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Old 06-11-2010, 09:55 AM   #1
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MLPA - Senator Bob Dutton

I've continued sending letters and rants opposing the MLPA to all my local politicians without much in the way of replies. My local OC rep Mimi Walters has been completely silent on the issue and has never acknowledged any of my emails or letters to her office. Ditto for all the primary candidates that I sent emails to.

One notable exception has been Senator Robert Dutton of Senate District 31 (Riverside and San Bernardino counties). Although I'm not in his district, I sent him a brief message thanking him for opposing the MLPA and for looking into some of the conflicts of interest involved in the process.

I was pleasantly surprised by the following quick response from his office even though I'm not a constituent of his!

From: Senator.Dutton@senate.ca.gov
To: mcnamara4@hotmail.com
Subject: From the office of Senator Robert Dutton
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2010 11:23:18 -0700

Mr. McNamara,

Thank you for contacting Senator Dutton with your words of encouragement. He appreciates your support!

As an avid sportsman and hunter, Senator Dutton understands the balance between protecting wildlife and providing access to citizens. He is a true outdoorsman, and he believes in preserving our wild lands, streams and oceans both for posterity and for the benefit of our natural world.

If you would like to join the effort to oppose the MLPA, you may send a letter of support to Senator Dutton. The leg team in Sacramento will be keeping a file of support letters, and will also occasionally call on supporters to testify before committee or in hearings. If you would like to do so, you may send a letter to our Capitol office:

Senator Bob Dutton
State Capitol, Room 5094
Sacramento, CA 95814
ATTN: Sean Wallentine

All the letter needs to contain is your personal experience with the fishing grounds in your area, and how the actions of the MLPA would adversely affect you and your community. Be sure to include your contact information if you are open to being contacted by the Senator or his staff.

I hope you find this helpful. Please don't hesitate to call if you have any questions.

Have a great day,

Jennifer Seablom
(909) 466-4180

As requested, I've sent a letter to Senator Dutton's office detailing my personal experiences in LJ, OC and Point Dume.

If Senator Dutton ever decides to run for statewide offiice he can count on my vote and support!
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Old 06-11-2010, 10:22 AM   #2
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Bob dutton is on the Senate Rules commitee, and hes a friend to Fisherman.

If you are also agaisnt having Don Benninghoven as a Member of the California Fish and Game Commission, I'd make sure your letter says that as well becuase the Senate Rules commitee will decide on his comfirmation.
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Old 06-11-2010, 10:50 AM   #3
Olivenhain Bob
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I have experienced the same frustration in trying to get politicians to respond to my letters. For the past few months, I have attempted to get the two main candidates for Governor, Whitman and Brown, to state their position on this issue, so far without success.

I have sent numerous emails from their campaign web sites and have called their offices several times trying to obtain a response. Each time I have been given lip service by the person who answers the phone but nothing more.

My guess is that these folks are cut from the same cloth as most of our so-called representatives. They prefer to not take a position on something unless they see some personal benefit coming out of this action. If they never take a position on an issue, the do not risk pissing off the potential voters on one side or the other.

Part of the problem is that I have probably been the only person who has contacted these candidates on this issue. It is very easy to ignore on guy, even a persistent one like me. If they were to receive hundreds of emails and phone calls on this issue, we might be able to get some sort of response.

If anyone is interested in adding their voice to mine and trying to get Whitman or Brown's attention that would be great. PM me if you would like a copy of the letter that I have been sending.

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Old 06-11-2010, 12:10 PM   #4
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they are socialists,where do you think they stand!
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Old 06-11-2010, 12:56 PM   #5
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money talks not letters.
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Old 06-11-2010, 01:07 PM   #6
BRTF...bought & paid...
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I wonder if Mr. Ken Wiseman was paid for his 'services' at the MLPA meetings...and by whom...

Gaffer for Clay the Fishcatcher
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Old 06-11-2010, 01:48 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by dsafety View Post
I have experienced the same frustration in trying to get politicians to respond to my letters. For the past few months, I have attempted to get the two main candidates for Governor, Whitman and Brown, to state their position on this issue, so far without success.

I have sent numerous emails from their campaign web sites and have called their offices several times trying to obtain a response. Each time I have been given lip service by the person who answers the phone but nothing more.

My guess is that these folks are cut from the same cloth as most of our so-called representatives. They prefer to not take a position on something unless they see some personal benefit coming out of this action. If they never take a position on an issue, the do not risk pissing off the potential voters on one side or the other.

Part of the problem is that I have probably been the only person who has contacted these candidates on this issue. It is very easy to ignore on guy, even a persistent one like me. If they were to receive hundreds of emails and phone calls on this issue, we might be able to get some sort of response.

If anyone is interested in adding their voice to mine and trying to get Whitman or Brown's attention that would be great. PM me if you would like a copy of the letter that I have been sending.

I dunno if you follow politics, but Jerry Brown supports the MLPA. Keep in mind hes was the state Autorney General, He would have been in charge of investigating the corruption and special intrest behind it. He did nothing of the sort. He also supports House Senate Bill, AB32. Hes also largely involved in the Air/Carb Board, whos been out to ban diesel fuel emissions etc etc.

Actions speak loader than words, Even if you did get a letter back itd be all lip service, But this guy is involved with just about every global warming enviormental bill. Hes going to go were the money is. The Packard and Moore Foundations...the folks who helped fund the MLPA.

Meg whitman is a new politician. No one knows really how she will be as govenor. But the one thing with new politicians is She doesnt want to hesitate and take a stance on something that will hurt her voting base. If you present the MLPA as corrupt and wastefull spending. If she won the Govenorship, She very well could call for an audit/investigation witch would automatically suspend the MLPA process till its review. Something she could say on paper cut wasteful spending without Directly cutting certain public services/workers (shell be facing alot of special intrest and public employee union pressure her first year if shes elected)

The people who would oppose her suspending the MLPA program are people who support the MLPA hardcore, those people typically acording to voting record, would be voting for Jerry Brown anyways.

I've called some members of the State Senate Rules Commitee, mainly Robert Dutton, and Sam Aenestad and spoke to representives of theres who handle the thier constiuents request and letters/e-mails. Both there Associates said these 2 canidates do support Sportfisherman and Hunters intrest. And are against Abusive Enviormental bills. (both of them oppose Enviormental bill AB32)
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Old 06-11-2010, 01:50 PM   #8
Olivenhain Bob
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Originally Posted by Pat View Post
money talks not letters.
Sad but true and we do not have nearly enough to get their attention.

Whitman has already spent over $70 million of her own money just to beat the Republican challenger. Who knows how much will be spent during the next few months. It's nuts.

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Old 06-11-2010, 03:02 PM   #9
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Dem, or Rep....
Originally Posted by dorado50 View Post
they are socialists,where do you think they stand!
Where the hell is "tail gunner Joe" McCarthy when you need him??

Let the witch hunts begin !!!!!

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Old 06-11-2010, 05:40 PM   #10
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Arnold is pro MLPA.I heard him refer to it in a speech...

Dont know much about Meg,but she has promised to blow apart a lot of big Gov. agencies(like Caltrans)who are huge on wasteful spending.I doubt if she will make it though.JB is going to take normally the anti-democratic angle of no new taxes and balanced budget which we all know is BS.
Barachit Baralah,Elohim-In the beginning,God-Genesis 1:1

"Who among you,if your son asked for a fish would give them a serpent " Jesus Matt. 7:10
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Old 06-11-2010, 07:00 PM   #11
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It would shock me if Meg did not win this election. IMO, she is the clearly the candidate that is most acceptable to the majority of voters. Besides, it appears that she can and will spend whatever it takes to make sure that her message is the only one that gets heard.

Assuming this is correct, I suggest that we focus our attention on her. Please join me in trying to get her to take a position on this issue. If she comes in on the wrong side, at least we know what we will be fighting.

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Old 06-11-2010, 10:18 PM   #12
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Like I was saying, If you present the MLPA to her like its wasful spending with some bad buissness special intrest, it may be apealign to her to cut it, Winning fishermans support will go along way for her campaign now and in the future, got to make that known to her.
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Old 06-12-2010, 11:53 AM   #13
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The point of my post was that here we have a senator working to oppose the MLPA process.

Meg and Fiorina don't respond and haven't done jack to help. Brown and Barbara "Don't call me Ma'am" Boxer support the MLPA and there's no f'n way they're going to investigate or oppose the process.

Senator Bob Dutton is asking the right questions, so let's take a couple of minutes and resend those letters opposing the MLPA to his staff member Sean Wallentine.
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