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Old 12-13-2011, 08:48 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by ChefT View Post

Can we start a BWE fishing license fund.... and donate it to charity like HUBS

Yes u can! I'll donate the first dime and u be the treasurer..
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Old 12-13-2011, 09:57 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by PAL View Post
Bad news. The state Office of Administrative Law signed off on the revised South Coast MLPA closures. They start Jan 1.

Source: http://www.wonews.com/Blog.aspx?id=1...20START%20DATE
I swear these people are out of control... It's just very unamerican... The MLPA can kiss my arse!!!
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Old 12-13-2011, 10:46 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by Aaron&Julie View Post
Great thought about the fundraising to cover those fined. One problem is those who only fish freshwater aren't likely to join the group, and get behind a boycott. Also, unfortunately they probably outnumber us saltwater fishermen.
I agree. They (Freshwater folk) are mostly in the dark but they should be VERY WORRIED. I have brought this up to FW fishermen I know and so should everyone here as well...check it out....




These clowns that got us have a global agenda.
”The beauty of the Second Amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it.”
~Thomas Jefferson.........maybe
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Old 12-13-2011, 10:53 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by Iceman View Post
They are counting on $50,000,000 to come from our license purchases. I think a boycott and some fundraising to pay anyone fined may be an avenue to kick em in the nuts.
That is an accurate number.
I posted the revenue DFG has received for the past 10 years from License Sales. It was somewhere around 50 Million per year.

We can Win Decisively by Not buying a Kalifornia Fishing License

-We have this bad economy on our side and could deliver a crippling blow to DFG and the state.

It will take discipline and sacrifice, but make no mistake withholding 50 Million would cut their balls off.
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Old 12-14-2011, 12:19 AM   #45
BRTF...bought & paid...
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I did not partake in this for any other reason to save fishing for my Son.

He took part in it to gain a very valuable lesson - if you don't stand up for what you believe in, you will be trampled on.

We saw that first hand when we went to many of the meetings, and even the local smurfrider meeting. Adults being disrespectful to the future of fishing, they do not care. The only children that had a voice were the cute little girls who turned in a diorama for a school assignment to protect the tropical reefs, and how the MPA's are good and help protect the tropical reefs...

To them, it is all about the 'here and now' and votes, committees, and funds they can be a part of to line their pockets. If half of these cronies were really worried about the future of the fisheries, they would have gone after the real violators, donated funds to the DFG for enforcement, donated funds for ways to create artificial reefs to promote and sustain fishery hatcheries, and they would have taken a good look at what is the real problem...

Not your local spearfisherman, not your local kayak fisherman, not your local shore angler. Unfortunately, we are the ones they decided to target.

Delay buying your license until you plan to use it...make sure you are legally safe on board, and troll an empty hook through their 'so called' reserves, after all, you are just straightening your line, all legal.

I plan to not put myself or my son in danger when fishing, and therefore, we will fish in areas that are the safest for us. We plan to abide by the rules we don't agree with, but when it becomes a question if we are putting ourselves in potential danger, we will do what is necessary to enjoy what we enjoy, and will put food on our table.


Gaffer for Clay the Fishcatcher
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Old 12-14-2011, 12:22 AM   #46
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Alright...so there's gonna be a huge New Year's Eve party at La Jolla!!! I'll be there with my '12 fishing license?
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Old 12-14-2011, 04:42 AM   #47
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Originally Posted by Tman View Post
Delay buying your license until you plan to use it...make sure you are legally safe on board, and troll an empty hook through their 'so called' reserves, after all, you are just straightening your line, all legal.
Tman, I'm not sure about the legality of the bare hook idea, just a torpedo sinker might be the better option. I've hooked many macks on bare hooks before, which would land you a fine if caught. Hell, I've even caught them on torpedos. But, without a hook on your line, the argument for straightening out your line and not intending to fish, flies a lot easier.
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Old 12-14-2011, 04:52 AM   #48
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Originally Posted by eertkao View Post
Alright...so there's gonna be a huge New Year's Eve party at La Jolla!!! I'll be there with my '12 fishing license?
Actually, New Year's Day, turn-out undetermined.
I believe the main intent is to put ourselves in the new "reserve", hold off on buying licenses as to put a financial crunch on the DFG, and make our dis-satisfaction known on a large enough level to make ignorant people take notice. If we can get the general public, non-fishermen, non-wacko-environmentalists, behind us, and become aware of the extreme nature of these statewide unnecessary closures, perhaps someday, though unlikely, we may get our fishing grounds back.
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Old 12-14-2011, 09:25 AM   #49
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[QUOTE=Tman;102623]I did not partake in this for any other reason to save fishing for my Son.

He took part in it to gain a very valuable lesson - if you don't stand up for what you believe in, you will be trampled on.

We saw that first hand when we went to many of the meetings, and even the local smurfrider meeting. Adults being disrespectful to the future of fishing, they do not care. The only children that had a voice were the cute little girls who turned in a diorama for a school assignment to protect the tropical reefs, and how the MPA's are good and help protect the tropical reefs...

To them, it is all about the 'here and now' and votes, committees, aind funds they can be a part of to line their pockets. If half of these cronies were really worried about the future of the fisheries, they would have gone after the real violators, donated funds to the DFG for enforcement, donated funds for ways to create artificial reefs to promote and sustain fishery hatcheries, and they would have taken a good look at what is the real problem...

Not your local spearfisherman, not your local kayak fisherman, not your local shore angler. Unfortunately, we are the ones they decided to target.

Delay buying your license until you plan to use it...make sure you are legally safe on board, and troll an empty hook through their 'so called' reserves, after all, you are just straightening your line, all legal.

I plan to not put myself or my son in danger when fishing, and therefore, we will fish in areas that are the safest for us. We plan to abide by the rules we don't agree with, but when it becomes a question if we are putting ourselves in potential danger, we will do what is necessary to enjoy what we enjoy, and will put food on our table.

Tman, very well put, sir. I have 3 boys of my own and can't help but wonder if the dfg and mpas are just setting the foundation of things to come... It is very unfortunate, that the day we live in, it seems you can't even wipe your own ass without it being regulated by the state...
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Old 12-14-2011, 10:42 AM   #50
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paul, you were awesome throughout the whole fight. we owe you so much. I learned some things in all of this, mostly that the california republic is not. and worse, that doesn't even seem to bother most people anymore.

t-studios, the constitution is a piece of paper, which most people view as nothing more useful than to wipe one's ass with. folks like you and me who think it means something, we don't matter. seriously, you think that moron we've got in DC, or the moron in sacramento, even care about the constitution. the courts? hell, they serve the state.

if you are going to occupy LJ, count me in. it was a honor to stand side by side with all my LJ bothers even though it's a rare trip for me. I met many of you and I can say that I've never met a better group of people anywhere. there's nobody I'd more rather be associated with. and that's what's worst of all, is that good folks (and that includes all the good SCSF guys who are losing beaches they've fished since they were kids) are being crushed by an omnipotent state. it's called tyranny.

us malibu guys got killed. you guys got hammered pretty bad too. we're gonna have to keep fighting this. it won't be easy or painless. but I'm in.
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Old 12-14-2011, 11:49 AM   #51
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Originally Posted by robmandel View Post
paul, you were awesome throughout the whole fight. we owe you so much. I learned some things in all of this, mostly that the california republic is not. and worse, that doesn't even seem to bother most people anymore.

t-studios, the constitution is a piece of paper, which most people view as nothing more useful than to wipe one's ass with. folks like you and me who think it means something, we don't matter. seriously, you think that moron we've got in DC, or the moron in sacramento, even care about the constitution. the courts? hell, they serve the state.

if you are going to occupy LJ, count me in. it was a honor to stand side by side with all my LJ bothers even though it's a rare trip for me. I met many of you and I can say that I've never met a better group of people anywhere. there's nobody I'd more rather be associated with. and that's what's worst of all, is that good folks (and that includes all the good SCSF guys who are losing beaches they've fished since they were kids) are being crushed by an omnipotent state. it's called tyranny.

us malibu guys got killed. you guys got hammered pretty bad too. we're gonna have to keep fighting this. it won't be easy or painless. but I'm in.
well stated I guess we just keep battling knockin out the surf fishing in those areas hurt bad...you are right about the clowns in office too, they don't give a $h!t about anything but themselves and their millions, vote them out first chance you get...government, state, dfg, and all who are intertwined
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Old 12-15-2011, 09:35 PM   #52
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At least 51% of this crowd voted these antiamericans into office, I doubt they will vote them out anytime soon! Jan1 is a good day to enjoy things. They shoot horses, don't they?
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Old 12-16-2011, 08:03 AM   #53
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I walk thru downtown almost every day and I get approached by "Green Peace". Then at the mall it's "Earth First" or some other enviromental group. They ask for donations, but if you don't donate they still tell you about how the the earth is being destroyed by some group or activity. They getthe public to donated money which they use to buy poiticians, they have direct communications with the public to voice their side of the story.

If all the public only hears is one side to the story, who do you think they'll support or vote for at election time?

A one day protest, is one day's news that will never carry the impact of being in the public's face day after day. We as a small group (as seen by state politicians) cannot indivdually donate enough to counter the special interest groups financial influence.

I like the Jan 1, protest about the lost of freedom, it's a good start.

But, from there talk to every stranger you meet on the streets and in the malls and tell them about the lies and freedoms lost. Join in with other groups fighting against the lost freedom, so that we build our numbers to the point where politicians know they need to listen. We must display the same passion on every issue that attempts to limit our freedom, regardless if we personally participate in the targeted activity or not. We need get the mass public and large corporations who understand our side to help fianance the fight for our rights and our childrens rights.

Do I negative about this, NO.

I think we can do it, average americans have remarkable capabilities and skills. I'm not smart enough to have the answers so I ask you.....think about it, what is our next step?
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