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Old 06-19-2013, 08:47 PM   #61
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Originally Posted by bus kid View Post
57 reasons to just quietly fish on my own and never post a "report"

I take that back make it 56
You don't fish
Old 06-19-2013, 08:51 PM   #62
bus kid
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Originally Posted by Drake View Post
You don't fish
nobody ever gave me gps# until now...

La Jolla
that should get 1000 more views

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Old 06-19-2013, 08:55 PM   #63
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Yeah ol buskid went fishing at least twice that i know of....

Drakehorse Havent you learned anything from this informative thread, picture of the fish, type of gear, bait used wind direction...otherwise your post is completely useless

You just dont get it do you
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Old 06-19-2013, 08:55 PM   #64
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Originally Posted by Drake View Post
Think deeper...

Even if you don't give away the ATM codes, but someone finds out theres an ATM giving away free money...people will still try to figure out how...

Here, I'm going to throw you a bone.

This is a picture from monday night at 7pm. Everything you could ask for is right in front of you... will this help you catch a fish? Do you even know what you are looking at?

Depth, temp, and coordinates are right there for you. Take this info and see if it helps. Looking forward to your detailed fish report now that I've given you everything you're asking for.
Oh the ole' 'I'll show you' post...haha...I knew it was coming.
Thanks for the bone...but no thanks...funny thing is, I don't even fish La Jolla. If I drive that far south I take the boat and head to the Coronado's.
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Old 06-19-2013, 08:58 PM   #65
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Enough of this CRAP...

All this started from someone who, in the past, has asked "how about very specific directions" (coordinates), who took a picture of my friends recently departed father-in-law and used it for his own avatar, and never post his own fish "reports".

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Old 06-19-2013, 09:16 PM   #66
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Originally Posted by wiredantz View Post
umm... that not the coordinates to La Jolla. That is the coordinates to Candys house.
[IMG] photo Screenshot2011-02-12at82626PM.png[/IMG]

I still remember this place, you were trying to buy your way up in line, classic

Jorge the guy in the square wants to meet candy
Guess you finally got what you wanted:


Hmmm....candy's house...even better.
Haha...that's too funny. Yep, that's me in the box at the Malibu parking lot sale a few years back...and yes, I was trying to buy my way to the front of the line...haha.
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Old 06-19-2013, 09:22 PM   #67
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A fish report with nothing except for a fish being caught is plenty enough of a report for me! It doesn't matter where it was caught or what depth. As far as I'm concerned if someone caught a fish off our coast(socal) they're probably biting everywhere or will be soon! But as a rookie with no exotics off the kayak (yet), the tackle that was used is the most helpfull!
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Old 06-19-2013, 09:36 PM   #68
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Originally Posted by BrokeLoser View Post
Also, with regard to sharing hot spots. Have you noticed that some of the best fishermen...Iceman (Andy) and (Fiskadoro) Jim Day to name a couple generally have no problem sharing detailed information...ironic?

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Old 06-19-2013, 10:01 PM   #69
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Originally Posted by BrokeLoser View Post
WOW! I've read your posts on another site where you gave some pretty good information on how and where to fish Catalina. I've used your information and have done well at the island with it...Thanks for that. It's nothing to be ashamed of.
I'm not ashamed or mad, I'm just telling you how I see it from my perspective, and trying to possibly shorten your learning curve.

Giving information on fishing Catalina Island or Santa Barbara Island is different then posting a local La Jolla report. Especially on this board where so few have access to that fishery. That channel keeps a lot of people away from the island and posting info about fishing there is not the same is posting inshore information about bite closer to local harbors.

As to what I've posted about Catalina on BWE. Well the truth is very few kayakers fish Catalina, not enough in my honest opinion, and I want more guys to try it. It's a great place to fish and you guys are missing out. Most people that do take their boats across the channel usually stay in their boats, but it's a hell of a place to fish from a yak.

In general the detailed areas I talk about at Catalina are for the most part are very hard to fish from a skiff and could only be fished well from a kayak. There are areas like some of the little beaches that would be great areas to fish from a yak, that get almost zero pressure be cause you can't really hit them right from a skiff or big boat.

Also with Catalina conditions are in constant flux and the fish always on the move so giving people info about spots on the island is not as big a deal because there is so much area to fish and for the most part very few people fishing it. There are literally thousands of La Jolla like spots at the island. It's twenty miles long with a ton of good areas to fish both front and back. Unless you are fishing with the fleet on some "hot bite" that someone posted on BD or another site, your usually pretty much fishing alone, so if you find a red hot bite you're miles away from an port or location where hundreds of boats could come out at a moment notice.

It's just not like La Jolla or Rocky Point where the whole fleet is only ten minutes away, or where one careless post could mobilize thousands of people.

For the most part the same rules apply though. If you post hoop locations at Catalina they will get overrun by divers and hoop netters, and over time the spot will get over fished and go down the tubes. Posting Seabass bites there might not have the same immediate impact of posting a inshore bite, but if the bite lasts long enough posting info about it online can lead to the same kind of crowds and overfishing.

My general rule of thumb is if everyone is fishing one location at Catalina due to some internet post I take note of those conditions, and then find another area at the island where the same conditions exist but I do not have to fish in a crowd. It's a big island plenty of places to fish.

It's really tempting when your new to want to just follow the crowd. My take is you need to learn first how to find and catch your own fish, then you won't need the crowd or even want to fish with them. Sometimes it is tempting to run to the hot spot that everyone's fishing but that truth is if they are all fishing that one spot there are probably other areas holding fish, maybe with even better bites, and probably a lot less hassle.

Last edited by Fiskadoro; 06-19-2013 at 11:51 PM.
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Old 06-19-2013, 11:48 PM   #70
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Old 06-20-2013, 02:37 AM   #71
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This isn't fun Anymore.....I quit kayak fishing...

Just kidding I'm on the water now....annnnny second.....
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Old 06-20-2013, 04:30 AM   #72
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Originally Posted by Dannowar View Post
This isn't fun Anymore.....I quit kayak fishing...Just kidding I'm on the water now....annnnny second.....
If you quit can I have all your numbers? Haha
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Old 06-20-2013, 05:11 AM   #73
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Originally Posted by BrokeLoser View Post
Just stirring the pot a little here...haha
I read lots of "fishing reports" that contain almost no information, this can't in anyway be considered a fish report can it? Should BWE add another sub forum titled; 'Self-Gloating' for these so called "fish report" threads?

Shouldn't a real fish report contain at least the following:
Type of fish caught
Time of day fish was caught
Relatively specific location of the catch
Water depth
Tackle used
Specific bait / artificial used

Now I know people don't want to give coordinates to their honey-holes and all and they probably shouldn't but what's the real reason for a fishing report? I always thought the motive behind a real report was to help others chase the bite and catch more fish...a kinda pay it forward of sorts? If it's simply an opportunity to gloat then I'm all wrong.

Let the brawl begin!

I think it should include hooking the fish and handing off to you

A fishing report is in friday's sports section of the paper.
A fishing report is going down to the landings when the boats arrive at the end of the day and seeing everyone's catch.
A fishing report is what happened yesterday. The ocean can change in a 1/2 hr.

Just get on the water. Like my dad always said "if you don't have a line in your not going to catch a fish".
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Old 06-20-2013, 07:31 AM   #74
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So whats better a Outback, Revo or a PA.12 or 14

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Old 06-20-2013, 07:33 AM   #75
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Originally Posted by yaker81 View Post
Retracted your post? Come on don't be scared you put a lot of time and effort in that post.
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Old 06-20-2013, 07:37 AM   #76
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Originally Posted by bus kid View Post
So whats better a Outback, Revo or a PA.12 or 14
PA 14 for sure...haha
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Old 06-20-2013, 08:22 AM   #77
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I just wanted to thank anyone who has contributed to this thread including myself.

We have been trolled...



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Old 06-20-2013, 08:39 AM   #78
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Now I'm pissed at Andy/Iceman...(even though I've never met the man ). He didn't pass me the dope on the tanker he caught recently.

This post is like taking a fish home, cutting it up and finding it's full of worms...just throw it out.
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Old 06-20-2013, 09:19 AM   #79
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Originally Posted by ful-rac View Post
Oh sorry you feel like your being hazed....

Just go fishing, no need to "stir the pot"...or put out your trolling lines, to get a reaction. Im going fishing this weekend how about you...or are you going to wait until somebody catches and posts up a report how you like....?
It was fun for awhile! brokeloser loves trolling...on bwe and he gets bit too...Can't wait for the report.

That is a good one frank! I'm laughing my ass off!!!!

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Last edited by ful-rac; 06-20-2013 at 09:25 AM.
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Old 06-20-2013, 10:41 AM   #80
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And the "troll" lives on.
So predictable you guys are....someone will always cry troll at the end of a dead end thread for three possible reasons.
1. - An attempt to bring closure
2. - An easy opportunity to increase post count
3. - To revive said thread to keep it alive and well
Not sure what your motive was?

Remember, this started out simple and was made complex and trivial for the sake of argument by the real trolls. I knew full well that some would feel personally attacked...probably because they know they post boot-leg "reports".
The standard for what a real fishing report should include was set long before I started this thread, we have all read them for years. Pretend to act like you don't understand that all you want...that's what makes internet forums so fun and entertaining. Think about it, this would be no fun if you listened to reason? I mean, to me, the obvious reply to my original post should read something like this:
'Yeah, you're probably right. If you're gonna post a fish report in a fishing reports forum it should atleast follow the standard guidelines of what makes a report a report. Otherwise just post your cool guy photo in another forum.'
End of story...case closed....but that's way to boring and we have to make the site sponsors happy....Thanks for playing guys!

For you simpletons. (taken from dictionary.com)
re·port [ri-pawrt, -pohrt] Show IPA
1. - an account or statement describing in detail an event, situation, or the like, usually as the result of observation, inquiry, etc.: a report on the peace conference; a medical report on the patient.

Kinda hard to argue that one huh?

(p.s. - this is quickly turning into the exact kind of drama I tell my teenage daughter to avoid on the internet...kinda ironic..haha)
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