ful-rac, carbon bass, thanks for the words re: the bonito. I actually caught a bigger bonito, a 31" a few weeks back that weighed almost 14 lbs. I didn't think they could get that big. Anyways, That dude pulled like a freight train. This 28" was a nice fight,too, but for some reason he charged toward my boat so I reeled him a lot faster, which kind of sucked. He hit my pole hard like he meant it though!
King Saba, you wanted me to follow up on how it tastes? Well, maybe I didn't kill it properly or something because it tasted horrible. Let me explain. So, caught the skippie around 9:30 or so, bled him shortly, but only by slicing underneath the gills, etc, put him on some ice I had with me, but he wasn't in a frozen slush or anything, if you what I mean. Threw him into the fridge when I got home, washed him only in drinking water/salt water mix. I seared the fish, then put it back into the fridge for sashimi slicing from what i read around, and it just tasted pretty foul. Fishy and sort of rotten taste to it. Like I said, maybe I didn't something wrong.
That said, that fish had a ton of more blood in it after i got it home and started cleaning it. The bloodline on the skippie holds an incredible amount. For comparisons sake, when I bleed a bonito the same method, I don't have the same "blood" issue when I get home. It's almost as if you have to take out the guts, get to the bloodline in order to properly bleed the skipjack. I'm sure others here have more experience than I do with black skipjack. This was just my experience.
The bonito on the other hand tasted awesome as usual. let it rest about a day after filet, then sashimi or poke style.