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Old 08-08-2008, 06:50 AM   #1
Bad Clone
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LJ shores FYI


It's been a bad clusterfuck lately. The good lifeguards have helped direct traffic. The bad ones have just stared blankly while people and cars pile up and get stuck.
MLPA, if you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem

Let the Fish and Game Commission know what you think about the proposed maps.

Be ready for December 9th and 10th.

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Old 08-08-2008, 06:59 AM   #2
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What's next charging admission to citizens for access to the ocean? I am a really easy going guy but our government is a joke!
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Old 08-08-2008, 07:32 AM   #3
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Thanks for the info.

This is a good time to remind everyone that we need to do our part in not negatively impacting the launch area.

1. Turn off your truck headlights(pointing at the hotel) will rigging.
2. Maybe the motor and the radios, but the wave pound takes care of that.
3. Pickup your trash and any other fish related trash on the beach if you can.

This one is real important. I'm not the best laucher/lander . I try not to leave loose hooks or lures on the deck just in case I have a yard sale landing. My biggest fear is that some kids going to get a hook in the foot that accidently fell off the yak. Then the media gets it and runs with it...

Also be careful with the sabikis. I stopped a little kid from walking into my sabiki rod. Damn what a mess that would have been.

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Old 08-08-2008, 07:39 AM   #4
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I've gotten annoyed with the piles of rental yaks on the beach taking up parking and unloading space. Last year they had a decent system where the rentals and commercials were up against the fence and the rest of us were around the circle.

This year it's been more chaotic. The groups of people waiting for a tour and getting the lecture from their tour guide standing in the middle of the parking/loading spots don't help either.

I hope whatever they chose helps out. I am for keeping ocean access free for private citizens, but wouldn't mind if commercial activities got limited or cut down.
MLPA, if you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem

Let the Fish and Game Commission know what you think about the proposed maps.

Be ready for December 9th and 10th.

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Old 08-08-2008, 07:52 AM   #5
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Once the MLPA shuts down LJ it will all be water under the bridge.
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Old 08-08-2008, 10:00 AM   #6
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“The idea is, let's charge these businesses a fee that's commensurate with the impacts they are having, and let's use the money we get to deal with those impacts,” said City Council President Scott Peters, who represents La Jolla Shores.

I would like to see that happen. More likely, the city siphons off 90% of the revenue and leaves a half-assed system in place that is no better than the current one. A city in dire financial straights that has repeatedly mismanaged the city budgets wants to initiate a new revenue stream. I don't know why you would believe them when they say that the revenues generated would go towards fixing that particular problem. Ostensibly, that was the plan with the La Jolla parking controls. The stated goal was to alleviate parking congestion on La Jolla streets. Metered parking was proposed, but the majority of the revenue generated would have gone to the city's general fund. Once a new revenue stream is created, any linkage to the problem that forced it's creation will be tenuous, at best.

How much would it cost the city to have a dedicated traffic control attendent at the Shores for 40 hours a week? What about just installing some high visibility signs to keep the idiot tourists from driving onto the beach to have a look. That might ease some of the congestion.
Douglas Gaxiola
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Old 08-08-2008, 11:15 AM   #7
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So instead of enforcing the "No Commercial Activities" rule as posted at the entrance, the city is just going to charge for it. Maybe I can pay a fee to fish in the reserve...

I've always wondered why the kayak renters were allowed to do what they do at the launch, but it doesn't usually bother me. Perhaps my understanding of "commercial activities" is incorrect.
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Old 08-08-2008, 11:35 AM   #8
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I've always wondered why the kayak renters were allowed to do what they do at the launch, but it doesn't usually bother me. Perhaps my understanding of "commercial activities" is incorrect.
I believe the sign should read "without a permit" the kayak rentals pay $500 per month for access.
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Old 08-08-2008, 11:50 AM   #9
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It probably does say that. I'll take a look for my own curiosity if I think about it next time.
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Old 08-08-2008, 12:15 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by dgax65 View Post
I would like to see that happen. More likely, the city siphons off 90% of the revenue and leaves a half-assed system in place that is no better than the current one. A city in dire financial straights that has repeatedly mismanaged the city budgets wants to initiate a new revenue stream. I don't know why you would believe them when they say that the revenues generated would go towards fixing that particular problem.
Couldn't have said it better. A great program would benefit everyone, but our illustrious corrupt government has a way of really retarding the whole financial end of things. To them 1+2= not 3, but a payback plan to fix our aging pipes, that has a payback plan to fix the under budgeted schools, which has a payback plan to hire more police and firemen, which has a payback plan for the pension which has a payback plan for the downtown development, which has a payback plan for the current imminent domain process, which lines the pockets of all of our politicians. Trust me these developers and contractors are not working for free!

OK... I feel better now... Off my soap box... Sometimes ya just gotta vent at the inadequacy of our leaders.

But in my opinion giving them more income flow is great in theory, but very bad in practice! It's not a good solution for anyone!
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Old 08-08-2008, 03:25 PM   #11
Olivenhain Bob
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Be careful what you wish for

Shortly after reading this thread, I got a call from the Leutenent in the SD Lifeguard Service who is responsible for the La Jolla beaches. The reason for the call was something else but after I mentioned that some in the kayak community are getting a little upset with the number of rental kayaks conjesting the launch area, the conversation shifted.

It turns out the the Lifeguards are not very happy with this condition either. Unfortunately, the soluton being discussed is to start charging for parking at bay and beach lots and put parking meters on the street. This is not the Lifeguard's doing. They just enforce the rules. No, this lame idea comes from the same folks who promoted the beach booze ban. Apparently the city bosses, faced with money shortages, are looking at paid parking as a revenue source.

It gets worse, there is even some discussion of closing the LJ Shores launch area or at least making it so cars can no longer drive on the sand. This would be done in the interest of "safety".

As for me, I can live with the tourists. They are even entertaining at times. Besides, they will all be gone in a month or so. Charging for parking at the beach, well that would make me very angry. I seldom go to Del Mar these days since they started charging.

Until next time

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