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Old 01-03-2012, 09:07 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by StinkyMatt View Post
Lets say for the sake of simple math that 1 million licences get sold each year. If you were to mobilize every BWE member not to buy one for a while you would possibly create a .5% temporary delay in funds to the state.

As much as this might make someone feel better, or like they are making a stand, it would mean absolutely nothing to the state.

Fishing without a licence is another option that may not be the best choice for us anglers. Last thing we want to be portrayed as is a bunch of lawless "fish killers".

Remember, the DFG is enforcing the laws created by someone else.

I was thinking about picketing in front of a retail location of one of the companies that financially aligned itself with the MLPA. This would not require great numbers but maight send a more precise message.

Just my 2 cents.
We agree with you and Blitzburgh, and we would love it if anyone could provide a partial/complete list of all companies and organizations (Green Peace, etc) who aligned themselves with the MLPA. Boycotting companies products, and emailing all of our own contacts, fishermen or not, to do the same, may at least put a dent in their pocketbooks.
An organized picketing in front of these establishments would definitely have a more immediate impact, and if media is involved, even that much better.
"Never say die"
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Old 01-03-2012, 09:09 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by Drake View Post
What puts more money in the DFG's pocket, a $43 license, or the countless tickets they will be handing out knowing people are going to fish without them. Expect heightened presence at landing areas. You're not going to win by not buying a license. You're like a child holding his breath because he didn't get his ice cream.
x2. They might make more money on citations, so what's the point?
"Never say die"
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Old 01-03-2012, 10:02 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by FISHIONADO View Post
I said Happy New Year just before dark at Blacks. I think you were the last person to catch a legal fish there, I was the last person to fish there legally. That last day was like attending a wake for a lifelong friend.

Many of us attended meetings and rallied family and friends to attend meetings and mail in written statements. Would have been nice to see more Americans stand up for their rights rather than just complain about it after the fact.

Happy New Year all.
What time? I shot a halibut at 10pm 12/31/11
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Old 01-03-2012, 05:08 PM   #24
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When they outlawed smoking inresturants non smokers didn't speak up for the freedom of the resturant ownwer to have a smoking establishment if he wanted.
When they made painting your home a require a permit no one spoke up.
When they made bbq smoke a polutant instead of an attraching smell to the resturant...no one spoke up.
when your semiauto "dangerous looking " gun became illegal...no one spoke up.

so why now when the liberals here in california have run amok of your freedom do you expect anyone to protest for you.

Freedom ,like a mountain range, can be brokendown one grain of sand at a time....putting it back together is a far more monumental task.
vote freedom or shut the hell up(yes that means you fucking democrat voting environmentalist leaning fisherman too)
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Old 01-03-2012, 08:49 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by stairman View Post
When they outlawed smoking inresturants non smokers didn't speak up for the freedom of the resturant ownwer to have a smoking establishment if he wanted.
When they made painting your home a require a permit no one spoke up.
When they made bbq smoke a polutant instead of an attraching smell to the resturant...no one spoke up.
when your semiauto "dangerous looking " gun became illegal...no one spoke up.

so why now when the liberals here in california have run amok of your freedom do you expect anyone to protest for you.

Freedom ,like a mountain range, can be brokendown one grain of sand at a time....putting it back together is a far more monumental task.
vote freedom or shut the hell up(yes that means you fucking democrat voting environmentalist leaning fisherman too)
I'm probably the fucking democrat voting environmentalist leaning fisherman you speak of. No worries, it takes more than that to offend me. But I don't recall you being one of the guys who stood up for our rights during the years we were asking folks to attend meetings from San Diego to Santa Barbara and email and write letters. Maybe I didn't know who your were but I don't remember you being there or speaking up. Not trying to offend, but if you think voting republican is going to preserve your freedoms, you haven't been paying attention.
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Old 01-03-2012, 11:15 PM   #26
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This place is getting hot. It feels like summertime
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Old 01-04-2012, 07:02 AM   #27
bus kid
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Originally Posted by Aaron&Julie View Post
We agree with you and Blitzburgh, and we would love it if anyone could provide a partial/complete list of all companies and organizations (Green Peace, etc) who aligned themselves with the MLPA. Boycotting companies products, and emailing all of our own contacts, fishermen or not, to do the same, may at least put a dent in their pocketbooks.
An organized picketing in front of these establishments would definitely have a more immediate impact, and if media is involved, even that much better.
Bellcon started one here:


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Old 01-04-2012, 07:31 AM   #28
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Old 01-04-2012, 08:01 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by FISHIONADO View Post
I'm probably the fucking democrat voting environmentalist leaning fisherman you speak of. No worries, it takes more than that to offend me. But I don't recall you being one of the guys who stood up for our rights during the years we were asking folks to attend meetings from San Diego to Santa Barbara and email and write letters. Maybe I didn't know who your were but I don't remember you being there or speaking up. Not trying to offend, but if you think voting republican is going to preserve your freedoms, you haven't been paying attention.
yup you probably are.
I don't join lost causes....I don't spend money chasing dreams of freedoms lost to the save the whales folks.There are far to many idiots that have no clue about the ocean and it's life we all love for me to have bothered spending what little money I have chasing the dream that it would actually make a difference.
Sure some of you will say that voting for a particular party won't make a difference anyway...and maybe you are right....but at least it only cost me what it takes to drive to the polling place.
To those of you that actually spent time and effort to stop this process I want to thank you.I hope it feels good that it made almost no difference at all in a state run by democrats from the assembly to the senate.We here have been ruled by democrats for what ,... at least 30 years.Governors that were voted in that were republicans have had their proposed rules ,regulation and laws either refused by the senate and assembly or the antis shopped till they found a judge to rule in their favor.
California is a state in decline ....not because the geography or the will of the people have changed ...because the "leaders" we elected(not me) have consistantly disreguarded the will of the people.
go ahead pop the corn ,sit back and be polite about the idiots that vote without paying attention other then collecting their check every month.
Your silence at parties ,in the office ,or at the beach while launching your yak is rewarded with your loss of the freedom to fish within the constraints of good fisheries management.
I hope your happy with the results.
I'm pissed.....I lash out at those of you that vote for democrats because I percieve that ,compared to republicans,they are the party that most often represents the people that destroyed my favorite fishing spot since the first time I fished it back in 1975.If you think differently don't be silent.....this is a discussion that needs to be aired out in a public forum.
defend your votes for the people that killed you ecofriendly manner of fishing....ironic isn't it.
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Old 01-04-2012, 08:05 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by stairman View Post
yup you probably are.
I don't join lost causes....I don't spend money chasing dreams of freedoms lost to the save the whales folks.There are far to many idiots that have no clue about the ocean and it's life we all love for me to have bothered spending what little money I have chasing the dream that it would actually make a difference.
Sure some of you will say that voting for a particular party won't make a difference anyway...and maybe you are right....but at least it only cost me what it takes to drive to the polling place.
To those of you that actually spent time and effort to stop this process I want to thank you.I hope it feels good that it made almost no difference at all in a state run by democrats from the assembly to the senate.We here have been ruled by democrats for what ,... at least 30 years.Governors that were voted in that were republicans have had their proposed rules ,regulation and laws either refused by the senate and assembly or the antis shopped till they found a judge to rule in their favor.
California is a state in decline ....not because the geography or the will of the people have changed ...because the "leaders" we elected(not me) have consistantly disreguarded the will of the people.
go ahead pop the corn ,sit back and be polite about the idiots that vote without paying attention other then collecting their check every month.
Your silence at parties ,in the office ,or at the beach while launching your yak is rewarded with your loss of the freedom to fish within the constraints of good fisheries management.
I hope your happy with the results.
I'm pissed.....I lash out at those of you that vote for democrats because I percieve that ,compared to republicans,they are the party that most often represents the people that destroyed my favorite fishing spot since the first time I fished it back in 1975.If you think differently don't be silent.....this is a discussion that needs to be aired out in a public forum.
defend your votes for the people that killed you ecofriendly manner of fishing....ironic isn't it.
Remind me which party Swarchenegger represents? Peace bro, glad to continue a good debate.
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Old 01-04-2012, 08:07 AM   #31
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But importantly I got the last legal game fish out of the Scripps reserve!!!
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Old 01-04-2012, 08:08 AM   #32
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Originally Posted by mbaha View Post
But importantly I got the last legal game fish out of the Scripps reserve!!!
ha ha, no pics equals - Happy New Year.
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Old 01-04-2012, 08:39 AM   #33
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Originally Posted by FISHIONADO View Post
ha ha, no pics equals - Happy New Year.
I got more on my other camera
I win
Attached Images
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Old 01-04-2012, 09:01 AM   #34
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Nice, congrats!!! Bonus points if you attended any of the MLPA meetings with us.
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Old 01-04-2012, 01:51 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by mbaha View Post
I got more on my other camera
I win
Originally Posted by FISHIONADO View Post
Nice, congrats!!! Bonus points if you attended any of the MLPA meetings with us.
Wait, do speared fish really count?

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Old 01-04-2012, 03:04 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by stairman View Post
yup you probably are.
I don't join lost causes....I don't spend money chasing dreams of freedoms lost to the save the whales folks.There are far to many idiots that have no clue about the ocean and it's life we all love for me to have bothered spending what little money I have chasing the dream that it would actually make a difference.
Sure some of you will say that voting for a particular party won't make a difference anyway...and maybe you are right....but at least it only cost me what it takes to drive to the polling place.
To those of you that actually spent time and effort to stop this process I want to thank you.I hope it feels good that it made almost no difference at all in a state run by democrats from the assembly to the senate.We here have been ruled by democrats for what ,... at least 30 years.Governors that were voted in that were republicans have had their proposed rules ,regulation and laws either refused by the senate and assembly or the antis shopped till they found a judge to rule in their favor.
California is a state in decline ....not because the geography or the will of the people have changed ...because the "leaders" we elected(not me) have consistantly disreguarded the will of the people.
go ahead pop the corn ,sit back and be polite about the idiots that vote without paying attention other then collecting their check every month.
Your silence at parties ,in the office ,or at the beach while launching your yak is rewarded with your loss of the freedom to fish within the constraints of good fisheries management.
I hope your happy with the results.
I'm pissed.....I lash out at those of you that vote for democrats because I percieve that ,compared to republicans,they are the party that most often represents the people that destroyed my favorite fishing spot since the first time I fished it back in 1975.If you think differently don't be silent.....this is a discussion that needs to be aired out in a public forum.
defend your votes for the people that killed you ecofriendly manner of fishing....ironic isn't it.
Don't you agree that it is the POLITICIANS in general that are ruining the USA?

Democrat or Republican...Does it Matter?

A few kids take advantage so all of us lose our privelidges...It's not right, this is not grade shcool!

I was one who of those who spoke up and donated money, not because I thought it would make a difference, but because it is my duty as an American. My Grandfather's and Father passed down their will to fight and that's what I thought was right.

I've said it once and I will say it again. It is UN-AMERICAN what they have done. Recreational Fishing is not a crime but it will be if you fish in THEIR marine closeures!

There is no winners here and there should be no finger pointing. As fisherman, Man, Women, Democrat, Republican...We all LOSE!

Cheers- Matt Moyer
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Old 01-04-2012, 04:41 PM   #37
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Good call Matt, there are certainly enemies on each side. Seems to me these lines are more and more blurred all the time.
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Old 01-04-2012, 05:57 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by mbaha View Post
But importantly I got the last legal game fish out of the Scripps reserve!!!
Nice! Plenty of fog up that way some mornings....jus sayin'
Thanks Matt F.
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Old 01-04-2012, 06:47 PM   #39
Holy Mackerel
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Here is the last known WSB shot in south La Jolla before the MPA's go in effect, congrats to Corey.

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Old 01-04-2012, 07:03 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by Matt View Post
Nice! Plenty of fog up that way some mornings....jus sayin'
Just on a hunch....
I went out yesterday to check the new south reserve. I wanted to make sure they didn't remove the stones from tourmaline. Ya never know.
-I wanted to Troll the Area for Vigilantes, make sure no kayakers were being harassed.

Yup, they're still there.
What a beautiful day it was, calm and clear but I still had trouble seeing the jetty. Even with the 10 powers I could hardly make out the giant red letters on the side of the whaler.

I'll be out tomorrow night with the bigger boat, swing by for some bait in the morning. 9-10 swell throughout the night, should be fun.
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