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Old 09-14-2017, 04:55 PM   #1
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Went on a 1.5 day trip out of Point Loma. Prior to getting into kayaking I was really getting into going out on overnight trips. Then I ran across some anglers who were also kayak fisherman. One thing lead to another and I was turned on to BWE and fish porn and was instantly hooked. After seeing all the trophy fish being caught on kayaks, I decided to buy my first Hobie. Eventually after years of fishing I finally broke the doors down and started catching fish. It was a tough road. During that stretch of time, if it could go wrong, than it did. I have been really fortunate and have had some amazing days on the water after that. Days when I was on fire and people around me just could not buy a bite. Once you have cauaght what most consider a "fish of a lifetime" from a kayak, everything else seems almost like child's play. There is something about a yellowtail taking you on a sleigh ride. Also the fact that we get out on water and handle business, everything from making bait, ideally findinding or marking the fish, and hopefully fortunate enough to hook and land a fish. Maybe multiple fish on a good day? Another great thing about kayaking is that it can be a relatively low cost in comparison to other types of ocean fishing, especially compared to owning/ operating your own private boat or getting out on a commercial boat. That being the case, it is not often anymore that I do get out commercial boats. Needless to say the season has been extradinarory the last few years. It have been 3-4 years since I have done a trip, maybe more? With some big cows being pulled this season, I figured I would give it a shot. I struck out on a day and a half trip where the fish were coming over slowly but steadily. All over a 100 lbs. So I decided to give it another shot and ended up getting on a different landing and boat. This trip would be downscaled but increase everyone's chance of coming home with something. The tuna fishing was slow that day but I scratched out limits of bluefin. Probably liw 20 's. The boat decided to move on. We found some schools of tuna and scratched out a few here and there on the slide. Half of our time was spent so we moved on. We anchored up at San Clemente and get into what I would call a wide open yellow bite. I think the final count was over 50 landed in the span of 4 hours give or take. Just when it seemed like the bite was over because the sun was setting, 4 rods loaded up including myself. My final tally was 5 yellows , 2 tuna. Yellows were all over 22 lb. estimated. What would have been a great memory sadly turned into a sinking feeling due to the fact that I got home with almost half my fish missing. At end of trip they called out my number on dock and handed out my bags. When another number was called I figured I was done so I took off . Apperantly I had some other bags still in cart. Capt. claims it is my fault I did not wait. I was planning to do another trip in a few days but have too many bad experiences with San Diego boats and think I'm pretty much done. I know I'm not the only one who has a horrir story to tell about missing fish. In fact, I have heard of worse cases where an anglers fish was mistagged and given to another angler. The Capt. claims they waited 45 min. Calling my number before eventually giving my fish to another party. Because I don't do these trips often, I tried to be fair and forked out almost 80$ for fish tips. I hope the guy who has my fish enjoys it. Anyways, stuff happens. But again, sadly the "trip of lifetime" was ruined with the fact that I did not get what I paid for. I hope others have s more pleasant closing if year. Tight lines.
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Old 09-14-2017, 05:17 PM   #2
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Fish porn

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Old 09-14-2017, 09:03 PM   #3
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That's why I always count my fish up at dock.
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Old 09-15-2017, 02:59 AM   #4
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so wheres the HORROR STORY?

sounds like you left without your fish and are mad at them for not seeking you out.

you got yellows and a BFT limit, what are you complaining about?
"Beware the lollipop of mediocrity; lick it once and you’ll suck forever." — Brian Wilson
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Old 09-15-2017, 06:21 AM   #5
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I tag my own

Originally Posted by Dannowar View Post
so wheres the HORROR STORY?

sounds like you left without your fish and are mad at them for not seeking you out.

you got yellows and a BFT limit, what are you complaining about?
I take it upon myself on those longer trips to bleed, tag and bag my catch, that way I know my count and am sure it goes into the right bag. When the bite WFO, those deckhands are running around like MAD. Just my 2cents.

Totally agree with Danny on this one bro.
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Old 09-15-2017, 07:03 AM   #6
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I went out on a yellowtail trip earlier this year and had a bad experience on a boat I've always enjoyed. New crew, different captain. One deckhand was rude and condescending, I actually got mad and eventually asked him what I did to annoy him.

On top of that, the anglers were massively aggressive. I got hit in the head by casters and shoved from the rail by others trying to get on the rail in the back.

I haven't been back since. Give me my kayak any day, even if all I catch is mackerel.
So long and thanks for all the fish...
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Old 09-15-2017, 09:45 AM   #7
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You did get "exactly what you paid for"! The boat took you out and it looks like you were pretty successful catching fish.

It's tough to read into posts, but if you feel like YOU ruined a trip of a lifetime by leaving your fish bag at the dock, then cool. But if you called the landing and are somehow blaming the crew for you leaving the bags at the dock, then that's another thing entirely. What happened to personal responsibility? I hope you mean the former instead of the latter...
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Old 09-15-2017, 09:55 AM   #8
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If there's one thing we can all take from this it's that nobody should ever fish in San Diego.
"Beware the lollipop of mediocrity; lick it once and you’ll suck forever." — Brian Wilson
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Old 09-19-2017, 11:24 AM   #9
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Was not intended to bash. Just share my experience.. number 7 ? You left your fish on the dock this morning. I guess I'm not the only one to take off so fast and leave fish behind. Anyway, just got back from another trip with El Captain. Was so please with my time on water the first time that I gave it anther shot. Limits of footballs, wide open bones, and a few big calico to top off. What a way to wrap up the winding down season. Hope to see you guys next year.
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Old 09-19-2017, 11:25 AM   #10
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Why would I come down this fall and winter ?

Originally Posted by Dannowar View Post
If there's one thing we can all take from this it's that nobody should ever fish in San Diego.
And rape your home Guards?
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Old 09-19-2017, 12:54 PM   #11
Dirty Curti
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I get what you are saying. If it was a perfectly run industry then they would be a little more efficient. On boats with bigger loads should put each numbered fish bag in it's on brown sack so all of the angler's fish is in one bag together.

I can appreciate the fact that the crew is working hard and for some it's their first job learning the ropes but teaching isn't their best trait. They learn by sink or swim mentality.

I was out last week on an overnight and all I ended up with was a small skip jack. The boat was in constant move. We trolled until a hookup and the capt. would give us like 5 minutes to toss lures or bait for any stragglers and then WINDEM UP WERE MOVING. Instead of working the area a little to get them going.

Since I only had the one fish I was just going to take that one home a prepare it myself and told the crew to not filet my fish.

As they were collecting the galley and fish cleaning I hear my numbered called and I owe $7.00....For what? "Your fish" I didn't want my fish cleaned.

Are you kidding me?!? It's $7.00 to clean a skip jack. I could understand it if it were a bluefin or yellow but not a small skip jack.

I get it that they are working for their money but as a guy who runs a business I don't make all of my money on 1 sale it is made on multiple sales. So I felt pretty screwed on that one.

I know some of you will stick up for the boats and what they charge but I have a right to my opinion and I don't think it's fair to charge $7.00 for a skip jack especially after $215.00 on an overnight boat ride!

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Old 09-19-2017, 01:26 PM   #12
donkey roper
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I don't think you will find too many real kayak fishers who are stoked to go cram onto a floating porta-poty and gaff every rat yellow that comes up. The cattle boat fishing experience is the polar opposite of what we love about fishing.

I'd rather chase schooly yt inshore all day or even calicos... than fish with a bunch of "salty crew" bro'ed out deckhands and regulars who are way too cool for school. They just bitter cause they can't get their heads right while they "fish".

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Old 09-20-2017, 06:04 AM   #13
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That is

Originally Posted by chris138 View Post
I don't think you will find too many real kayak fishers who are stoked to go cram onto a floating porta-poty and gaff every rat yellow that comes up. The cattle boat fishing experience is the polar opposite of what we love about fishing.

I'd rather chase schooly yt inshore all day or even calicos... than fish with a bunch of "salty crew" bro'ed out deckhands and regulars who are way too cool for school. They just bitter cause they can't get their heads right while they "fish".

What I found attractive about this boat. It is limited load. Needless to say, more money. And I will agree with you, once you have caught a yellow from a kayak nothing else compares. Running down rat yellows on a 3/4 day, no thanks. It is the end of the season and I really did have a blast doing something different. Also the fact that it has been nearly half a decade since my last tuna trip and large models off shore, I could not turn down the opportunity. No luck with any cows due to the fact that I was not in tune with what was going on. It did not take me long though. Pretty simple stuff. Belly hooked dine on some 50 flouro was a safe bet along with 500 yards of 80-100 lb. braid. I will give it a shot again next year if they appear in force. Until then I am gonna savor having something different on the table. Fresh poke bowls is how we have been preparing the fish and it is going quickly. As soon as I get my gear squared away, I will be back on water paddling. I'm really looking forward to fishing for some home guards. Tight lines everyone.
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Old 09-20-2017, 04:22 PM   #14
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That's fishing, your either get lucky and they show up or they don't for a million reason.. We got lucky.. bigger grades, brutal fight and hell of fun with my charter.. nothing under 100# ..best way to fish if you can on charters... leave with truck load and smiles to last till last smoked tuna is done..

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Old 09-22-2017, 01:20 PM   #15
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Damn, momo had a sick trip there. Bottom line when you put your fishing into the hands of someone else you have to be careful of where you set your expectations.

Chris said it best, definitely not the experience most self contained kayak fisherman seek.

I'd personally rather skunk myself than have a terrible experience on a cattle boat. I've had bite of a lifetime experiences ruined by 20 rental rod coffee grinders wrapping up my line to no end. Braid only cuts so many people off.

If you are going to go, I recommend holding off on multiple over-nighters to fork up the time and money for a minimum three day. You get more serious fisherman, more time on the water and better customer service. Otherwise, go hunt them out on your yak or buy a boat.

Sorry you didn't get your fish you caught. You can kind of blame them and kind of blame yourself. I say this with total sarcasm but, "Next time be a real fisherman and gill and gut only so you can harvest head, collars and all."
Climb, Surf, Fish, Repeat
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Old 09-22-2017, 02:36 PM   #16
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TJ, thanks for sharing your experience. Your post is just the right timing to me. I was thinking to try Liberty 3/4 day at SD as my 1st ticket in SoCal fishing. But after reading your post and others comments I am a bit hesitant to make the call now. On the other hand, taking my kayak and drive all the way down from bay area to SD for a day or two fishing probably isn't the best idea either. Is there anything you would recommend? Many thanks!
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Old 09-23-2017, 04:30 PM   #17
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Mo mo

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Old 09-23-2017, 04:32 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by momo fish View Post
That's fishing, your either get lucky and they show up or they don't for a million reason.. We got lucky.. bigger grades, brutal fight and hell of fun with my charter.. nothing under 100# ..best way to fish if you can on charters... leave with truck load and smiles to last till last smoked tuna is done..

How many did you get?
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Old 09-23-2017, 04:35 PM   #19
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My fault

Originally Posted by maquinapescado View Post
Damn, momo had a sick trip there. Bottom line when you put your fishing into the hands of someone else you have to be careful of where you set your expectations.

Chris said it best, definitely not the experience most self contained kayak fisherman seek.

I'd personally rather skunk myself than have a terrible experience on a cattle boat. I've had bite of a lifetime experiences ruined by 20 rental rod coffee grinders wrapping up my line to no end. Braid only cuts so many people off.

If you are going to go, I recommend holding off on multiple over-nighters to fork up the time and money for a minimum three day. You get more serious fisherman, more time on the water and better customer service. Otherwise, go hunt them out on your yak or buy a boat.

Sorry you didn't get your fish you caught. You can kind of blame them and kind of blame yourself. I say this with total sarcasm but, "Next time be a real fisherman and gill and gut only so you can harvest head, collars and all."
Papa did not raise no fool. Second time around, I'll take fish whole. Thank you.
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