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Old 05-01-2009, 10:29 AM   #1
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LJ - 5/01

launched at LJ this time, 5pm, still some windswell, tons and tons of bait outside the kelp getting chased, watertemp 61-62 green water 5-10ft vis. looked Tsharky out there but i was on a different mission.... but as usual i got skunked (except for a stupid ugly horn shark and one small sculpin) landed at 1030 just in time to get harrassed by some bored SDPD Barney's who aparently didn't know that you could launch/drive on the beach???after searching everything for?? giving me a breathalizer (blew a .002) and calling in a sergent, who by that point was more intested in my kayak, fishing gear, what i had caught and why i was'nt afraid of sharks, they let me go...at 1130.
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Old 05-01-2009, 10:40 AM   #2
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Typical, did he ever say what he was searching for? Did you give consent to search?
Back home we got a taxidermy man. He gonna have a heart attack when he see what I brung him.
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Old 05-01-2009, 10:54 AM   #3
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Hmmm....wonder if they were called in by someone, or by a group of someones...just sayin'...

Sounds very fishy to me...

Gaffer for Clay the Fishcatcher
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Old 05-01-2009, 11:13 AM   #4
Holy Mackerel
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Wow, that is scary, what gives them the right to search you, when you are using a legal boat launch. It is one thing if you driving wildy down the beach towards scripps pier endangering people. But I am assuming, you landed, got your car, and were packing up your gear, like 99.99% of us do.

I would like to hear more on what reasons they gave you, to conduct a search, then subsequent breathalizer?

If there are any lawyers on this site, curious what our rights are to deny a search, when presumably, we have not done anything. Or even a breathalizer, ie we werent swerving down ave de la playa, but packing up gear?

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Old 05-01-2009, 11:54 AM   #5
dos ballenas
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are they handing out KUI's now? That would be f'd up!

thanks for the report... looks glassy out there at the moment.

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Old 05-01-2009, 12:03 PM   #6
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Old 05-01-2009, 12:19 PM   #7
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i'm a young punk kid....these officers where my age and obiously did not know anything about LJ....or fishing for that matter... i was parked...first they spot lighted me from the boardwalk, then overt the PA told to wlk infornt of the my truck...they then jumped the wall and started agressively grilling me about driving on the beach...all i said was that i believed that this was a public boat launch, they said that its illegal to drive on any beach in san diego, trying not to argue i said "i think there's a sign over there"...thats when it all started, "have you been drinking today?"..."ummmm yes sir"...."do you have any wepeons, bombs or drugs in the vehical"......."no sir"..... "can we take a look?"....."sure i have nothing to hide"..... at that point his partner comes around and asks me where i got the kayak from while the other guy starts searching....long stoy short they find nothing but six empty corona light bottles ,some waters and sandwich trash in my cooler along with all my gear...i guess for some reason they just couldn't believe that i had been out since 5pm by myself fishing or that i had paddled 6-8 miles in that time?? so they breathalize me, .002, so they have a little meeting and come back and say that thier gonna let me go but i'm gonna get a ticket for driving on the beach, at that point i was ready to go home and didn't argue......luckly the segant shows up, informs the two officers that this is a public launch and that im not violating any laws and he tells them to go read the sign....then he starts shinning his light around inside my truck asking about the hobie, how the bite is, if i like my dodge turbo diesel, what kinda milage it gets.....he was a cool guy and oboiusly felt bad about bothering me (although he never said so) then he said have a good night and they left as fast as they showed up....all's well that ends well i guess...
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Old 05-01-2009, 12:29 PM   #8
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just for the record, in CA you absolultly can get a DUI for opperating just about any vehical, bike, surfboard, skateboard, snowboard, boat atv golfcart, barbie bigwheel, and of course kayaks....also i never ever ever argue with the officers, i awnser them honestly and respectfully, if i have a problem I "tell it to the judge!!!"
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Old 05-01-2009, 12:36 PM   #9
Holy Mackerel
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This was last night, I saw you in a red tandem hobie. I landed around 8pm... That'd suck to be harrassed like that, the sign should have cleared up any misunderstanding.

FWIW, lots of bait in the water, didn't catch anything.
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Old 05-01-2009, 01:05 PM   #10
Billy V
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Those 2 Cops sound like Clowns. lmao
-Where were they Cops from...??? Mars..?

Every self respecting Man, Woman, and Child in the county knows that there is a public launch at La Jolla Shore.

-Let alone a couple of dumbbell cops that "Work in the Town of La Jolla"
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Old 05-01-2009, 02:34 PM   #11
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yeh that was me (the only other yak out there...), sorry I wasn't more friendly but i'm kinda a loner like that...i'll say whats up next time!!!..seems like i see you out there alot....AND yes the bait was crashing all night!!! the whole way in and out was non stop bait hitting the surface...it was like a jceviche video or somethin, however i think most of the rucus was caused by the barrys....did any of you bait come back with the marks to support my theory??
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Old 05-01-2009, 02:42 PM   #12
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Yea they made a mistake, luckily no one else ever does. They are only dumb bell cops when you don't need them.....
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Old 05-01-2009, 02:51 PM   #13
kareem korn
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This them?
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Old 05-01-2009, 03:13 PM   #14
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i hate the cops!! I live about six blocks from the boat launch and my family has had our cars broken into and items (stereos, sunglasses, clothing, cd's, even the change in my ashtray) stolen. 6 times this happened. the last two times we got these punks on video!! one time stealing license plates off one of our trucks, and the other they broke in but there was nothing they wanted but the change in the ashtray. we had still photos that were clear as day of these a$$holes and the video to go with it of them looking around with flashlights. we called the police (what a joke) to file a report and turn over the photos and video. no response, then a cop came to our door one day(a couple of months later) asking if we had seen anything suspicious the previous friday night because 2 houses were broken into. after i told him "sorry i didn't see anything" i told him my story about the video and photos and he said i should call in about it! but he didn't want the evedince as he is not a detctive. mabey they should patrol the neiborhoods instead of worring about a kayaker that was obeying the law.

sorry about my rant but i don't care for the service i get from my tax dollars
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Old 05-01-2009, 03:54 PM   #15
Billy V
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Originally Posted by erinoo View Post
Yea they made a mistake, luckily no one else ever does. They are only dumb bell cops when you don't need them.....
You say that like Cops actually do something for You....
-- Beside causing you grief, or wrecking your life for the same stuff they do themselves. LoL
Thats how it goes for the Large majority.

Most are hypocrites who collect a paycheck from your tax dollars, nothing more.

A Gun, and a Badge, and a License to steal all you want.

Don't kid yourself, I know more about the inner workings of Police than most people can ever imagine, as my office was stationed next to the Chief's Office.
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Old 05-01-2009, 04:17 PM   #16
OEX Oceanside
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Originally Posted by Holy Mackerel View Post
Wow, that is scary, what gives them the right to search you, when you are using a legal boat launch. It is one thing if you driving wildy down the beach towards scripps pier endangering people.

So I shouldnt be zooming up and down the beach doing donuts to celebrate my catch? go figure
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Old 05-01-2009, 04:27 PM   #17
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of course there are bad apples, but if you put things in perspective, our police force is great and we are so very lucky to live here...thoughout the whole ordeal i was never in fear for my life, or that any of my property would be taken, sure it was a little frustating, but had i been in mexico, things would have been much more exciting.....it was a simple mistake on their part....AND I DON'T HATE COPS, I JUST HATE GETTING BUSTED WHEN I MAKE THE DECISION TO BREAK A LAW !!!!
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Old 05-01-2009, 04:31 PM   #18
Holy Mackerel
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I don't dislike cops either, my two brothers in law are police officers. You answered a lot of my questions with your testimnoy above. Still not sure why they needed to search you, and the sign didn't clear up their lack of knowledge of the boat ramp.
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Old 05-01-2009, 04:48 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by Billy V View Post
Don't kid yourself, I know more about the inner workings of Police than most people can ever imagine, as my office was stationed next to the Chief's Office.
C'mon... So that makes you an expert. Leave the junk out of it. You only hear the bad things which leads you to believe that's the rule, not the exception.

I too see patrol cars making lane changes without a signal, going just as fast as the citizens they pulled over the day before, not stopping completely at stop lights/stop signs (I got a video red light violation for almost $400 a couple of years ago too). But the bottom line is it's a thankless job and when we really need them they'll be there. I have also been hassled at the launch from a squad car parked on the boardwalk. I gased it on the way out so I didn't get stuck in the loose stuff where the sand meets the asphault. Cop thought I was screwing around and I explained my case. He understood and sent me on my way.

For a broken window and some stolen change they're not going to come out. Unless there's an officer around the corner they're not going to make it in time to stop anything. Why send an officer to come take a report when you can call one in over the phone. Get an alarm or don't keep anything in your car or both. I too have also been a victim of a smash and grab. Even though there was nothing in my car other than a carseat (no change, cd's, sunglasses...nada). Now I'm more vigilant and don't have any problem addressing the issue myself. You have the right to protect your own property.

And for the comment about not being happy with the service your getting for your tax dollars. Would you do what they are supposed to do for what they make? Not saying it's right to be a shitbird PO and as a matter of fact I find it dispicable. But I know it's not the majority. You want to complain about the police? Move to TJ.

You have the right to file a complaint. I would suggest you do so -Scallywag-. But I think the peanut gallery could leave out the cop bashing. Remember that Crime pays more than to protect and serve.
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Old 05-01-2009, 05:14 PM   #20
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Podaker Said:
I live about six blocks from the boat launch
now I hate you!

Just Kidding Podaker...
the jealous kayak fisherman
who lives about 2 hours from the boat launch
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