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Old 07-01-2023, 06:38 PM   #1
the dude
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This board is dead

I remember a time when people would post their catches. It's a shame what has transpired in the last 5-10 years.
The dude abides.
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Old 07-02-2023, 01:55 PM   #2
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Agree, Fishing is not as good as it was, and fewer anglers are sharing on public forums, instead, there are little groups on phone apps.
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Old 07-03-2023, 02:35 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by the dude View Post
I remember a time when people would post their catches. It's a shame what has transpired in the last 5-10 years.
I haven't caught anything so there's that......................

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Old 07-03-2023, 10:54 AM   #4
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I agree, I think that fishing has gotten lousy the last few years, at least inshore. I've posted a few reports but far between. Just haven't been doing very well.

In addition, all the pros left, the guys who knew where to go and when. I think they got upset that when they posted everyone and their brother was on the water the next day, or got a lot criticism from others.

But the fishing being down is most like the main reason.
So long and thanks for all the fish...
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Old 07-03-2023, 05:26 PM   #5
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I agree, the lack of fish reports and just a report on how your day on the water was are gone. I'm not sure if LJ will ever return to when fish were everywhere.
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Old 07-03-2023, 06:05 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by PapaDave View Post
In addition, all the pros left, the guys who knew where to go and when. I think they got upset that when they posted everyone and their brother was on the water the next day
Words of wisdom.
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Old 07-04-2023, 03:28 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by JohnMckroidJr View Post
Agree, Fishing is not as good as it was, and fewer anglers are sharing on public forums, instead, there are little groups on phone apps.

Everyone wants to be an "influencer" now. YT channels, affiliate links, sponsored ig posts
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Old 07-05-2023, 12:56 PM   #8
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I recall a lot of BWE traffic in 2015-ish +/- ....in general, there was a lot of new stuff to talk about...new fishing kayaks, equipment, techniques, new spots and big catches.

Seems saturation set in....LJ has slowed tremendously, people are protective of their spots, and there's other places to post. I also know a lot folks that moved away and moved on to other things....Lots of reasons I guess.....

I've been trying to make local connections and meet up with other kayak fisherman to motivate myself. Kinda hard to go solo sometimes.

Like Efrin from Warbaits says: Get out there and catch that Giant!
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Old 07-10-2023, 06:07 AM   #9
wishin' I was fishin'
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Hmmm? yep, there used to be so many reports. Maybe the Fishdope app slowed things down. I have enjoyed this BWE for years and learned so much. But also, when a really great bite happens many want to keep that quiet as well, for obvious reasons. A lot more fishermen now.

For me the past few years has had a lot more offshore tuna action also.
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Old 07-21-2023, 09:11 AM   #10
Pro @ not catching fish
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I havent had time to kayak fish much and have focused on fishing from pangas in mexico. Ive had some great catches there
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Old 07-22-2023, 09:43 AM   #11
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All of us seem to agree that it has been slower in LJ the last few years, at least for the big 3. Will we agree on why? Anyone care to comment?

Here are a few of mine:

Too many sea lions- probably not, they have been here for years.
Water temp-probably not, we've seen huge fluctuation between extremely warm, to colder than usual this year.
No bait, naw, seems like I still see a lot of bait.
Kelp issues- maybe.
Sewage? Seems about the same as always.
Normal fishing cycles? Yep, that gets my vote.

But most will agree, still great just to get out on the water. TL
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Old 07-22-2023, 11:48 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by rdahl View Post
All of us seem to agree that it has been slower in LJ the last few years, at least for the big 3. Will we agree on why? Anyone care to comment?

Here are a few of mine:

Too many sea lions- probably not, they have been here for years.
Water temp-probably not, we've seen huge fluctuation between extremely warm, to colder than usual this year.
No bait, naw, seems like I still see a lot of bait.
Kelp issues- maybe.
Sewage? Seems about the same as always.
Normal fishing cycles? Yep, that gets my vote.

But most will agree, still great just to get out on the water. TL
From up north here?would love to rely on this board for YT reports from LJ but alas, either no fish or folks have moved on and unwilling to share a hot bite. I get it?but it?s too bad. The offshore guys on BD are also seeing a lack of YT on the paddies?some have suggested an overfishing of the small ones over the last few years but I am not as knowledgeable about this fishery so don?t know about the numbers, biomass, forecasting etc. hopefully measures are being taken to ensure a productive YT fishery in LJ and SoCal waters! If anyone wants to DM me during a hot bite, I promise to return the favor when there a good salmon bite next year up north!
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Old 07-23-2023, 04:17 PM   #13
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Great Thread

Originally Posted by the dude View Post
I remember a time when people would post their catches. It's a shame what has transpired in the last 5-10 years.
Perfect timing. Lots of great responses touching on the important topics.
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Old 07-28-2023, 06:43 AM   #14
gary sullivan
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I see a lot of old timers replied to this. I remember when we were so confident of catching a big fish that we would load up an ice chest for the return home. A bad day was catching only one fish. Now catching bait is a challenge and the seals no longer hassle me. Just being on the water certainly has its rewards, but it would be nice to be able to pull on something other than a white fish.
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Old 07-30-2023, 05:57 PM   #15
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I definitely remember a time when new report posts were up daily. Really good motivation to load up the yak and hit the water.
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Old 07-31-2023, 07:10 PM   #16
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I normally come in July from Arizona. First year was 2015 or 2016. You would see guys come in with multiple yellowtail and drool. I even caught a few the first few years. My kid caught 5 or 6 rat ones first time we went out in tandem. Circling the half-day boat was a bonanza. Seems likes it faded last few years. This year I got out there and kelp was gone at North end. Some floating salad, but no kelp strands at surface that I could see. Used to be a carpet sometimes. Seems really hit and miss now and mostly calicos. Not sure what?s driving it but seems like fishery has taken major turn for the worse. Looked online and various explanations, none with much hope for a turnaround anytime soon. Miss the good old days!!!

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Old 08-01-2023, 09:28 AM   #17
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We all miss the good old days. The ecosystem around La Jolla is definitely broken. Sure there are Calicos to be found and some rock fish, but even they are not around in the number of the past. It used to be that catching Calicos was to me a pain because they constantly would get hooked while drifting or trolling a lure or live mackerel. Some love that, I found it by-catch, because I always targeted Yellowtail or WSB. The Calicos also where most times bigger then now. It's a bit anoying that some post on here to complain about the lack of reports, when the number of times they have posted, in years can be almost counted on two hands. Those that don't contribute or spend time on the water, don't deserve to be told the exact location of where to go find fish. The reality is the numbers of all species being caught in the La Jolla (San Diego) area are provably 20% (might be generous) of what it used to be. Bottom line is get out there and see if we can change the numbers, because we actually caught something. I don't beleive there are that many being caught and not reported. Fishing really has been that bad for 3-4 years now.
MARK ......... 2016 MALIBU X FACTOR, 2020 SOLO SKIFF (Fishing Kayak on Steroids )
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Old 08-02-2023, 10:00 AM   #18
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Really good comment: The ecosystem around La Jolla is definitely broken.

Based on what I have heard from others for quite some time, I agree. I'm sure it is due to a number of factors including El Nino's, La Nina's etc..., but I tend to think the Seals have depleted the overall fish population for too many years and the MLPA hasn't had the impact, as they sold to the publick. What do you think ?

Anyway, I have no data, just a below average kayak fisherman's perspective

Originally Posted by FISH11 View Post
We all miss the good old days. The ecosystem around La Jolla is definitely broken. Sure there are Calicos to be found and some rock fish, but even they are not around in the number of the past. It used to be that catching Calicos was to me a pain because they constantly would get hooked while drifting or trolling a lure or live mackerel. Some love that, I found it by-catch, because I always targeted Yellowtail or WSB. The Calicos also where most times bigger then now. It's a bit anoying that some post on here to complain about the lack of reports, when the number of times they have posted, in years can be almost counted on two hands. Those that don't contribute or spend time on the water, don't deserve to be told the exact location of where to go find fish. The reality is the numbers of all species being caught in the La Jolla (San Diego) area are provably 20% (might be generous) of what it used to be. Bottom line is get out there and see if we can change the numbers, because we actually caught something. I don't beleive there are that many being caught and not reported. Fishing really has been that bad for 3-4 years now.
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Old 08-02-2023, 04:15 PM   #19
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We?ll, in the spirit of a report, I had a great day out in early July, fishing primarily around the corner heading south. There were good swells coming in (with a somewhat challenging launch), lots of birds, and probably 25-30 calicos on a red-nosed, medium sized Rapala. A few small barracuda also. Did not see greenbacks everywhere like I expected. There were yellowtail in the area, but not biting for me. Not like the old days, but would have been a great day anywhere else. Went last Saturday in late afternoon and it was super slow. No waves, like putting into a pool, which made me wonder about importance of current. Met a great San Diego guy in East Cape in June who took me fishing in San Diego bay for halibut during mid-July. Man is he good. Like trout fishing, he reminded of how people who really know there stuff catch a lot more fish. It isn?t luck. He caught 8 or 9 halibut, two legal. No halibut for me. It seems like they have a soft bite compared to other fish. I am hoping for larger Bonita to come into La Jolla in mid-September. I went trolling with an 11 weight fly rod a couple years ago and it was a field day; that is a fun fish to take on a fly rod. Best to everyone!

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Old 08-04-2023, 05:53 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by Pinhead View Post
Really good comment: The ecosystem around La Jolla is definitely broken.

Based on what I have heard from others for quite some time, I agree. I'm sure it is due to a number of factors including El Nino's, La Nina's etc..., but I tend to think the Seals have depleted the overall fish population for too many years and the MLPA hasn't had the impact, as they sold to the publick. What do you think ?

Anyway, I have no data, just a below average kayak fisherman's perspective
lajolla goes in cycles el Nina and elnino spoiled to many fisherman . In the early 2000?s it was just as slow . But just like now most of the guys putting in work are getting the yellowtail. Most people who I knew that know have to fish lajolla are out of the game and bought skiffs . They are there you just have to put in the right work
GABE<@)((((>€~~~~team ?????uuuh it's fishing
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