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Old 04-01-2016, 03:24 PM   #1
Harry Hill
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April fools, Mission Bay

got on the water a little before 7am from Mission Point Park. The parking lot was full at 06:30, luckily I found an open spot near the restrooms. The water was 59 degrees with an outgoing tide. My plan was to go out of the bay to look for halibut or rock fish but when I got to the mouth of the bay the swells were huge and close together. I decided discretion being the better part of valor I would stay in the bay but then I had another dilemna, the tide was picking up speed and I was having a hard time making headway. On the way out I had a made a lot of bait as the mackerel were thick, I also got one jacksmelt on the sabiki. Once I got half way in I decided to soak some squid for awhile. While I was fishing I met a gentleman named Vito who was coming back from the outside in his Hobie, he seemed to cover water a lot fast than I was. Vito said he hadn't caught anything and hadn't had much luck since the first of the year. I told him I had nailed a bunch of mackerel but no halibut. While I was fishing a big boat named the Chubasco almost ran over me. I had to paddle hard to get out of the way and he passed within about 15' pushing a huge wake, it got kind of hairy for a couple of minutes. I decided to head in and go over to OEX to pick up a hatch for the kayak. All in all not a great day but not terrible and I think I learned to be more aware of what is going on before heading out of the bay.
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Old 04-01-2016, 03:50 PM   #2
Orca Winfrey
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Thanks for the report. There are times I hate boaters. Glad you weren't swamped or hit by the idiot.
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Old 04-01-2016, 04:41 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by Orca Winfrey View Post
Thanks for the report. There are times I hate boaters. Glad you weren't swamped or hit by the idiot.

Lol. The chubasco is a party boat.
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Old 04-01-2016, 05:22 PM   #4
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I almost got run over once. Minding my own business drifting out by the red buoy at Dana Point headbands when I saw this boat on plane heading at me from the harbor about a mile away with lights flashing. I thought it was CG or the Sheriff so I sorta stayed put, besides I couldn't tell which way to paddle until he got closer, so I kept myself perpendicular to him so I could paddle forward or backward out of his path as needed. I tried waving my paddle hoping he'd see me but no luck as he stayed straight towards me. As he got close enough for me to judge which way to go, I got about 5 good back strokes in and just about 10-15 feet out of his path and then proceeded to brace for his wake. I started yelling at him as he passed me, which is when I saw his head pop up from below deck as he turned the boat away quickly and was yelling "Sorry bro, I didn't see you on radar". Irony is that it was the BoatsUS vessel assist boat speeding to help another boater.

I guess that's my I almost died story Keep your head on a swivel out there Harry.
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Old 04-01-2016, 06:10 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by alanw View Post
Irony is that it was the BoatsUS vessel assist boat speeding to help another boater.

Those guys blew thru my spot one time way close and going WOT. Probably spooked a 40# YT
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Old 04-01-2016, 06:14 PM   #6
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Old 04-01-2016, 06:38 PM   #7
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GREAT to hear Vito is still going out. What a real gentleman. Jim
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Old 04-01-2016, 07:01 PM   #8
Amish Ed
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Hey, at least you made it out and made it back safely. Where you using the high seat or the low one?
Amish Ed
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Old 04-01-2016, 08:54 PM   #9
Harry Hill
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Originally Posted by Amish Ed View Post
Hey, at least you made it out and made it back safely. Where you using the high seat or the low one?
Low seat, it was real hinky out there today, some of the rollers were cresting and I was working my butt off trying to beat the current. I paddled so hard my butt started cramping. Most of the boaters seem pretty courteous and give me a wide berth. Some create too much wake because they are unaware but not too many. Today was real learning experience as to my paddling ability. Vito is a real nice guy. He's fighting a skunk this season though. He seemed surprised I was catching mackerel in the bay. I can sure see why I need to get a VHF radio. I didn't need to call for help today but it would be nice to have that insurance with me if I got out there in trouble by myself.
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Old 04-02-2016, 10:05 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by Harry Hill View Post
got on the water a little before 7am from Mission Point Park. The parking lot was full at 06:30, luckily I found an open spot near the restrooms. The water was 59 degrees with an outgoing tide. My plan was to go out of the bay to look for halibut or rock fish but when I got to the mouth of the bay the swells were huge and close together. I decided discretion being the better part of valor I would stay in the bay but then I had another dilemna, the tide was picking up speed and I was having a hard time making headway. On the way out I had a made a lot of bait as the mackerel were thick, I also got one jacksmelt on the sabiki. Once I got half way in I decided to soak some squid for awhile. While I was fishing I met a gentleman named Vito who was coming back from the outside in his Hobie, he seemed to cover water a lot fast than I was. Vito said he hadn't caught anything and hadn't had much luck since the first of the year. I told him I had nailed a bunch of mackerel but no halibut. While I was fishing a big boat named the Chubasco almost ran over me. I had to paddle hard to get out of the way and he passed within about 15' pushing a huge wake, it got kind of hairy for a couple of minutes. I decided to head in and go over to OEX to pick up a hatch for the kayak. All in all not a great day but not terrible and I think I learned to be more aware of what is going on before heading out of the bay.

Thanks for the informational report... Hopefully the water gets better for the tournament this month.. Been fighting the skunk since I first got my kayak back in Feb. but she will come with time And for sure since day 1, I have been pushing my self, a little to hard at times, even with a full arsenal I start to realize my true abilities... (Found out how my Stealth Livewell tank worked by nearly flooding my hull in open water, Thank god for my Hand pump and experienced Kayakers around me at the time lol) First time paddling back in from LJ I'm asking my self how the hell I got out so far?
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Old 04-02-2016, 01:44 PM   #11
Harry Hill
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Originally Posted by stevie951 View Post
Thanks for the informational report... Hopefully the water gets better for the tournament this month.. Been fighting the skunk since I first got my kayak back in Feb. but she will come with time And for sure since day 1, I have been pushing my self, a little to hard at times, even with a full arsenal I start to realize my true abilities... (Found out how my Stealth Livewell tank worked by nearly flooding my hull in open water, Thank god for my Hand pump and experienced Kayakers around me at the time lol) First time paddling back in from LJ I'm asking my self how the hell I got out so far?
I put drain pipes on my tank so it doesn't drain into the boat, so the only extra weight is from what is in the tank. I'm still working on figuring out the halibut puzzle. After talking with Vito who says he's gotten tired of catching halibut but now he's not even catching them, that the puzzle is a little more complex than I thought. I know a lot of it is just time on the water putting the bait down there. It would be nice if I wasn't a two hour drive from there but it is what it is. Right now time driving equals as much time on the water.
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