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Old 10-20-2010, 03:45 PM   #121
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What an enlightening experience - to hear about our coastal coral reefs AND to find out where my tax dollars for education are going...!
"I Brake for Halibut"
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Old 10-20-2010, 03:48 PM   #122
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I cant even focus on work today... I really wish i could of made it. It was my day off normaly, but Its the biggest work load of the year for me, I had to show up. Imagine the timing...

I seen some pictures on BD of all the shcool children bussed in to the meetings. Thats unreal... I know we have seen it before, but its infuriating.

One of the kids even got up there and said that we fish using bombs... imagine that.

That stuff really throws me over the edge...
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Old 10-20-2010, 04:53 PM   #123
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wada circus. Yeah, kids and their "save our coral reefs" cry in these final hours were really the best reflection how distorted and manipulated this whole process is. Mr. Richards asking pretty basic question, to be reminded on % of deep rock reefs addressed, and no one really knowing the answer was pretty funny too! It shows you how much they're really into it. It's one thing that good number of ordinary folks can't put their mind around this whole MLPA process and where it is right now - these folks have been hired to administer the process. They ought to be familiar with key points, despite how complicated and diluted at the same they made it.

It sux when you are fighting a war and you know you are bound to loose, you're just trying to contain your loses and keep chugging on. That's what we seem to be doing. We're still biting, great show, despite the bussed in kids I think we were there in greater numbers.

Lot's of DFG there. It's cool when you pick up the vibe from the wardens they are on our team. Hear that Wade?
<)))< ....b-a-a-a-a
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Old 10-20-2010, 05:18 PM   #124
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A student from Hi-Tech High sat next to me. I asked him why he was there. He tells me it is for his government class - so that he can observe the debate. CoastKeepers made a presentation to his class. He was undecided as to which side to take and wanted to hear the other side. After the Hi-Tech High senior spoke, he left. He didn't stay to hear the other side, well... maybe he moved to the back to hear??? I doubt it.
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Old 10-20-2010, 05:36 PM   #125
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Coral reefs in CA

That was hilarious. Clay and his buddy Julian were cracking up...pretty pathetic that a teacher is teaching her students that, having them spend all that time on their diaramas, extra work for an extra grade, just to be humiliated. I agree, that teacher should be admonished.
Pretty sad, even the boys were commenting on where coral reefs were, naming the places. Guess they are getting a better education...

Mr. Richards was classic...

(Not verbatim)

"So, there are 7 areas that are not sandy bottoms? And are there reserves put in place for each of those 7 areas?"

I agree again Adi, hilarious that these people who have (supposedly) been working so hard kept stumbling with their words trying to answer his simple question, and the final comment from the gal was even more pathetic when she complained that she wasn't aware that he was going to ask such a difficult question...maybe because you people have been used to rehearsing the question and answer period!

Just shows the bs we are up against.

Great seeing familiar faces, Waterman's Alliance, thanks for the grub...

To all of the Kids that spoke...

Each and every one of you showed more knowledge, more courage, and spoke better than any of the misinformed children that spoke, you should be very proud for standing up for your rights, we are very proud of you.

Thank you...

Gaffer for Clay the Fishcatcher
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Old 10-20-2010, 05:42 PM   #126
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I was talking with a lady from Bloody Decks who talked with the High Tech High students at the back of the room and videoed their response, she asked them if they were forced to come, answer was yes. Look for the video to be posted on Bloody Decks soon. I wounder how many parents actually new what their children were going on there field trip today for?

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.
Thomas Jefferson
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Old 10-20-2010, 05:43 PM   #127
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the kids are just missed informed, there are soft corals off the coast so they are not totally wrong.

there seems to be a lot of adults that are missed informed also.

but i will say the kids being bussed in and given an agenda in is just wrong.

To all of the Kids that spoke...

Each and every one of you showed more knowledge, more courage, and spoke better than any of the misinformed children that spoke, you should be very proud for standing up for your rights, we are very proud of you.

Thank you...
i agree GREAT JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:lu xhello:

Last edited by roadx; 10-20-2010 at 06:00 PM.
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Old 10-20-2010, 05:55 PM   #128
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(Santa Barbara, Calif.) – A new species of black coral has been discovered off southern California, including around the Channel Islands, by Milton Love, University of California, Santa Barbara marine researcher, and Mary Yoklavich of NOAA Fisheries. The discovery came during dives by the researchers in "Delta," the submersible.

The new species, found at depths of approximately 300 to 725 feet, is reported this week in the online scientific journal Zootaxa (http://www.mapress.com/zootaxa/content.html) by taxonomist Dennis Opresko of Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
Love named the new species "Christmas Tree Coral" (dendochristos in Greek) since it grows to a height greater than two meters and resembles pink, white and red flocked Christmas trees.
The complete scientific Greek name for the new coral is Antipathes dendrochristos. The word for black coral is "Anti" for against, and "pathos," for disease, a reference to the fact that black coral amulets were once thought to provide protection against disease and evil spirits. The Christmas tree coral was first noticed by the researchers during dives for surveys of rockfishes on deep rocky banks about 40 miles off the coast, west of Los Angeles.

Comment made was they grow best in shallow tropical waters. Implementing an MPA to save these (MPA = 3 miles from shore) kinda loses me there.

300-725 feet of water 40 miles W of LA?

I don't think any MPA will help them, esp. not in LJ, Laguna, or Malibu.

I will admit that I am one of the misinformed.

Gaffer for Clay the Fishcatcher
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Old 10-20-2010, 06:06 PM   #129
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it was "dynamite" to see all my LJ friends again

what a shameless and disgusting display. what amazed me was this great disconnect about what the mpa's are about, and what those morons thought they would do. like the laguna tuna who want the highest level of protection, but how is that going to do anything about their tidepools or shore? or the high tech girl in tears about the LJ tidepool. again, there is nothing in the mpa's that protect anything...

ah, but, now maybe you're starting to "get it". folks, we ain't the target, hard as it is to believe. they don't like us, don't ever think they do, but what they're after is much bigger. see, what they know, and maybe escaped us (because, we are not an evil lot like them. we don't see freedom as something to be destroyed, as standing in the way of "progress") but the mpa's are really an end run, a back door to a great many things they couldn't ever achieve any other way.

the reserves give them pretty much carte blanche to do everything to protect them: extreme pollution controls, development restraints, restrictions of access, and on and on. in many ways the whole "no take" was a ruse, a gimmick to get in. look, did you hear any of those blue shirt morons even discuss fish or fish populations or whatever? one, they couldn't give two shits about the fish. two, they would lose big time that argument, because our stocks are healthy and it isn't like they are in this to help fishing.

so, notice how they turned the arguments completely away from mpa reality and towards mpa fantasy. and they know to get what they really want, they have to pull out all the stops, do anything necessary to get from point a to point b. which is why they will shamelessly exploit kids. and why they are evil in every sense of the word. 'bout the only difference between them and stalin's twenty-five thousanders is, is, is, is, (stuttering, looking for answer...)

good to see such a great turnout
:c heers1:
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Old 10-20-2010, 06:09 PM   #130
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Comment made was they grow best in shallow tropical waters. Implementing an MPA to save these (MPA = 3 miles from shore) kinda loses me there.

300-725 feet of water 40 miles W of LA?

I don't think any MPA will help them, esp. not in LJ, Laguna, or Malibu.

i dont blame the kids, i believe they are doing what they think is right. it's the teacher that fills them with this BS and they KNOW better.
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Old 10-20-2010, 06:11 PM   #131
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Thank you all that showed up and participated in today's event, protest, and meeting! You are awesome! I posted a thread with pics and a video in the Bloodydecks site:


Thanks again,

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Old 10-20-2010, 07:46 PM   #132
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Originally Posted by Billy V View Post
Yes - the eco nazis have exploited young children throughout this BS process.

They were literally handing out candy to the children during some of the meetings.-Creepy
They were also outraged to learn from their teachers that we are using bombs to fish so they came to lecture us on that policy. Oh and the pizza, candy and games were cool too.


Section 25. The people shall have the right to fish upon and from
the public lands of the State and in the waters thereof...
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Old 10-20-2010, 08:08 PM   #133
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Those who came out -

Thank you for sacrificing a day for our way of life.

It was fantastic to see our hardcore, familiar faces who've endured meeting after droning meeting. And just as valued, the new blood. We are grateful for your help.

Great turnout, great comments, but I'd expect nothing less because kayak anglers (and our close friends the free divers), are freedom loving, independent minded, strong of will and spirt, and the best people I know.

It may not seem like we accomplished much - the commission didn't do much more than sit through the legally required public comment. Don't believe it. If we hadn't have showed, we would have certainly lost ground.

We have to do it one more time, Dec 15 or 16 in Santa Barbara of all places. That's MLPA HQ, for us the heart of darkness. Please join me there for the finale.
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Old 10-20-2010, 09:09 PM   #134
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Huge thanks from the WA and from the spearos for the joint effort we all put in.

You guys are awesome.

Heads up

Anyone who did not have an opportunity to speak on Item 3 today because
they missed their call, had to leave early, couldn't be there at all or
choose not to--for example because they ceded time to someone who did
not get credit for enough cards--may address Item 3 tomorrow during
general public commentary. And, time will be much cheaper--three minutes
to start and perhaps only a couple of cards to get as much as 5 minutes.

Of course if you spoke today, you can't speak again tomorrow.

This was relayed to me by someone familiar with the process.

So to those who didn't speak today--go sign up and speak tomorrow.
A spearo, but we are in this MLPA mess together
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Old 10-20-2010, 09:24 PM   #135
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i use dynamite when i fish our local coral reefs
teachers these days i am so glad i was a rebel when i was in school
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Old 10-20-2010, 09:32 PM   #136
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Can we use M-80's or Seal Bombs with a couple of 1/2" nuts taped on to make bait ?

It would be much easier than those sabiki rigs with all those sharp hooks.
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Old 10-20-2010, 09:39 PM   #137
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Joe, thanks for posting over here. I just saw your Spearboard update. I was about to cross post, and you beat me to it.

If you didn't get a chance today, please give it a shot Thurs morning.
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Old 10-21-2010, 06:41 AM   #138
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Commissioner Richards in his typical sly way brought up a point that I had not considered before. He mentioned that of the seven significant areas in southern California that contain a lot of structure, all seven are to be closed or partially closed. Proponents are constantly saying that the MLPA leaves open for fishing, nearly 90% of California's coastline. That may be true but most of the unprotected areas that they generously leave to us do not harbor many fish.

Someone should come up with a new analysis that shows the percentage of high quality fishing grounds that the MLPA wants to take. I bet the number rises significantly from the 14% of so that the currently claim. I suspect that the true number ends up to be more like 60%, maybe more.

Was anyone else a little confused by the graphic that one of the Commissioners put up on the screen with a bunch of black dots showing, "every place in California where fish have been reported to have been caught" ? It seemed interesting to me that there were no reported catches in La Jolla, or any of the other areas targeted for closure. I guess Josh has not reported in.

How dumb to they think the public is?

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Old 10-21-2010, 07:00 AM   #139
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That was a fishing effort map, not a catch map. Also, it didn't show effort density, so it is misleading. It's typical create evidence to support your foregone conclusion tactics.
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Old 10-21-2010, 11:28 AM   #140
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Originally Posted by roadx View Post
i dont blame the kids, i believe they are doing what they think is right. it's the teacher that fills them with this BS and they KNOW better.

I completely agree and had a word with a teacher right in front of his students after hearing him say to them "So kids the fishermen are making fun of you and calling you names for being here" "they are calling you uneducated little ankle biters" I was floored I turned and said to them "so this is how you get kids to not like fishing and support the maps of your choice by generalizing fishermen, I myself am happy the kids are here to learn about the government process and witness both sides?" I did not want to say he did not hear someone say that, maybe he did. He did not say a word back and the kids looked a bit shocked.

Unfortunately I did see from a distance a fishermen flip the bird at some young individuals wearing MLPA Support shirts. Not a good way to represent.
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