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Old 04-02-2020, 02:47 PM   #1
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looking for feedback

on new model outback hull. 2019 or 2020. i'm looking at video on youtube and nose is considerably different. is it a wet ride? the previous version was not too bad unless you were in sloppy conditions. this new hull is lower and has a sharper point. probably better at launching in surf? but, nobody likes a wet ride. revo kinda comes to mind. thanks for opinions. maybe I can get Andy to chime in? . I hope we can all get out before summer? that would be horrible to be locked up till then. I'll end up going postal.
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Old 04-02-2020, 08:45 PM   #2
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I took a test drive of the 2020 and did not like it. I got splash over in mild conditions in the bay. I went with the older Outback and am glad I did.
David P

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Old 04-02-2020, 11:27 PM   #3
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Great 2 steps forward, 1 step back. One of things the video had pointed out was how the older designed hull, water would be deflected. Great, so on the new one you will be getting a bath? Everything else sounds good. Stretch it out and lower it to cut wind resistance. But, lower the kayak and make you more susceptible to water splash? Why didnÂ’t they just look at an OK front end? This seems like a deal breaker. Hobie will sell thousands of this thing though. But to me, getting water sprayed on you when itÂ’s 55 degrees is no bueno.
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Old 04-06-2020, 02:36 PM   #4
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2020 Model

I don't have an older outback to compare it to, but I definitely notice water coming over the bow in the chop in the 4 times I have had the kayak out since getting it a month or so ago. I was riding a trident 13 before, and I don't know that there is a huge difference in how much water gets on me because I've been wearing waders so I feel pretty dry, but just visually the bow on the Trident was taller and didn't look like it was taking as much water over front as the Outback does. There have been a few times when I have gone through a swell or wave/wake and thought to myself "I sure hope that hatch seal is doing its job". Inside of the hull does stay dry fwiw.

I will note, and I do not know if this is an issue on all of the Hobies or just on the new Outback, but significant water will enter the cockpit through the drivewell. It wont flood the cockpit by any means it seems that the cockpit floor is about even with the water level. I have a battery mounted in the hull near the sail mast so it is possible that they kayak is a bit nose heavy, so take this as purely one mans experience.
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Old 04-07-2020, 08:07 AM   #5
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you are totally right. good thing you did not own a previous model, because you would be very disappointed. I was thinking about possibly getting one if I could build a storage rack to keep 3 yaks in my garage. I currently have a PA 14 and a newer style OK trident 15. the older outback was a dry ride overall except in very adverse conditions where most kayaks would get doused. the front hatch on the 2020 was retrofitted with a dual seal kinda like the PA's because of complaints of leaks on 2019. at least, this is the information I am getting off the internet. the new outback seems to have some great improvements, but in one of the most important attributes of keeping the user relative dry, it seems to come up short. improved speed, maneuverability, stability, and probably punching through surf. but getting sprayed in normal conditions that we face on a regular basis is annoying. maybe I test it out when all this blows over. thanks for you feedback.
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Old 04-07-2020, 09:48 AM   #6
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My 18 is dry. But my bait tank is usually full which brings up the front

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Old 04-07-2020, 11:00 AM   #7
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I have 2019 Outback and I would actually say that it’s pretty dry kayak in most water conditions. Obviously when peddling or drifting in chop, coming at you from the side you will get water into the cockpit but I am talking conditions that are borderline unsafe. On a calm day the bottom of cockpit stays dry unless of course you are launching from surf and you did not time your launch right!
Just for a record I typically fish pretty heavy with bait tank and all that unnecessary stuff that we all carry with us.
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Old 04-07-2020, 11:05 AM   #8
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sounds like you might have the best model? might be like another decade before they address this issue? slap on some kick up's and you can handle anything. maybe ill start trolling around for a used one? thanks for posting up.
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Old 04-09-2020, 02:14 PM   #9
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After 4 years offshore in 2014-2016 PA14's, last year I fished the 2019 Outback.

The Outback is half a knot faster, but a wetter less comfortable ride. I always like having the lowest seat position for stability, but on the 2019 Outback, The seat corner support tabs on the back would intermittently(about once an hour) collapse while peddling in the lowest position. Eventually, I got tired of that and settled for keeping the seat in the next higher setting. In the slightly higher setting, the back tabs stayed positioned and I found that most of the bow wash would go under the seat keeping my pants significantly drier. Considering how forward the seat is positioned, the ride in the mid-height position is fairly dry.

2019 Outback Pros:
1. 1/2 half a knot Faster(bumping up 3.5-4kts ave spd is huge )
2. Fwd stowage hatch (with added gasket stayed very dry)
3. Lots of places to secure gear, like the built-in bungees for securing rods
4. 180 mirage - reversible, newer flipper has more surface area at the farther swiping ends, making it slightly harder to peddle and faster.
5. XL live well fits tight, but usable, some other owners could not make it fit.

Some annoyances: Mirage 180-if a masts get damaged, it inevitably leads to a $305 spine replacement. An upgrade to the kickup fins will mitigate this. Fishing line easily get stuck in the rudder(rarely had that problem on the PA). Can't stow the paddle in the bow hatch, as I always did with the PA. Scupper plug next to seat perfectly lined up to accidentally loose lures through.

Although I love the comfort of the PA14, ain't going anywhere fast. The Outback's extra half knot of speed can make the difference between being able to fish a stronger current day and having to head in or do a drift. For me, the wetness of the 2019 Outback was not an issue, it was the less comfortable seat. I would love to see a PA seat in an outback. I have never owned the old outback, I am amazed by how some larger anglers stay comfortable in them?

This year going to try something different -- Vibe Shearwater 125.
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Old 04-09-2020, 02:22 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by JohnMckroidJr View Post
...Vibe Shearwater 125.
That's actually a pretty nice looking rig. Would like to hear your thoughts on it. For the price, it looks like you're getting a lot of features. Interesting that the X-Drive looks surprisingly similar to Hobie's Mirage drive. Are they affiliated with them in some capacity, or are they just functionally different enough that they're avoiding patent issues? Just curious!
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Old 04-09-2020, 08:35 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by JohnMckroidJr View Post
After 4 years offshore in 2014-2016 PA14's, last year I fished the 2019 Outback.

The Outback is half a knot faster, but a wetter less comfortable ride. I always like having the lowest seat position for stability, but on the 2019 Outback, The seat corner support tabs on the back would intermittently(about once an hour) collapse while peddling in the lowest position. Eventually, I got tired of that and settled for keeping the seat in the next higher setting. In the slightly higher setting, the back tabs stayed positioned and I found that most of the bow wash would go under the seat keeping my pants significantly drier. Considering how forward the seat is positioned, the ride in the mid-height position is fairly dry.

2019 Outback Pros:
1. 1/2 half a knot Faster(bumping up 3.5-4kts ave spd is huge )
2. Fwd stowage hatch (with added gasket stayed very dry)
3. Lots of places to secure gear, like the built-in bungees for securing rods
4. 180 mirage - reversible, newer flipper has more surface area at the farther swiping ends, making it slightly harder to peddle and faster.
5. XL live well fits tight, but usable, some other owners could not make it fit.

Some annoyances: Mirage 180-if a masts get damaged, it inevitably leads to a $305 spine replacement. An upgrade to the kickup fins will mitigate this. Fishing line easily get stuck in the rudder(rarely had that problem on the PA). Can't stow the paddle in the bow hatch, as I always did with the PA. Scupper plug next to seat perfectly lined up to accidentally loose lures through.

Although I love the comfort of the PA14, ain't going anywhere fast. The Outback's extra half knot of speed can make the difference between being able to fish a stronger current day and having to head in or do a drift. For me, the wetness of the 2019 Outback was not an issue, it was the less comfortable seat. I would love to see a PA seat in an outback. I have never owned the old outback, I am amazed by how some larger anglers stay comfortable in them?

This year going to try something different -- Vibe Shearwater 125.
You revealed. Some guys are gonna get out here and tell you that they went 8 mph in the thing.Personally, I think It’s some of those small details mentioned that can make or break a deal for for an individual based oh his expectations or needs. Lots of useful information there and much appreciated. Did you end up getting away from the PA? One of the most important features for me is how the kayak handles surf launches and landings while protecting your gear. Ease of integrating electronics is important also. Hobie is second to none with their proprietary bait tank and lowrance ready capability. I think I will try and give it a test ride if this virus thing gets away from us. Thanks again.
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Old 04-09-2020, 09:56 PM   #12
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Hoping for a redesigned Revo. Any news or rumors on that?
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Old 04-10-2020, 10:04 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by Salty View Post
That's actually a pretty nice looking rig. Would like to hear your thoughts on it. For the price, it looks like you're getting a lot of features. Interesting that the X-Drive looks surprisingly similar to Hobie's Mirage drive. Are they affiliated with them in some capacity, or are they just functionally different enough that they're avoiding patent issues? Just curious!
Not affiliated, but Vibes X-drive clips are compatible with Hobie mirage drives. If you have a Hobie mirage, they say it can be used in the Vibe. I will be taking delivery of the Vibe Shearwater 125 at the end of the month and will post some details after a couple of trips. Right off the getgo, I will probably need to fab a wider rudder. I had to put a sail rudder on the PA, so that's nothing new. I am sure there will be other bugs to iron out, but It looks like a good bang for the buck. What attracts me to the Vibe is the 475lb capacity. Last year my best trip on the Outback, I had to come in early because when I put the 3rd fish in the fish bag, the back end was underwater. The 2019 Outback capacity is 425lbs, the extra 50lbs means I will be able to stay out longer in what looks like a fast kayak.
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Old 04-10-2020, 02:42 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by TJones View Post
You revealed. Some guys are gonna get out here and tell you that they went 8 mph in the thing.Personally, I think It’s some of those small details mentioned that can make or break a deal for for an individual based oh his expectations or needs. Lots of useful information there and much appreciated. Did you end up getting away from the PA? One of the most important features for me is how the kayak handles surf launches and landings while protecting your gear. Ease of integrating electronics is important also. Hobie is second to none with their proprietary bait tank and lowrance ready capability. I think I will try and give it a test ride if this virus thing gets away from us. Thanks again.
Your Welcome. I still have my PA14, if Vibe Shearwater 125 exceeds expectations, I might sell my PA. The PA14 has been the most comfortable kayak to spend a day on. Having only fished Hobie's, I biasedly concur that they are the best no fab out of the box kayaks for offshore anglers. That said, Still nice to see some competition.
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Old 04-10-2020, 02:53 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by JohnMckroidJr View Post
Your Welcome. I still have my PA14, if Vibe Shearwater 125 exceeds expectations, I might sell my PA. The PA14 has been the most comfortable kayak to spend a day on. Having only fished Hobie's, I biasedly concur that they are the best no fab out of the box kayaks for offshore anglers. That said, Still nice to see some competition.

Yep competition always a good thing. Drives down prices.

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Old 04-15-2020, 01:54 PM   #16
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Old 04-17-2020, 09:57 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by JohnMckroidJr View Post

Mirage 180-if a masts get damaged, it inevitably leads to a $305 spine replacement.
Damn good to know. I’m never beach launching with my drive in again
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Old 04-17-2020, 05:03 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by ProfessorLongArms View Post
Damn good to know. I’m never beach launching with my drive in again
Or just launch with the older Turbo Glide fins or the newer kickups.
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