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Old 04-17-2008, 08:38 PM   #1
Bluewater Jon
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Yakfishing etiquette-Input needed!

Hi folks Jon Schwartz here. I am writing an article and I need some info on the do's and don'ts of manners out there on the water. What do people do out there that bugs you? What should they have done, had they only known better? Here's a chance to get your voice heard.
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Old 04-18-2008, 04:51 AM   #2
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The first thing that comes to mind is:
It sucks when you are bendo on a nice sized fish and some Jack Ass comes over and tries to get in on the action. WTF!? You wind up getting tangled up with them and losing your fish.
I hate it when that happens.
When you see someone is working a fish give them room.

Another one:
Be social.
If you are approaching an area you would like to fish and there happens to be another yaker there at least say "hello".

Good luck with the article.
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Old 04-18-2008, 11:45 AM   #3
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I have only been doing this for a couple of years, but there are definitely a couple of basic courtesy rules that help us all.

1) BE AWARE...Keep your distance from anyone with a fish on! They will ask for help if they need it!

2) BE AWARE...if you are going to troll in front of someone, move your ass don't just stop and make them avoid you!

3) BE AWARE... and don't troll over other's lines!

4) Pull all of your lines in when approaching others.

5) Brad's rule of distance seems to work well. We should not be able to both throw Irons and have them hit (That can be difficult at times.. but if you are trying to respect the other yakker's out there you will probably succeed in being courteous.

6) Stay away from the Sport Boats... Period.

My $0.02
All men are equal before fish.
-Herbert Hoover

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Old 04-18-2008, 02:17 PM   #4
Bigfoot Suit Guy
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One does not have to always paddle your Trident straight at those that are hooked up and ride right up their hiney.
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Old 04-18-2008, 02:37 PM   #5
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Do: obey restricted areas; use common sense

Don't: argue with port police, dfg wardens, or lifeguards
David Pliska
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Old 04-18-2008, 03:39 PM   #6
Useful Idiot
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Don't cross people's troll lines and don't cross anyone's bow with troll lines out.
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Old 04-18-2008, 04:58 PM   #7
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carry a whistle let others know your there and dont troll in front of someone you dont want somebody to get a jig in there face like the guy in the tresher video
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Old 04-19-2008, 09:26 PM   #8
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always offer bait on your way in. It may make someone's day.

Yeah, don't be pretending that you don't see someone when you're passing 10 yards away. "Hi" is civil.

Give people crap when you catch a big fish. I heard that's back in fashion again.

Behave at the ramp. KFACA's got a great write up by fellow kayakers:

La Jolla Shores Beach Launch Etiquette
La Jolla is one of the best kayak launch sites we know of in Southern California. Think of the benefits - variety of sea life, coastal beauty, amenities, and about the only place where you can pull your car on the beach to offload your gear.

But as we all know, there are some rules that have been set by the lifeguards including; 5 minute load or unload, keeping a clear path along the water line, no kayak surfing in the launch area, and others. Unfortunately, the lifeguards routinely need to give verbal warnings at the launch ramp.

We all love the beach launching aspect and should take that as a privilege not a right. It would be a shame to see that privilege taken away due to injuries, confrontations, or abuses. Without access to the ramp, we would need to drag our yaks and gear from the parking areas.

That is why whenever I go to La Jolla I try to do my part and follow a few simple rules:

1. Get there early and beat the traffic. Not only the launch site traffic. Parking too.

2. Keep my yak way up on the dry sand. Lifeguards do not like the yaks (or cars) blocking vehicle traffic or access along the water line.

3. Get my car off the sand as quickly as possible. Not as important at a 6:00 a.m. launch when few people are around. Very important when leaving because that is usually midday when launch site traffic is at it's peak.

4. Pack/arrange/organize my kayak and gear and break down what I can before going to get my car.

5. When the car is on the sand, it's time to unload/load - limit socializing, eat later, play later. Nothing seems to bug lifeguards more than when the area is jammed with vehicles that are parked and not actively being loaded or unloaded.

6. I avoid blocking the beach access driveway, giving other traffic the space needed to cross loose sand without bogging. When driving onto the beach I keep to a steady speed to glide over the loose sand and don’t stop where I might get stuck.

7. When the beach launch is crowded such as on the weekends and holidays I carry my kayak or use wheels or a kayak cart to get my kayak to and from the beach. Doing so can save time by allowing me to go straight to my parking spot and leisurely ready or stow my yak.

8. I dispose of all of my trash properly. Besides being unsightly, a hook carelessly discarded in the sand could ruin a beachgoer’s day.

9. Be good neighbors by being very aware of the hotel guests when launching early. In order to minimize their disturbance, avoid shining your headlights directly on the hotel, or playing loud music.

You might not be able to load or unload in five minutes. If all we had was a yak, paddle, and seat it would be easy. But there is a lot of gear on our rigs and it can easily take 10 to 15 minutes. However, if you follow these etiquette tips it is much less likely you will be approached by a lifeguard.
Contributed by KFACA members Bernard and Pumori

http://www.kfaca.org/articles.htm#La%20Jolla%20Shores%20Beach%20Launch% 20Etiquette
<)))< ....b-a-a-a-a
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Old 04-20-2008, 07:23 AM   #9
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good points what about the guy that feels the need 2 have 200yds of troll line out reel up just a smidge buddy
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Old 04-20-2008, 08:17 AM   #10
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Saw a PB fisherman hanging his rear end over the side of his boat right in the middle of a bunch of boats and yaks in LJ. I didnt see "it", but I saw the look on his face and knew exactly what he was doing.

Please dont release brown trout in the "catch zone". I understand there are "emergencies at sea", but atleast go out to 40 fathoms before handling your business. After your morning cup of joe, and before launch is the opportune time to pinch one off.

Kinda nasty, and I dont know how you would write that into an article, but had to say it.

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Old 04-21-2008, 01:58 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by herefishyfishy! View Post
Saw a PB fisherman hanging his rear end over the side of his boat right in the middle of a bunch of boats and yaks in LJ. I didnt see "it", but I saw the look on his face and knew exactly what he was doing.

Please dont release brown trout in the "catch zone". I understand there are "emergencies at sea", but atleast go out to 40 fathoms before handling your business. After your morning cup of joe, and before launch is the opportune time to pinch one off.

Kinda nasty, and I dont know how you would write that into an article, but had to say it.

A corollary. If you see a yakker suddenly start paddling for deeper water after he finishes his coffee, don't follow him around unless you have TP.
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Old 04-21-2008, 02:10 PM   #12
Bigfoot Suit Guy
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That guy in the boat must have been trying to get the Sand Bass to go.
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Old 04-21-2008, 05:37 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by madscientist View Post
A corollary. If you see a yakker suddenly start paddling for deeper water after he finishes his coffee, don't follow him around unless you have TP.
lol lol lol
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Old 04-22-2008, 01:14 PM   #14
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Ditto on the two hundred yards of spectra out behind you trolling. You don't need to troll back that far.
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Old 04-23-2008, 11:12 AM   #15
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Some dont's
Feed sea lions ever!
leave fishing line attached to any animal or as litter
pass off sea lions to another yakker
troll behind someone
fish in anyones chum line
try to out run pbers let them choose which way to go around
when landing dont park your yak right next to another leave room for their vehicle
cause someone to lose their fish
gloat unless your humble about it!
leave squid or macks under your bait tank for days

Also avoid cattle boats and clueless pbers that wake you.
To avoid a pber from running over your line make a head on paddle towards them so they cant, instead of trying angle away they cant see your line

Some do's
Help people landing anticipate the yard sale
take pix of people fighting fish they appreciate a good bendo shot
offer bait even if not asked.
offer congrats even if it was blind luck never to be duplicated.
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