Went out today. Little rough early on. A few hundred yards where I was at there was a swarm of gulls...hundreds. It went on for over 10 minutes. Thought about checking it out but I had to meet the wife at noon. I could only wonder what was schooling out there. All I could think about was throwing my jig in that frenzy. The frenzy would have been gone anyways by the time I got out there w/ paddle power. I caught a few greenies and tied one on salt water set up. I brought my light LM bass gear w/ me w/ 8lb test as my second set up (all I have at the time). Snapped a small jig on it to play w/ some macs. First drop and my line went running. Fish took all the line off my small reel and it broke off. I've caught many LMB at Miramar in the 2-3lb range w/ this pole w/ the same drag set w/ no problem. If I only had it on my sw set-up w/ braid. I need to order another off shore reel so I can troll and fish lures at the same time.