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Old 12-03-2009, 01:43 PM   #1
Olivenhain Bob
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MLPA - At least someone is on our side

I received a form letter today from my Assemblyman Martin Garrick. The letter was in response to one of the emails I, along with many others, sent to him recently regarding the proposed MLPA closures. I suspect that everyone who contacted Mr. Garrick about this issue got the same letter but for those who did not get a copy, I have attached a scan of the document below.

To my great surprise, it appears that Mr Garrick actually read my email and understands the issues in play here. Even better, it appears that he also supports our point of view. I'm not sure how much that will matter now that the thing is in the hands of the F&G Commission but it certainly can't hurt to have someone in the legislature on our side.

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Old 12-03-2009, 10:19 PM   #2
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I received a similar email reply as well and replied to him. I think we all need to reply and continue to put pressure on the BRTF and now the DFG for the upcoming meeting. His email is: senator.wyland@outreach.senate.ca.gov. Here is my reply as an fyi:

Thank you for contacting the Blue Ribbon Task Force about the MLPA proposals. Just so you are aware, prior to the last MLPA meeting, various calls were made by Kelly Sayce with the BRTF requesting that we do not bring crowds of people to the meeting where public comment was to be allowed. I spoke to that in my speech asking why this was done and stated that it was wrong. If this is supposed to be a public process why would they discourage the public from appearing and making their comments? Craig Schumann (sp?) pulled me aside in the meeting and was not happy that I brought that up in my speech and tried to do damage control. Ken Wiseman stated and confirmed to the public that the calls were made and that they were made to both sides. The bottom line is that NEITHER side should have been called! Craig stated that it would not be a good use of the task force's time to have the meeting tied up with hours of public comments like the previous meeting! I stated that what they were doing is wrong and both sides have a right to represent and should be given the opportunity! I let him know that 6 hours of the task force's time for comments was a small impact to their time compared to a lifetime of impact to the public and State of California.

By closing down more of the La Jolla Shores area to fishing, they are taking away areas that provide easy access and safe access to fishermen. They are hurting this economy and putting a bigger burden on the Department of Fish and Game to enforce. The State of California will lose more revenue due to less fishing licenses sold and the cost to enforce these closures. They are taking away areas where I have personally fished with wounded warriors to get them out for relaxation after serving in Iraq. If the intention is to protect the marine life, why isn't the water quality a part of this issue? Meg Caldwell has a big issue with fishing in general and Ken Wiseman has cut public speaking time to 30 seconds! It's obvious they didn't want to spend time hearing public comment because they already had their minds made up. What is that all about? It's rude and condescending and goes against the very foundation this country was built upon!

We the public are counting on you to use your power, in your position, to do the right thing and not support this railroad process that Meg and Ken are shoving down everyone's throat! What's right is right! I'm tired of watching their smug faces smirking at us and cut off public comment when it doesn't suit their agenda. Because they have the money behind them from the so-called environmentalists, they are getting away with this total injustice. We need you to do the right thing and follow this through until resolution. Our state cannot withstand any more debt or loss!

Please reply without a form letter and let me know your intentions going forward since there will be meetings Dec. 9th with public comment and the DFG.

Thank you,


I forwarded the email to the DFG to let them know I sent it to Senator Wyland and asked the DFG to do the right thing in the upcoming meeting. We have to put pressure on everyone to get involved!
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Old 12-03-2009, 10:27 PM   #3
BRTF...bought & paid...
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Sweet letter Maggie...esp the point of calling out the 'extensive publc input', which we know is a farce.

Gaffer for Clay the Fishcatcher
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Old 12-06-2009, 12:10 PM   #4
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My Assembly Member, Joel Anderson has actually stated his position in this letter to the BRTF.
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