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Old 04-03-2020, 07:45 PM   #1
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SHARK swam after my kayak in carpinteria

I was trolling some plastic in 30 ft of water on Carp reef. After I released a small calico bass when I heard water moving behind my 15 foot kayak. I looked back and saw a shark following my kayak! His fin was out of the water 15 feet from my kayak. I think it was 9 foot long. When I stopped moving, he left. But, 5 min later when I started moving again he was back! I then stopped paddling for 10 min and didn't see him anymore. Later, when I couold research the tail fin shape, I think this was a blue shark. I wonder if someone else had this happen?
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Old 04-04-2020, 06:22 AM   #2
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Here why!

had to do it. . but on a serious note, when I was a kid fishing with my pops in a rented skiff from paradise cove we came across a blue shark that was bigger than the skiff. my uncle had hooked a seagull while casting live bait, and after getting the bird untangled, well lets say the bird was badly injured. my uncle released him where he sat atop the water for not very long. before we knew it, the bird was gone atop the water and then the blue started circling the built in bait tank in the center of the skiff. that being said, this is the ocean. you kayak long enough and you will come across lots of amazing things. whites are more common in my opinion and I have encountered one being aggressive with my bait tube. during the 2014 squid bite, an adult female white was snagged in the net which I would estimate to be over 14'. I am sure, plenty of guys will jump in on this one.
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Old 04-04-2020, 06:39 AM   #3
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Blue sharks are very curious. Do you have fish finder? They can sense the pings. They are attracted to the splashing of your paddles and the Sea Lion shape of small boats and Yaks. IÂ’ve had them come up and chew on the prop on my outboard motor in the skiff. They are quite docile, but they will try to check you out by coming really close. As a diver this can be disconcerting. A large Mako or White will aggressively bump you because they donÂ’t like you in their territory. Leave immediately and smoothly with a minimum of splashing. Never hit them with your paddle! This just pisses them off! You can gently push them away and leave the area.
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Old 04-04-2020, 06:44 PM   #4
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whats concerning is you didn't try and catch it !!!! why ? it could of been the biggest ever catch off carp ......
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Old 04-04-2020, 11:26 PM   #5
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In SE Florida, we occasionally get harassed by sharks usually taking all, or a bite out of our catches.
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On several occasions, I have been followed by Hammerheads for up to 30 minutes. A few times they have rammed my kayak, one time charging and turning at the last moment to soak me with a tail lash of water.
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Thankfully they have never taken a bite on the yak, but I carry duct seal and flex tape in case of an unexpected hole. There is a youtube video of an instance when a hammerhead did bite a kayak, but thankfully the tooth marks were minor. My worse loss up to now has been the tail half of a nice wahoo, the shark bumped the kayak a few times after I pulled the fish out of the water before swimming off.
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Old 04-10-2020, 09:17 AM   #6
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F%*$# Sharks! I respect them and all but they scare the shit out of me and dread the day I come across on in the Water weather it be in my kayak or boat.
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Old 04-10-2020, 09:34 AM   #7
Harry Hill
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A few years back while fishing Corona Del Mar we had just talked with a guy who caught a big thresher when while I was catching Sand Dabs a big Bat Ray followed my catch up and then latched onto my foot. All I could think was SHARK, I wasn't hurt but it scared the crap out of me and ruined my day. I had to go into the bay after that I was so rattled.
you can't eat it if you release it
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Old 04-10-2020, 10:54 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by jbl_91762 View Post
F%*$# Sharks! I respect them and all but they scare the shit out of me and dread the day I come across on in the Water weather it be in my kayak or boat.
I've run into white sharks twice now. Once about 6 miles off San Onofre while trying to restart a flooded 2-stroke on my buddy's old center console. 8-9 footer was circling under us like a vulture waiting for one of us to jump in. The other time was much scarier. Was doing some free-diving about a quarter mile offshore of Laguna. When I was about mid-level in the water column, I saw something out of the corner of my eye. I turned to see it was a small great white casually turning way from me and swimming off. Never felt that vulnerable in my life. The surface was 10 feet above any structure to hold onto was still 10-15 feet below. No spear gun or anything to even attempt to defend myself with. Just me floating in the middle of the water like a damn shark lure. Not a good time.
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Old 04-10-2020, 11:02 AM   #9
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Could have been a lot worse of a day. Here is a post by RHYAK in late 2014 about his story that appeared on national TV news and I believe the same day some miles away a surfer was attached. I tried to attach a couple links to his original article but the links on the posts to stories on CNN and other don't work anymore. This first link has the pictures of the kayak and Great White Teeth marks. http://www.bigwatersedge.com/bwevb/s...ad.php?t=23518

2nd page full update
Vandenberg Shark Attack
Date: October 3rd, 2014
Time: Approximately 2pm
Area: Off Boat House

I joined Vincent Culliver and Brad Rudolf to go fishing for the first time off of Vandenberg Air Force Base. We met at Vincent’s house to get loaded up and drive in together. Another guy, believe his name was Mike, arrived as we loaded the kayaks onto a trailer and loaded up and drove onto the base. We had late start, getting to the launch area around 10am. We made it onto the water and started fishing in 40-70 feet of water with swim baits. I caught a couple small Lingcod 25-29inchers, a few rockfish, and a 20inch Cabezon. Vincent caught a nice 20lb ling and released it. Overall, there was no great bite going on in the area. There was one other boat in the area when we arrived, fishing maybe 100-150 yards inside of us. Around 11am 2 other kayakers were on their way out to meet us, whom I had yet to meet for the first time. They were about 100 yards from us in about 40 FOW. I remember hearing screams and looking over and seeing two kayaks and one angler. As I bolted over to help, I was asking myself how and why did this guy fall off his kayak on a flat day like today. The boat that was fishing pulled up at the same time as I did. As I approached the area, I noticed that the kayak was a Hobie PA and upside down as the man was clinging to the top of his kayak. He said he was uninjured. They said a great white circled them and then came and knocked the man out of his kayak and struck the kayak in the mirage drive area. The boat Elizabeth Ann was able to load the two guys onto their boat and pulled them into the harbor that we launched from by the boat house and they headed home for the day. They estimated the shark at approximately 18+ feet. He did have a bite mark in the front area of his kayak. The other guy Mike that fished with us followed them in and decided to call it a day.

Brad, Vincent and I decided we would stick it out and try and find some fish to bring home. We all decided to fish close to each other to appear as a larger object, in hopes of decreasing a chance of an attack. We also figured, what are the chances of this happening twice in the same day. We fished for about 2-3 hours, when it happened. We were under way, via peddle power, to a new location. We probably moved 100 ft or so from our last stop, with Vincent just at the port stern maybe 5ft from my kayak and Brad just on Vincent’s port side. The next thing that happened was the first and hopefully lthe last worst experience of my life. I was struck from the bottom of my kayak with such force that it tossed me and the kayak straight up into the air. I remember hearing Vincent scream , “That thing is Bleeping HUGE!” Then I remember hearing my name being called by both guys over and over and over again. I remember hitting the water and popping up to the surface as my kayak rammed me. I was pushed for what felt like a long time but could not have been longer than a few seconds, with the shark having the kayak in its mouth and me holding onto the other side of the kayak. All I remember is seeing gray as I tried to look over the kayak. It finally let go of the kayak and sank into the depths. I was able to get a look at the kayak and saw a whole about 6inches long and had about a 2inch wide gap and knew right then getting back on that kayak was not an option. Vincent came up and I jumped on the back of his Pro Angler and we called for help from the boat that was in the area not long before, which was on its way south back to Santa Barbara Harbor at this point. The boat returned and the three of us jumped on and pulled the Outback on board as well. It was taking on way too much water at this point.
Upon getting back on land and looking at the kayak further, there were two distinct bite marks. One was located on the seat area and one in the drive area. The mirage drive itself took some damage and the kayak took a good chunk as well. The mouth opening was approximately 24inch by 19 inches and tooth gap was about 2.25 inches, which predicts the shark to be over 20ft, per the Shark research committee.

I took a lot from this experience and am very thankful to have come out uninjured. First, the PFD helped keep me on the surface when I was thrown from the kayak. If I didn’t have it, I may not have been back on the surface when the kayak came towards me. I might have been in the path of the shark bite, coming back for seconds. Secondly, having the VHF radio really saved us on getting a boat to come and help us. Sitting out in that area with a known shark after physically experiencing that would have been tough, and moving a kayak with two people is slow going for sure. Third, having that buddy system is a must as well. I enjoy fishing solo and the peace from it, but I rarely fish solo and will never do it again on the ocean. Fourth, when there is an attack in the area earlier that day or even the day before get off the water. Findings are suggesting that the surfer attacked on Thursday and our attacks on Friday are two separate sharks based on bite marks. My plans from here on out is to get back out on a kayak, hopefully a Hobie, and replenish all my fishing gear and go-pro.
Team Central Coast Kayak Fishing
MARK ......... 2016 MALIBU X FACTOR, 2020 SOLO SKIFF (Fishing Kayak on Steroids )
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Old 04-10-2020, 01:52 PM   #10
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Scary as hell! We all try to keep those what if thoughts in the back of our mind, until it happens. Ive only been kayak fishing a few years, but I have not had an encounter. I started kayak fishing basically when the shark spike happened in dana point off capo beach. You know, the video of the helicopter telling people to get out of the water.
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Old 04-11-2020, 12:53 PM   #11
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In 2017 I was fishing County line encountered a 15ft Hammer head on the way to the big whole shark was aggressive false charged several times stayed with me for about an hour would see him on the FF
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Old 04-11-2020, 08:44 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by DanaYakAngler View Post
Scary as hell! We all try to keep those what if thoughts in the back of our mind, until it happens. Ive only been kayak fishing a few years, but I have not had an encounter. I started kayak fishing basically when the shark spike happened in dana point off capo beach. You know, the video of the helicopter telling people to get out of the water.
Yes! I remember that. That was the year I had my run-in while freediving in Laguna.
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Old 04-30-2020, 06:25 PM   #13
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More shark sightings in Carpinteria

One friend who is always surf fishing in Carp, said he recently saw a 16' shark.
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