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Old 09-05-2009, 06:05 PM   #1
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: so. riv. co.
Posts: 4
Lauch site

Need help looking for new place to launch site in or around Oceanside tired of the harbor. have wheels for short hauls.
fish on have a great day
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Old 09-06-2009, 11:14 PM   #2
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u can surf launch carlsbad depening on surf. or the lagoons but u need a pass/permit. were in s. riv u in?
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Old 09-07-2009, 10:30 PM   #3
Olivenhain Bob
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North County does not have much in the way of safe launch sites. The O'side harbor is the safest but you have to pay to park and it can be a long ride to any place where there are fish.

Further south there is Ponto. I have been told that there are YT about a half mile south. The surf can be gnarly there sometimes but when it is calm, you might be able to make it in and out without dumping. Last time I went there there was some free parking but it is usually filled up in the summer by dawn.

I just heard that the State has commandeered a historic free parking spot at Trestles in San Onofre and started charging $15 to the surfers who want to walk a mile to surf this great break. This kind of crap should be expected elsewhere unless we, the citizens rebel.

Add it up. Potential MLPA closures, outrageous parking fees, huge fishing license fee increases... It seems like the powers that be just do not want citizens to have access to our natural resources. This really pisses me off.

I am not opposed to paying reasonable taxes if they fund reasonable services. It seems to me that these days, our taxes keep going up and the services get reduced every day. Special interests, on the other hand are making out really well.

You might think that this complaint is coming from a right wing Republican wacko, but I am far from that guy. I am a moderate Independent. I have been hopeful that the new guys in Washington will turn things around but so far, I am not very impressed. As for California, I am far from being impressed. In fact, I am getting a bit angry about the waste, bureaucratic incompetence and downright stupid stuff that our Government is trying to shove down our throats.

Sorry for the vent.

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