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Old 12-30-2020, 09:59 PM   #1
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Fishing outside MB Fri. Jan 1/Intel Request?

So, I'd like to go fish Friday, but the surf for the LJ launch looks dicey at best.

I'm now thinking of launching from MB and fishing for outside for pelagics. I've fished MB before (and a ton in LJ and elsewhere), but never launched in MB ventured outside to fish. I'm looking for any intel that might help out, from those that know the program there, such as:

where to launch: I'm thinking mariners basin, just cause it's closest to the mouth of the bay. Is there somewhere to launch close to the bait receiver that's accessible early?

bay exit/entry conditions and boat traffic: conditions are not ideal. light winds but some short period swell in the water. plus a moderate incoming tide in the morning, and a strong outgoing tide in the afternoon. Am I asking for trouble getting out of the bay? Especially if there's some boat traffic?

bait: where? near the jetties? or the bait receiver? or is it worth picking up a kayak scoop?

fishing: I don't expect that anyone want to give up coordinates, and I can find my way around. Any general pointers here?

Any intel is greatly appreciated, and finally, if anyone wants to go, hit me up.
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Old 12-31-2020, 06:48 PM   #2
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A few suggestions

I normally launch at Dana Landing. Go around the corner and you go right past the bait barge. I normally go early enough to get outside the bay before sunup. Traffic is not bad this time of year, but keep your head on a swivel. The last 1/4 mile of the channel can get pretty rough, but manageable. To ease the fight against the tide, you can stay to one side or the other in the shallower water where the current isn't so bad. Just stay far enough from the rocks to be safe. once outside, the best bet for pelagics is to turn south. Th kelp beds are 30-60 ft deep, so if you go parallel to them in deeper water. Theres a shelf of sorts that drops off between 90-110 ft all along there. The kelp starts at the north end of Sunset cliffs and goes clear to the end of Point Loma. It can be a long haul. I usually try to catch macs right outside the bay, but it's been hit or miss lately. Good luck if you go. I'm probably headed out there on Saturday.
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Old 12-31-2020, 07:07 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by kirkdavis View Post
I normally launch at Dana Landing. Go around the corner and you go right past the bait barge. I normally go early enough to get outside the bay before sunup. Traffic is not bad this time of year, but keep your head on a swivel. The last 1/4 mile of the channel can get pretty rough, but manageable. To ease the fight against the tide, you can stay to one side or the other in the shallower water where the current isn't so bad. Just stay far enough from the rocks to be safe. once outside, the best bet for pelagics is to turn south. Th kelp beds are 30-60 ft deep, so if you go parallel to them in deeper water. Theres a shelf of sorts that drops off between 90-110 ft all along there. The kelp starts at the north end of Sunset cliffs and goes clear to the end of Point Loma. It can be a long haul. I usually try to catch macs right outside the bay, but it's been hit or miss lately. Good luck if you go. I'm probably headed out there on Saturday.
SD bay had very sparse macks yesterday, probably the same situation in Mission. just head straight for the bait barge and load up to save some time. have fun!
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Old 12-31-2020, 09:32 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by kirkdavis View Post
I normally launch at Dana Landing. Go around the corner and you go right past the bait barge. I normally go early enough to get outside the bay before sunup. Traffic is not bad this time of year, but keep your head on a swivel. The last 1/4 mile of the channel can get pretty rough, but manageable. To ease the fight against the tide, you can stay to one side or the other in the shallower water where the current isn't so bad. Just stay far enough from the rocks to be safe. once outside, the best bet for pelagics is to turn south. Th kelp beds are 30-60 ft deep, so if you go parallel to them in deeper water. Theres a shelf of sorts that drops off between 90-110 ft all along there. The kelp starts at the north end of Sunset cliffs and goes clear to the end of Point Loma. It can be a long haul. I usually try to catch macs right outside the bay, but it's been hit or miss lately. Good luck if you go. I'm probably headed out there on Saturday.
Yeah, that short interval stuff was pretty bad today. It's suppose to stick around tomorrow am, so I think I'm going to punt and end up there Saturday as well.

Thanks for the tips. I'll be in a camp PA14 and on Ch 69, so feel free hit me up if you end up out there.
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Old 01-01-2021, 05:25 PM   #5
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I'll be in an orange Outback. Probably launch about 0600. I'll try to remember to turn my radio on.
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Old 01-04-2021, 09:25 AM   #6
summers in kuwait
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Heading out through Mission Bay and the jetty is a great way to explore other fisheries. I usually will launch from Mariner's Cove and head out to the North side of the Jetty to make bait. Then you can work North or South. North can offer some fun halibut action and occasional Yellowtail. South, you can find halibut, yellows, WSB and many other species, depending how far you go.

Do be cautious though. It can get a bit interesting to say the least heading out. Boats can be flying, there is swell, rocks , etc. Check the forecast, have lights, flags and do your best to be visible.

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Old 01-05-2021, 04:46 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by summers in kuwait View Post
Heading out through Mission Bay and the jetty is a great way to explore other fisheries. I usually will launch from Mariner's Cove and head out to the North side of the Jetty to make bait. Then you can work North or South. North can offer some fun halibut action and occasional Yellowtail. South, you can find halibut, yellows, WSB and many other species, depending how far you go.

Do be cautious though. It can get a bit interesting to say the least heading out. Boats can be flying, there is swell, rocks , etc. Check the forecast, have lights, flags and do your best to be visible.

You give a good description. I've been going out of MB for about 5 years, and almost every week since they opened it post shut=down. There's only been a handful of times I turned around or bad conditions, but yes it can get gnarly the last couple hundred yards of the mouth. When I take somebody out I tell them to stay away from the rock, watch for wakes and boats, and Don't Stop until you're in calmer water. We went Saturday and it was easy with no boats on the way out, but coming in it was a Lot rougher, and lots of boats haulin' bass.
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