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Old 12-09-2008, 11:23 AM   #21
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6'3" 225 on my Outback.
I take my 2 boys on with me (one 65lbs. on the front one 80lbs. in the back). We all catch fish and move around find.
Launching (by myself) at LJ is great. Drop the rudder and the drive in and cut through the waves like butter.
Don't try to confuse me with facts! I hereby reject your reality and submit my own.
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Old 12-09-2008, 12:12 PM   #22
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I tried....really, I did!

I must be the minority...After demoing both the Revo and Adventure (twice each) here is what I have found:

Both mirage drives were set to slot 7 (furthest out) to give me the most room available.

Revo: when reaching full stride (bottom of pedal stroke) my knees are still quite bent and can't get a nice full stride like a bicycle. When trying to make a fuller stride, mirage drive "bottoms out".

Adventure: More room (length) in the cockpit. Legs can get a full stride. At bottom of stride, heels hit the molded foot well on both sides with each revolution of the pedals. (Damn size 14 feet) Tried moving feet up higher on the pedals. Only way to get my heels to clear the foot wells was to position my arches on the middle of the pedal. Try this for 30min or so next time you are out and your feet will agree that this is not ideal.

1 Mile Time: Since the Adventure is considered the fastest yak in the fleet, I took it from point A to point B (about a mile) and reached the destination in approx. 19min. This was with a very consistent and relaxed cadence similar to what I thought I would be comfortable all day long while fishing.
Made the same trip with an OK Trident 15, again with a very relaxed and consistent paddle stroke, and what do you know......19 min!

Can't say anything bad about the Hobie's (other than I don't fit too well). For now, I am going to stick with the paddle as I just picked up a new yak ('08 Tarpon 160i) at a great price. (Thanks again, Dave!)
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Old 12-09-2008, 12:27 PM   #23
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I think I have the new offensive line to help out the chargers this year...

Originally Posted by bellcon View Post
6'4" 230lb
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6'2" 210 with a revo
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I'm 6'3" and weigh about 230
Originally Posted by Drew View Post
6'4" 230 here!
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6'3" 225 on my Outback.
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Old 12-09-2008, 03:18 PM   #24
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Steveoo, you don't want me on your football team, I'm a wuss when it comes to playing football. To much running around and getting hurt. I do pretty well at softball though.

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Old 12-09-2008, 03:23 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by One Rev View Post
Steveoo, you don't want me on your football team, I'm a wuss when it comes to playing football. To much running around and getting hurt. I do pretty well at softball though.

At this point, I think you would be a great asset to the chargers offensive line, heck, my wife would be a great asset to them right now.
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Old 12-09-2008, 03:28 PM   #26
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thats actually a small o-line for high schools now a days

and i played d-line anyways...

besides i am a Raider fan

oh my God... did i just type that?
wait let me hit delete before i submit....
and all the San Diego boys wanna kick my ass...
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Old 12-09-2008, 04:18 PM   #27
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Chicks dig the longball

Paddling gives you bigger guns, guys.

Seriously, I would be concerned about a tow things with peddle power-
a) I can turn my Cobra Maurader on a dime and chase off in another direction -- like when birds start crashing 400 yars behind. A hobie has to make a big circle.... and I would challenge almost any peddler to beat most padders to the spot in a sprint like that.
b) How do you pack your rods into the dry hull on a tough day landing on a Hobie? Not possible... and, if you do this enough, you will encounter a crash landing now and then.

Then there is the cost difference between the boats.

"Back in the day, we.... "
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Old 12-09-2008, 04:46 PM   #28
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[quote=steveooo;31469]I think I have the new offensive line to help out the chargers this year...

Man....I started this thread, am 6'-5", 245 and got left off the list! I feel like the kid that get's picked last when choosing sides right about now.
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Old 12-09-2008, 04:48 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by Jimm H View Post
Paddling gives you bigger guns, guys.

Seriously, I would be concerned about a tow things with peddle power-
a) I can turn my Cobra Maurader on a dime and chase off in another direction -- like when birds start crashing 400 yars behind. A hobie has to make a big circle.... and I would challenge almost any peddler to beat most padders to the spot in a sprint like that.
b) How do you pack your rods into the dry hull on a tough day landing on a Hobie? Not possible... and, if you do this enough, you will encounter a crash landing now and then.

Then there is the cost difference between the boats.


My response-
A- Sailing rudder= Very tight turns. Plus, don't forget, we still always have a paddle. If it were easier or better to use a paddle to get somewhere or make a turn, we would use it. Fortunately, in most cases, it is more advantageous to use the paddles and rudder. I would bet that in a 400 yd turn then sprint, we would be pretty even. After that, I'd challenge you to a 6 mile sprint.

B- When we went to catalina last year I put five rods and reels
(up to 8 1/2 ft) inside my hobie. I even have a kayatank in the middle hatch. I have also done this OTW. Maybe not as easy as in a traditional yak, but still possible. I usually just leash and try not to flip.

Yes there is a price difference- A Ferrari is more expensive than a Kia.

Sure your guns may be bigger, but I have a HUGE A$$ from kicking that thing around the ocean. I'll build my guns through Unfortunately usually means I am snagged on some kelp or a lobster buoy, not on a fish.

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Old 12-09-2008, 09:06 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by steveooo View Post
Plus, don't forget, we still always have a paddle. If it were easier or better to use a paddle to get somewhere or make a turn, we would use it.

Can you honestly grab your paddle and pull the mirage drive out faster than you could just make the turn with the mirage drive?

Im Just curious, dont take this like I am taking a Side. I love my Paddle yaks, the peddling just isnt for me.
CJ Siebler

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Old 12-10-2008, 04:11 AM   #31
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We all agree to disagree...

My decision to go for the foot power, was based 90% on
my torn rotator cuff in my left shoulder, and the ominous pain
starting in the right (age and the abuse of my youth).
I had a FND before the revo, and it was a great yak, but
if you can't paddle then you have to peddle.
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Old 12-10-2008, 07:23 AM   #32
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Originally Posted by Siebler View Post
Can you honestly grab your paddle and pull the mirage drive out faster than you could just make the turn with the mirage drive?

Im Just curious, dont take this like I am taking a Side. I love my Paddle yaks, the peddling just isnt for me.
I rarely take out the peddles. If I am going to make a turn, I will usually peddle because it it faster. If I am in tight quarters like making bait at the pier, I will leave the drive in, use the PAddle to turn the boat, and head on out. The peddles act as a pivot point and I can turn my 16 ft boat around on a flat plane.

I'm not taking sides either. I'll be the fist to admit that pEddling is way gayer than pAddling. In certain situations, pAddles are better than pEddles. I'm still filp- flopping of what yak I want next in the arsenal, but I know it will be a pAddle yak. I think I have an un-curable addiction to toys.

Currently, I use the hobie for several reasons.

1) I don't get out that often. When I had my pAddle yak, I found that I did not go out enough to stay in pAddle shape. After a few hours of bieng on the water, I was spent. Its nice to be able to go out for ten hours and twenty miles, and still return with energy.
2) Shoulder problems. Competitive training in swimming has left me with a tempermental left shoulder. Sometimes I have trouble lifting my arm above my head. The result was a VERY low profile paddle stroke, which was pretty ineffective for the type of fishing we do here. On the other hand, recreational basketball has left me with a bum knee, which is not hobie friendly. I really can't use either injury as a serious crutch.
3) Weather conditions. I have been turned away by weather only once. Bottom line- Peddling gives you the ability to get out in all but the toughest wind. I have never doubted my ability to make progress in wind.

While i defend Hobies because I use them, I know there is downfalls.

1) No purist aspect. But, how many of you can look at your kayaks and honestly say you are a purist? I do agree that there is something pure about gliding across the water with a paddle.
2) Peddles + Kelp = FUBAR. I dont like purposly fishing for calicos that much, so its not that big of a deal. I just stay on the edge.
3) More mechanics = More potential for failure. I have destroyed my mirage drive several times OTW. Catapalooza was the worst. I went waaaay to far south in some decenly nasty weather before POP! POP! Out of comission. I am lucky that my boat is shaped ok enough to paddle. In my old egg-shaped outback, I would have been calling the coast guard. While I probably have the worst record of mirage drive failure out there, it has never been bad enough to make me ditch the Hobies. Worst case scenario is that I have to pAddle.

To sum up, I'll say what has been said a thousand times. Go test paddle (or peddle) as many yaks (or peddle-boats) as you can. Find what works for you, and use it. My mistake last time is that I bought a yak based off of what other people said was the best, but I found that I ended up with a boat that was not the best for me.Someone got a killer deal because of that mistake. http://www.bigwatersedge.com/bwevb/s...ead.php?t=2849
I have nothing but good things to say about OEX, Dana Pt Jet Ski, or Fastlane. They will all help you get the right boat, suited for what you need. But, if you do get a hobie, be prepared for the endless heckling.
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Old 12-10-2008, 08:25 AM   #33
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Still have both

I still have a paddle kayak that i use of an on epending on conditons. But i can say that most of the turning and strorage is not a problem. Just have a little getting used to. LIke said before yu dont pull up mirage drive to turnin tight situations. it actualy helps. Same here with rod strorage I have put my rods in the hull plenty of times just tkaes a little more time. But how do yu make up that time. Well once yu have practiced with it for a wile its fun to try to use peddles at same time a paddle. I know some track better than others but in my adventure not to tough.... and it real gets out and moves. even if just for fun. I do this for a few hundred yards at a time and its not that hard. give it a try next time.
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Old 12-10-2008, 10:39 AM   #34
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Originally Posted by Jimm H View Post
Paddling gives you bigger guns, guys.

Seriously, I would be concerned about a tow things with peddle power-
I have towed a tourist Sailboarder back to the Hilton in Mission Bay without any problem.
a) I can turn my Cobra Maurader on a dime and chase off in another direction -- like when birds start crashing 400 yars behind. A hobie has to make a big circle....
Maybe your talking about the Adventure, but certainly not the Revo, or Outback. They both turn good.
and I would challenge almost any peddler to beat most padders to the spot in a sprint like that.
When was the last time you sprinted up against a Revo, or Adventure with turbo finns ? The last time I tried was against a Scupper Pro and he lost the sprint.
b) How do you pack your rods into the dry hull on a tough day landing on a Hobie? Not possible...
You can load rods into the Revo more easily than the Adventure, but I usually don't do that. If its thumping and I think it may toss me I usually pull the reels and stow them in a dry bag. The rods stay leashed above deck.
and, if you do this enough, you will encounter a crash landing now and then.

Then there is the cost difference between the boats.
You get what you pay for. Hobie kayaks are strong boats with lots of versatility.

Thats been my experience using them. Test drive an 09 Revo and you will see for yourself.
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Old 12-10-2008, 11:06 AM   #35
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Paddle or Peddle

I have an X-Factor, bought it at OEX Sunset! Other than the handles wearing out, I love it. For a fat guy, it is the way to go

I was told by a few Peddlers, that they suffer form lower back pain after long rides….is that true?
Malibu Johnny
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Old 12-10-2008, 01:02 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by MalibuJohnny View Post
I was told by a few Peddlers, that they suffer form lower back pain after long rides….is that true?
I had more back, and shoulder pain when I used to paddle.

Those people that told you that must not have their seat/peddles set up
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Old 12-10-2008, 02:06 PM   #37
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Regarding the back pain - my back hurt the first few times a little. Probably just getting used to the correct angles, etc...I haven't had a problem since.

As for stowing the rods (the comment that you couldn't in a Hobie)...that's just complete misinformation. In both the Adventure & Revolution I've stowed my rods & reels tons of times with no issues.

What people forget is that you still have a paddle if you own a Hobie. I used to paddle my Adventure all over the place. I used a rod leash and tossed my pedals behind my stuff in the tankwell and off I went. I'm in or around kelp all the time - you can bring the pedal drive opening plug (AKA cassette something or other) and pop it in and it's a paddle kayak.

I will admit that the tracking isn't the best while paddling. I have the Revo now and you seem to fight it a little. I just drop my rudder down (the rudder control is fairly tight) and that seems to help quite a bit.

I know of someone who went to a Hobie and then went back, but for every one of them I know a dozen more who went to the Hobie and stayed. It's not for everyone but they're pretty awesome yaks IMO.
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Old 12-10-2008, 02:45 PM   #38
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For anyone who bought a Hobie and wants to go back, I would gladly trade my Prowler 13 for a Hobie.
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Old 12-10-2008, 03:00 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by MVC View Post
For anyone who bought a Hobie and wants to go back, I would gladly trade my Prowler 13 for a Hobie.
That is a bad-ass calico in your avatar. I though I ate all the big ones at LJ.
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Old 12-10-2008, 04:46 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by Siebler View Post
Can you honestly grab your paddle and pull the mirage drive out faster than you could just make the turn with the mirage drive?

Im Just curious, dont take this like I am taking a Side. I love my Paddle yaks, the peddling just isnt for me.

Flip up rudder= 1 sec.
depress drive pedals (folds flaps completele up against hull)=1 sec.
unbungee paddle=2-3 seconds

from a standstill you would realistically have about 7 seconds on me but I would get up to speed faster than you

now if we were at stride all I have to do is turn that rudder and do an about face in about 3 seconds with very little loss of speed and be back up to spedd in less time again.
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