The beer that Aztec Brewing Company will be brewing for us will be a Blood Orange Blond. It is based on their Belgian blond, they were checking the alcohol content of their latest batch today. Paul the master brewer said that it had"dried out" nicely. Meaning that the alcohol had increased. It measured out at an ABV of 10.9! Pretty strong.
I spoke with John and Claudia, the owners about what to name the brew. We tried out Aztec names, Spanish names and combinations of the two. I really wanted to use the Spanish word for blood, sangre, in the name. Sangre Del Rubio, Sangre Del Sol, Sangre Del Mar and Sangre Del Seriola. I thought on it awhile by myself, and came up with the name. Seriola Sunrise. The beer should have just a hint of red in it when it's done. Like the beginning of a sunrise. And who wouldn't want a Seriola at sunrise.