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Old 10-08-2010, 08:45 PM   #61
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come on people this is no where near enough all you guys who care about fishing need to be there at least show your support you being there says a lot. LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!
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Old 10-08-2010, 09:59 PM   #62
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Old 10-08-2010, 11:22 PM   #63
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Originally Posted by Grego View Post
Chris, add the following to your list. Looks like most of the LA guys are sitting on the fence this time, maybe with the confirmed time a few more will commit.

Aquatic Hunter

The LA group simply isn't organized, it's pretty much a non topic on the LA board. Only a mention with a link to this site. During the last meeting go-round I took a bunch of flak for continuing to ask the same question on the different MLPA posts: "Where and what time is the meeting". Despite them supposedly wanting everyone to show up to the meetings, they somehow didn't think letting people know where and when was necessary; go figure.

I wish I could make this one, but I'll be out of town. Give um hell!
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Old 10-11-2010, 03:19 PM   #64
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Bump! 9 days
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Old 10-11-2010, 03:48 PM   #65
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Just got the day off confirmed today, I'll be there!

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Old 10-11-2010, 04:00 PM   #66
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Originally Posted by bubblehide View Post
The LA group simply isn't organized, it's pretty much a non topic on the LA board. Only a mention with a link to this site. During the last meeting go-round I took a bunch of flak for continuing to ask the same question on the different MLPA posts: "Where and what time is the meeting". Despite them supposedly wanting everyone to show up to the meetings, they somehow didn't think letting people know where and when was necessary; go figure.

I wish I could make this one, but I'll be out of town. Give um hell!

I went the easy route this time and simply posted up the link where you saw it...
(I think you are one of only a few who responded...)

The rest of your post?
I guess that would be Greggos fault...
(although I do remember a helluva a lot of LA Boyz representing at many a meeting)
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Old 10-11-2010, 04:31 PM   #67
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Count me in , shaq1
Oscar A..
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Old 10-12-2010, 07:58 AM   #68
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Originally Posted by bellcon View Post
I went the easy route this time and simply posted up the link where you saw it...
(I think you are one of only a few who responded...)

The rest of your post?
I guess that would be Greggos fault...
(although I do remember a helluva a lot of LA Boyz representing at many a meeting)

I don't blame anyone in particular; just pointing out what appears to be a fairly endemic characteristic of the majority of the Malibu crowd. Personally I think it's a bit self defeating, to say the least.
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Old 10-12-2010, 09:02 AM   #69
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Let's make nice and save our ire for the other side please.

This isn't the place to criticize people who didn't show up or have given up - they aren't likely to read it! (That takes more of a personal touch)

Man for man, the Baytubers came stronger than any, even taking a serious hit for the larger team. I have only praise for them.

And while they may have been few in number, there were some Malibu hardcore. They don't need to take friendly fire - they're set to take the biggest hit of all, the loss of their La Jolla.
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Old 10-12-2010, 09:16 AM   #70
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I like being blamed for things...builds and reinforces my character of being an asshole, I enjoy that Don can vouch for that.

bubble you hurt my feelings....and I thought the BT did a pretty good job the last couple of years, hmmmmmmmfffff...fine then. As Cabojohn would say "I'm taking my ball and going home then...." and and and...we not going to buy pizza for the meetings no mo either! well..maybe for the spearos since they buying AGAIN!! wooo hoo!
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Old 10-12-2010, 10:06 AM   #71
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I'll be there, not sure about Joy....Eric
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Old 10-12-2010, 11:12 AM   #72
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Add me to the list. be there for sure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!

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Old 10-12-2010, 12:12 PM   #73
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ok - so we'll have a small army there. I have not been to one of these meetings before, so I can only guess what happens.

I suspect there will be reps for the DFG/MLPA speaking and describing what they plan to do/close. Then at some point they will open the mic to those who want to speak ( and not fear public speaking....).

We are all there for the same reason - do not close areas to stop us from fishing. Right???!! We can't simply stand up and say "No...don't do that!" without any decent amo. I can only speak from what I know or at least think I know. Obviously they (DFG/MLPA) think and have 'data' that shows certain areas are being depleted of fish. For one, I don't see a lot of kayakers pulling in large quantities of fish. Of all the (very few) times that I have launched and landed, I have not seen anyone with any fish (other than the SMMT). I have seen plenty of surf fishing pulling in lots of perch, but I don't have any numbers to know if it is impacting the perch or other species. Can only guess from my own observations and experience.

So, what amo are we going in with?

If I have good info on something, I'll speak, but right now I don't. Only a "nooo... don't take away the time I have away from stress, and the thrill of catching fish to feed the family"... well, I could still kayak out without fishing - but you didn't read that.
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Old 10-12-2010, 12:41 PM   #74
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For those who are just joining this effort, I appreciate that you're taking much of this on faith. Thank-you. Rest assured, there will be plenty of help once you get to the meeting. Just look for the Waterman's Alliance.

Also, if you haven't committed to showing, don't think you're not needed because "we have a small army." The other side has been known to import people by the busload.

When you arrive, and it shouldn't be any later than about 9 am, you need to find the info table and grab a speaker card. Next, decide whether you want to speak or cede your speaking time.

What is ceded time? Every person who fills out a speaker card will get somewhere between one and three minutes. Some people with important messages to send will need more. You can give them your time, but not on a 1:1 trade. It might take 10 cards for one more minute, but that's ok.

For example, during previous meetings Tyler hammered home of the importance of pier bait and other La Jolla issues. He came with slides that back up his points. We always pooled our time to give Tyler room to operate.

If you want to tell the Commission a thing or two, here are a few starting places taken from the other thread:

1. The recent court ruling is clear. The Blue Ribbon Task Force and Science Advisory Team are state agencies. They didn't follow state open meeting rules. The record appears to show decisions were reached behind closed doors. The were other irregularities. South Coast MLPA work must be suspended until these serious issues are resolved.

2. We support RSG Proposal 2, the true cross-interest plan created by anglers, harbor communities. Proposal two strikes a fair balance in Malibu, it preserves public access and safety. The IPA's La Jolla plan will concentrate fishing activity in a small area, again causing safety issues. It preserves the existing reserve boundaries, which are well known to the public and designated via shore-side signs and buoys on the water. Etc.

3. You could also limit your comments to the IPA (Integrated Preferred Alternative), which the Commission is considering. There are significant issues in play, including whether to expand the proposed South La Jolla reserve and reconfigure the second one that would cap us off at Scripps Pier. We have to watch these closely.

This is as much detail as I'm going into on a public message board. The other side reads our mail.

See you in a week.
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Old 10-12-2010, 01:15 PM   #75
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Old Rookie, just a general bit of info, the DFG knows of no (0) species on our coast that are in decline. There are a few species that are not at their optimal numbers, but all are stable or on the increase since the banning of long lining, gill nets and the current batch of fishing regulations. This is the irony of this entire process.
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Old 10-12-2010, 01:35 PM   #76
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"The Blue Ribbon Task Force and Science Advisory Team are state agencies"

Are these Science state agencies real scientist? Are they familar with California Current ecosystem? The data about California fisheries disclosed in the Science magazine article made it clear that the Marine Life Protection Act process must be suspended, since the "science" behind the process needs to be completely re-examined.

Are we being sandbag just based on Pseudo science? I hope the The California Fish and Game Commission Has not been bought out and served already.

Last edited by driftwood; 10-12-2010 at 02:36 PM.
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Old 10-12-2010, 02:28 PM   #77
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Just confirmed that I will be able to get the day off.

I will be attending Oct. 20th, driving down from Orange County.
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Old 10-12-2010, 02:48 PM   #78
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Hey PAL and other organizers...

Just a suggestion, last couple of meetings I went to the lobby area during check in was total chaos. It was easy to find where to get card for speaking time, but it's REALLY HARD TO FIND PAUL, JOE and the others to whom the time was to be ceded and the other kaykers.
When we did the matching black shirts thing, at least it was easy to find the like minded folks.

My suggestion is to create some sort of recognizable uniform, shirt, hat big sign or something so the people who don't recognize faces from this board or from on the water at a distance know who to sit with, talk to, and cede time to.

Wife's having surgery and I can't make it.

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Old 10-12-2010, 03:20 PM   #79
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Now that I can be there to at least increase our numbers I have to agree with willy, I would like to fill out the card to speak and then cede time to those who know the right words to get the best bang for the time. Knowing who where and how to do this would help make it a bit easier and smoother.

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Old 10-12-2010, 03:41 PM   #80
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Originally Posted by Grego View Post
I like being blamed for things... reinforces my character of being an asshole, I enjoy that Don can vouch for that.
I bet he can... let's just say we all have our fields of expertise

Originally Posted by Grego View Post
you hurt my feelings....and I thought the BT did a pretty good job the last couple of years
Funny I thought he was talking about guys that fish Malibu not Baytubers, and actually just echoing something one of your guys recently posted on another board:

Originally Posted by Someone you know from Baytubers
For the record I put as much passion into saving Malibu as I did RP, LJ, etc etc But lets be honest there just was not the show of force from the Malibu area at the meetings Too few were fighting the closures at Malibu and the results are in part do to that fact.
I think many of the guys that fish Malibu think of Baytubers as kind of an Orange county, San Pedro, harbor fishing crowd, and they think of Malibu fisherman as the LA surf launching crowd. There is some basis for that: I mean Baytubers with all their tournaments never had one in Malibu as far as I know, and they certainly did not have one at the bigger well known breaks like County Line where Bubblehide likes to fish..

I mean you can pretend Bubblehide was attacking Baytubers if you want to, and take offense at his comments for whatever reason you want, but it's not how it reads, and it doesn't make much sense.

I like Baytubers, think they helped in the MLPA and appreciate that. I have recommended countless people to Kiyos site, and his tournaments but I will say that from time to time it seems like some of your guys want to pretend that people who are not in with you, or part of your group are somehow bad people, or out to hurt your organization.

Maybe your just trying to rally your troops, or get your guys fired up but I'd say that just pushes others away when it comes to issues like the MLPA.

At any rate I'd say it's pretty obvious Bubblehide was not attacking Baytubers or their track record when it comes to the MLPA and perhaps as Paul said: you guys might be better off saving that ire for the other side.

Just my take though.


Last edited by Fiskadoro; 10-12-2010 at 04:04 PM.
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