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Old 08-24-2018, 09:31 AM   #1
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BCS Report (non kayak)

Had to get away for a few days so I met up with some friends for a few days of fishing/surfing in los Cabos. First things first. Get a Jeep. Scouted some spots up the east cape that are TOTALLY kayak friendly. Even ran into some dudes who got some yellowfin up to 80 pounds from the kayak! On squid chunk!

Camino Cabo Este local. Ate all my barritas and lime Principle cookies.

One of my favorite bends up the east cape road. There is some construction going on in random places but now many ways to get to where you need. We were searching for waves (never found any) and ended up just driving looking for a shoredive spot we could spear some reef fish for dinner at least.

What we found was los Frailes. Smack dab in the middle of a marine reserve...we pulled up to this quiet fishing town and had no problem getting a panguero to take us out for 150 a day. Pristine reefs just south of the Cabo Pulmo marine reserve.

The first day we managed some small pargo and ended up getting boarded by Conapesca/marines/navy/coast guard. All on the same boat. After rigorous questioning we cut the day short and made the long drive back.

Repping the BWE shirt always.

The second day we absolutely smacked em including my personal best Pargo. We were working a nice little reef/cave that was loaded with snapper. We each took a decent one from the same hole and when I went to inspect again out of the corner of my eye I saw what at first I thought to be a grouper, swim out from a tiny hole, check me out, then casually swim back. As I surfaced for air I alerted my dive buddies and the hunt began. We worked the reef poking our head into every crevice imaginable. Half an hour later, in the smallest hole possible. I saw it. Staring at me from its cave in 60 feet of water. Point blank shot to the brain. I grabbed my line and made a strong pull but the fish was bigger than the cave entrance! I surfaced. Alerted my dive buddy “I got him. He’s big. He’s dead. Go get him for me” I watched my dive buddy follow my reel line to the cave. After inspecting the situation, he wrapped the shooting line around his hand, put both feet on the ledge and extracted the beast from it lair.

The panguero said 30 kilos. I’d agree. Even dead this thing was PISSED. jaws like a crocodile that kept firing as his brain shut down.


The moral of todays Baja tale is keep your mind open and dont be afraid to drive further than you planned. Just down the dirt road may be a reef that’s STACKED.

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"Beware the lollipop of mediocrity; lick it once and you’ll suck forever." — Brian Wilson
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Old 08-24-2018, 09:57 AM   #2
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Monster trip!
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Old 08-24-2018, 10:03 AM   #3
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Damn! That's a NICE ONE!
There's nothing colder than yesterday's hotdog.
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Old 08-24-2018, 10:24 AM   #4
Malibu Stealth 12
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Hell yeah! Badass Danny...
She will keep you warm in the winter and give you shade in the summer (Rossman)

I'm telling ya, you have to keep these suckers on a game clip until just before you drop them in the frying pan.(Rossman)
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