors finished, then pull him in if he was still there. It's just one fish.
How does my story relate? I think everyone who is serving and has served would understand if you couldn't wait and pulled him in a bit sooner. They would forgive you. If you got bit hard and in your excitement fought the fish during colors, in my opinion it would in no way diminish your patriotism. Your service proves you are a Patriot. I know I can get long-winded. That's my opinion.
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Old 03-09-2009, 09:15 PM   #8
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Patriotic question indeed. If I recall correctly, if you're on post (or sometimes right outside the gate since you can't come in anyhow since the guards are saluting) then you give the proper respects of...attention/salute....or maybe parade rest?, regardless of what's being conducted (ie. if your driving you pull over, get out of your car and go to attention or salute or parade rest? can't remember .

1. Since you're sitting in a kayak, you aren't able to give the proper respects anyhow, and 2. not being in service any longer, I don't believe you're held accountable to follow those traditions.

However, since you're patriotic like me, I know on a couple occasions while hearing morning colors as a civilian at the AFRC I just sat quietly and proud, and reflected on my personal service and loosely remembered the several times I had to serve as honor guard and raise the flag. And, you know what....if someone came up to me during that time and talked to me I wouldn't ignore them or tell him/her to shut the F up, I'd probably just tell them to hold on a second and then educate them on the tradition. So without a doubt, I personally would be setting the hook and thinking "Fish On!!!!...God is thanking me for my service"

Last edited by Grego; 03-09-2009 at 09:40 PM.
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Old 03-10-2009, 08:52 AM   #9
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I appologize for not making my post clearer.
Colors is the time (at 8am everyday and sunset every day) when the American flag is raised and lowered.

I am proud of my country and my service to my country.
My question was not what should I do (I have missed a lot of fish in my days and one more will not hurt me) but more to get a feel as to what others are doing. As I sat there paying my respects I had noticed a few boaters/fisherman paying their respects but there were also a few who did not.

I retired after 20 years in the Navy in September 08 but continue to work on a Naval Facility. The flag goes up to the tune of the National Anthem every morning. I alawys get chocked up with this song as it always reminds me of why I am here and where I have come from. Taps makes my eyes well up as well but, unfortunately, I am not at work until sunset.

Thank you all for sharing your thought on this matter. It is truly nice to hear stories about how you fell about your country. A few years ago my wife gave me a copy of Chicken Soup for theVeteran's Soul. I get chocked up every time I read it. I highly recomend this book to any one who has served or knows someone who has.
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Old 03-10-2009, 09:41 AM   #10
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Anyone currently or former military would have the same moments of reflection as you did. All the others would only have the Pledge of Allegiance in Kindergarten to reflect upon, so it wouldn't have made much of an impression.
Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day. Give a fish a man and he'll eat for a week.
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Old 03-11-2009, 06:36 AM   #11
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Military or not ALL should recognize the sound of freedom and the costs paid for it!
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Old 03-11-2009, 07:26 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by j mo View Post
Military or not ALL should recognize the sound of freedom and the costs paid for it!
Amen Brother!
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Old 03-11-2009, 01:23 PM   #13
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Never being in the military, I have nontheless use to work near MCRD by the airport and could hear them play every day. I always stopped what I was doing to pay my respects. That said, I think I would set the hook with my left hand and wait for colors to end.
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Old 03-11-2009, 01:54 PM   #14
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I'm sure most people understand,its the "whats this has to do with fishing" that probably raises a question. My fam has a great history with the military,some guys sacrifice by the cost of anothers life. So I say when its time to be "patrioatic",be patriotic; when its time to "fish " fish.
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Old 03-11-2009, 11:12 PM   #15
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hi guys this is my first posting on this site. i was moved by what many of you have said regarding this question about Colors. many of you have had the honor of serving our great country and protecting our way of life. i myself never got that oppertunity as much as i wanted to serve and believe that EVER AMERICAN IN THIS COUNTRY SHOULD DEVOTE AT LEAST 2 YRS OF HIS OR HER LIFE TO THE SERVICE OF OUR COUNTRY MILITARY OR CIVIL.

i can't speak for others. but as i honor my country and its fallen children i would reel in and put my hand over my heart to give my respect to such a great and wonderful country that has given me so much.

its nice to see that so many of you love our country when so many seen to want to drag us back to a time that wasn't so pretty.
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Old 03-12-2009, 02:14 PM   #16
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As a past bugler of my company I really appreciated the creation of this thread and the overwhelming response by you all. The video reference was great - I never knew how taps originated. Thanks.

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Old 03-12-2009, 02:21 PM   #17
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I don't know about you guys, but I can do 2 things at once. Set the hook with my left hand and keep my hat over my right.

I never served, but both great grandfathers, both grandfathers, and my father all served in the army. I'm one of those geeks that always goes up to service men and thank them for protected our country.

Great Thread!

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Old 03-14-2009, 10:59 PM   #18
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When I was recalled to active duty (01-04) I did a lot of paddling around the bay. I would get off work and go paddling most afternoons. Many times I would find myself close enough to NASNI or the sub base to hear evening colors. I would always stop and pay my respects. Even if it meant drifting a hundred yards the wrong direction or having to paddle like mad to get out of the channel afterward; it didn't matter. I have served for twenty years and I respect and honor our flag. A bite can wait for a minute.
Douglas Gaxiola
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Old 03-15-2009, 03:46 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by dorado50 View Post
I'm sure most people understand,its the "whats this has to do with fishing" that probably raises a question. My fam has a great history with the military,some guys sacrifice by the cost of anothers life. So I say when its time to be "patrioatic",be patriotic; when its time to "fish " fish.
you are an ass! It is always time to be patriotic!
Years ago, after spending some "rehabilitation" time, I was reintroduced to the work force as a job coach for the "mentally disabled" in the pot shack at the MCRD. Even these people knew to drop whatever they were doing and show some respect!
he hates these cans!

Last edited by sdcityboy; 03-15-2009 at 04:20 AM. Reason: tone it down!
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