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Old 07-30-2009, 05:05 PM   #1
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Time to speak up on MLPA - every significant ocean access at risk

If your local kayak fishing spot is the north side of Palos Verdes, anywhere in Malibu, under the headland at Dana Pt, or bounteous, beautiful La Jolla or the north coast's Caprinteria Reef or the easy beach at Goleta, you better get to these meetings and speak your mind while you can.

The next chance is Monday Aug 3. Public comment is set for 3:30. CARLSBAD - BE THERE! Holiday Inn, 850 Palomar Airport Rd.

Save the excuses - they're tired and played. To those who've contributed their hard-earned money, their precious free time writing letters, or most critically generously given their time at these meetings, you have my lasting gratitude. However this turns out, never hang your heads.

Yesterday's direction from the Blue Ribbon Task Force could mean widespread doom for ocean kayak anglers. Every one of our few accessible, safe and productive areas is painted with a huge bullseye.

Forget the round 2 maps. Every spot is on the table.

The RSG was directed to meet or exceed Science Advisory Team guidelines that will close some or even all of these areas because persistent kelp is in such short supply. We won't catch a break if you stay home.

Only your continued participation will make a difference. MPAs only work when fishermen buy in. Safety is at stake - which of our brothers or sisters will we lose because we've been pushed away from reasonable access? And most of all, fairness dictates an equitable conclusion, not one which sweeps the most environmentally fishing community from the water.

Remember, the BRTF says they want cross-interest support - they won't get it from us if they close us down. And they aren't the end of the story. If the BRTF is unreasonable, we'll make our case before the ultimate decision makers, the Fish and Game Commission. Let's hope it doesn't come down to that.

So ask yourself the question. Are you man or woman enough, or are you going to take the loss of your way of life lying down? If you are, you're better off on the bay or a man made lake anyway.

Come on out. Speak politely, respectfully but passionately about our wholesome, sustainable sport.

It's not easy for me to make these meetings, but I've been to more than a few. See you there.

Last edited by PAL; 07-30-2009 at 07:58 PM.
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Old 07-30-2009, 07:29 PM   #2
so cal shaggy
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thank you

Paul, there is no need for you to give us gratitude, you have sacrificed more and have had to sit in on this process more than any of us ever have. You have my utmost gratitude. No matter what the outcome of this process will be I will never hang my head in shame we are fighting a noble fight and the only time one should hang their head is if they never stood up for they believed in and fought against their enemy.
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Old 07-30-2009, 07:46 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by PAL View Post
The RSG was directed to meet or exceed Science Advisory Team guidelines that will close some or even all of these areas because persistent kelp is in such short supply.
At what point does the RSG stand up in outrage at comments like that?

I'm no scientist but common sense tells me that fishing and fishermen do not contribute to the loss of persistent kelp. Kelp loss is due climate change, pollution, and possibly an over abundance of urchins. Closing those areas to fishing will not produce a rebound in persistent kelp.

I've been to all the meetings that I can. I've volunteered my time and money. I've filled out numerous comment cards, sent letters, faxes and made phone calls. I've pounded the pavement spreading the word but I'm just a fisherman -and it's obvious to me, that's how I'm viewed by the BRTF. What I don't understand is why the local businesses are not beating down the doors at their city council offices demanding they oppose these closures. It seems to me that we keep on showing up to the gun fight with rocks in our hands.

I do appreciate your time and effort as well as everyone else who has contributed. I just think it's time for a different approach rather than doing the same thing and expecting a different outcome.
David Pliska
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Old 07-30-2009, 07:54 PM   #4
Billy V
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I'm there 100% to the bitter end.
-Lets see who else will step up to the plate.

There sure has been a lot of people absent from the meetings that post on this message board, and fish La Jolla.
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Old 07-31-2009, 06:26 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by Billy V View Post
I'm there 100% to the bitter end.
-Lets see who else will step up to the plate.

There sure has been a lot of people absent from the meetings that post on this message board, and fish La Jolla.


That being said, if you feel you have done enough and cannot sacrifice anymore time, everyone understands...but if you can please,please, please come to as many meetings as you can!! Everyone realizes that these meetings are scheduled so that a great many blue collar fisherman cannot make them, this is a solid tactic and it is working, so if you have a sickday or vacation day that you can sacrifice we'd love it if you spent it with us all up in Carlsbad!! If you can't just think nice thoughts and share a bait with one of the guys you know who have made the effort and say "thanks!", we have your backs 100%!!!

If ya can make the meetings that's great we would love the support at all the meetings, but if you can only make a few but have still stood up and done watcha can every angler in So Cal thank's you for any effort you have put forward no matter how small or how big!!! I freely admit, I have missed the last few rounds due to work and other family commitments I even had to work on my birthday for 12 hours so I had to skip the workshop meetings.

And most everyone understands that "real life" issues such as family, job, kids, wives, dogs, un-understanding cats etc.... sometimes get in the way!

Please join us if you can on August 3rd and help us save La Jolla or any other launch spot that you love!! Let's put out a major effort to save our most precious fisheries!! Thanks to all who have donated time, money, or thoughts on how to save our fishing resources. Hope to see everyone that can make it at the August 3rd meeting in Carlsbad!!!!

Thanks Matt F.

Last edited by Matt; 07-31-2009 at 08:10 AM.
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Old 07-31-2009, 06:47 AM   #6
Holy Mackerel
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It has reached that time, where EVERYONE, unless you are having a heart transplant, needs to use sick, or vacation time. I have a trip to NORCAL in the fall, that will be greatly reduced in length of time, because I have been burning through my vacation time.

This is it, the final push! The enemy plays dirty, kicks sand in your face, are you gonna sit in your fox hole, and piss yourself, or fight back?

Paul is right, we will become bay fishermen, nothing wrong with that, but there is a reason why they La Jolla is the JEWEL.

The Anti-Fishing groups are rallying, they are going to be at the rest of these meetings speaking on ideology, and what sounds PC, despite facts, sustainability, and reason.

Remember, be polite, show up, make a statement. If you dont like to speak, cede time to another angler, and at least turn in a written statement. We need the numbers there!
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Old 07-31-2009, 07:04 AM   #7
Bad Clone
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The end is in sight. Let's not quit now. All the good work we got done in Santa Ana got undone in the last week becuase we let up and quit becuase it wasn't convenient to show up. The only positive results we have seen have been from our massive turnout at a few key meetings. Since then people have gotten lazy and fed up with the process and we have lost momentum. We don't want all the good work we have done to be for nothing becuase we got frustrated with the process.

Since we are at the end each and every meeting is more and more final. If we don't show up now, everything may already be decided by the final meeting.

The only meetings left are two RSG sessions, and 2 BRTF meetings, and one SAT meeting. The closures go into effect in 2010 . By this time next year LJ, PV, Dana, Malibu may all be off limits, forever.

I feel betrayed by the people that make money off me fishing. I know some are working behind the scenes but I would feel better about spending my time and money on this if they showed up for public comment too. I just wish they would make their efforts more visible. I am talking about tackle shops, landings, sport boat captains, dive and kayak shops. We need everyone to show up.

They are not saying fishermen are destroying the kelp, but the only kelp that exists to them is the stuff that was there for 4 of the 7 non consecutive years they used for the survey. The whole science behind it is bs too. It would be great if people got up and said so.
MLPA, if you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem

Let the Fish and Game Commission know what you think about the proposed maps.

Be ready for December 9th and 10th.

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Old 07-31-2009, 07:44 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by dpliska View Post
At what point does the RSG stand up in outrage at comments like that?

I'm no scientist but common sense tells me that fishing and fishermen do not contribute to the loss of persistent kelp. Kelp loss is due climate change, pollution, and possibly an over abundance of urchins. Closing those areas to fishing will not produce a rebound in persistent kelp.

I've been to all the meetings that I can. I've volunteered my time and money. I've filled out numerous comment cards, sent letters, faxes and made phone calls. I've pounded the pavement spreading the word but I'm just a fisherman -and it's obvious to me, that's how I'm viewed by the BRTF. What I don't understand is why the local businesses are not beating down the doors at their city council offices demanding they oppose these closures. It seems to me that we keep on showing up to the gun fight with rocks in our hands.

I do appreciate your time and effort as well as everyone else who has contributed. I just think it's time for a different approach rather than doing the same thing and expecting a different outcome.
You haven't done all you can.....you can still support those of us who are continuing the fight instead of putting up your moral busting posts like this. You want to rant tell us/me personally, you have our numbers and you have our emails.

Rocks to a gun fight is not the case here at all. It's more along the lines of an M16 against an M60. But bring two M16's to the fight and that M60 will go down. There are 4 tenets of battle

1. Initiative
2. Depth
3. Agility
4. Synchronization

You must employ more than once tactic; be flexible and work them in concert. You already know the business and council approach has worked up north in PV and it works in concert with our attendance. Don't ask the question, just keep working at it with your group in orange county until it is achieved. You haven't seen the spearos/yakkers give up on our attendance at the meetings because we have chamber/council backing...it actually helps us support our stance and give credibility to our comments.

Last edited by Grego; 07-31-2009 at 04:02 PM. Reason: i spelled a word wrong bitch
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Old 07-31-2009, 08:58 AM   #9
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Come on guys.....most of us have blown off work for a day when there is a hot bite going. We should be able to find a way to get there to try and make sure we get to continue to fish. I'll be there and look forward to speaking.
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Old 07-31-2009, 10:12 AM   #10
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They are not saying fishermen are destroying the kelp, but the only kelp that exists to them is the stuff that was there for 4 of the 7 non consecutive years they used for the survey. The whole science behind it is bs too. It would be great if people got up and said so.
Just to add to what Tyler said, but "they" hand picked those 7 years out of close to 80 years of available data. Now that sounds like reliable science to me.

I said this on BD too, but I know I've seen over 100 boats/kayaks out there on a weekday when the squid are floating and YT are biting. Whether you have a flexible work schedule or are calling in sick to fish a hot bite, whatever you do to free up your day for fishing, it's time to do that to fight for you and your childrens' rights to fish Lajolla in the future.

Strength in numbers, if enough people are throwing rocks, they we will win the gun fight....

"If a fish could keep his mouth shut, he would never get caught."
- U-Roy, Fisherman Style
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