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Old 08-08-2018, 09:40 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by Polychrest View Post
I really like the idea and I’m considering it. The first 4 days do look brutal though. Looks like there may not be much time for daylight fishing.

Some back of a napkin calculations leaves about 3 to 5 hours left to fish.
11 and a half hours of daylight
About 4 to 5 hours of paddling per day
Hour each day to setup and break down camp plus landing and launching
Half hour for breakfast and lunch
Hour for dinner

You could probably squeeze a couple more hours out of that if you do most of your cooking when the sun is down but I think you’ll want to focus on staying warm and recovery durning that time. I think you would need to be an ultra athlete to keep that pace up for 4 days straight and still enjoy yourself.

Would you consider adding a zero day between day 2 and 3 or and additional stop to spread things out a bit?
I had some limitations on the days at certain campsites along the way, It is important that we obtained the campsites on the beach. That is one reason for the only 1 rest day and another is just trying to keep the total days of the trip down to a minimum. If this year proves that more rest is needed for future trips, I won’t hesitate to order the campsites earlier next year so that we can do it.

In regards to the hours of fishing / day, we will be fishing all day. In the morning we will catch enough bait for our fly line and dropper loop and we will be trolling the entire way, with the occasional stop for, bait, lunch, hook-ups, re-groups,marks, boils and kelp patties. We just need to make it to our nightly destination an hour or two before sunset.

I hope you can make it!!!
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Old 08-08-2018, 09:51 PM   #22
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Solo Skiff

Originally Posted by crashcrow View Post
This sounds like a fun trip. I would be interested in taking my solo skiff, I know its cheating but it would still be a lot of fun.
That would be fine with me, depending on the range of your solo, when loaded with camping gear and supplies. How many gallons /hour do you consume with your OB motor? I suppose you could motor ahead of us and stop at Two Harbors after the crossing to refuel before meeting us as Parson's Landing?,.. then it would be only be about 40 miles until your next refueling opportunity in Avalon.

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Old 08-08-2018, 09:52 PM   #23
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Support Boat!

Originally Posted by goldenglory18 View Post
We have a support boat/skiff now!

Yes it sounds as though we may!

That would be a real asset!

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Old 08-08-2018, 10:03 PM   #24
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Getting ready to lose sight of shore

Wow, I am getting a lot of interest from you all. So as the day approaches we will need to make sure we are prepared individually and as a Team. So with that said I have just 3 requirements that I need you to ALL meet, in order to come along:

1. participate in a couple of Offshore fishing days, with the other members of the expedition, to the 9 mile bank where we will be traveling about 30 miles over the course of the 10-12 hour day on the ocean. These will occur, 1 in early and 1 in late September, (date to be determined.) The purpose of these is not only to train our bodies, but to also get all of us working as a unit and in addition fine tuning our gear and supplies to length of our journey. Even if you have ruled out doing it this year, get an early start on your 2019 readiness by coming along!

2. a Nautical Radio with ship to ship and distress calling ability.

3. a Nautical GPS navigation system of some kind.

In Addition to that I will be heading out fishing offshore NEXT Sunday morning (8/19 @ 4am in LJ, radio channel 69) and many more times in La Jolla and offshore leading up to the October Trip if you would like to come along or meet me out on the water.

Let the Journey Begin,

Mike Maio

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Old 08-09-2018, 11:27 AM   #25
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Following this!
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Old 08-09-2018, 12:49 PM   #26
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Keep us posted on these offshore expeditions. I would love to drive down to SD and do some long paddles looking for dorado at the 9 mile bank.
2018 Hobie Outback 13

I do not fear the storm as it will teach me how to sail my ship.
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Old 08-10-2018, 08:52 AM   #27
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I don't seem to see where you plan to park in this thread.
Location ?
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Old 08-10-2018, 07:00 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by Chet View Post
I don't seem to see where you plan to park in this thread.
Location ?
Cabrillo Beach Boat Ramp, 3720 Stephen M White Dr, San Pedro, CA 90731

You have to pay, I believe. Last time I checked they close the gate to the entrance of the launch parking lot from 10:30pm to 5:30am daily. We would need to get the kayaks ready and carted over to the launch area before 5:30am so that we can park and launch as soon as they open the gate.

On the way over there you can hit a nasty head wind and some big surf in the afternoon, so it's best to time your arrival at around noon or so.

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Old 08-10-2018, 08:25 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by Apex Predator View Post
That would be fine with me, depending on the range of your solo, when loaded with camping gear and supplies. How many gallons /hour do you consume with your OB motor? I suppose you could motor ahead of us and stop at Two Harbors after the crossing to refuel before meeting us as Parson's Landing?,.. then it would be only be about 40 miles until your next refueling opportunity in Avalon.
I will do a few more trips and figure an average... I carry 4 gallons and usually use about 1-1.5 gallons on a 20 mile day around La Jolla/ Point loma... I have a few more buddies with solos that may be interested. I'll keep a close eye on fuel mileage and let you know what I come up with.
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Old 08-12-2018, 09:23 AM   #30
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Nice post and glad your getting serious interest. I know my cousin joined the forums a couple years ago and tried to get this same trip going but never got enough to go. Slim chance I can make it but how about guys with Hobie's Outback and PA's rigged with sails?? how would that fare out there?
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Old 08-12-2018, 09:15 PM   #31
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The best kayak for the Job.

Originally Posted by jbl_91762 View Post
Nice post and glad your getting serious interest. I know my cousin joined the forums a couple years ago and tried to get this same trip going but never got enough to go. Slim chance I can make it but how about guys with Hobie's Outback and PA's rigged with sails?? how would that fare out there?
Thanks, you should tell your cousin to come!

The Revo 13 is the only kayak I have done the crossing in, and it is fast and slices through the chop and surf but the dilemma i am having this time is on whether or not I should bring my spear fishing stuff(wet suit and gun) or not to. And If I did, It would sit me in the water even more than I will be plus I probably would lose some of the efficiency I was receiving by going with the revo in the first place.

The PA and Outbacks on the other hand have more room, especially the PA. I have been on both and they are plenty fast to me, and maybe even faster if you consider the buoyancy factor with the weight of the food and camping gear. The only drawback I see, possibly, is if we hit rough seas and high winds, but I picked October to do this because it is the calmest month of the year for surf and storms. We will be a group so there will always be someone there to give you a hand with your PA 14.

So that's a long way of saying I think they would be fine, and possibly better depending on conditions and how light of a packer you are.

Last edited by Apex Predator; 08-13-2018 at 08:47 AM.
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Old 08-14-2018, 09:10 PM   #32
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Always wanted to kayak there, about to hit 50, and considering to check this one off.
Still recruiting and, if so, how many committed at this point? When do you need a final answer? Do we have to pack food for entire trip or can supplies be delivered with water and wood to one or more of campsites? Are there grills at campsites or will we need to bring one (my Adventure is a lousy pack mule with bait tank; second mirage drive will need to go up front)? Do you know if there is electricity at campsites to recharge fish finders? Love endurance, but fishing more: echoing other poster, how do you see incorporating fishing? Kayaking and then stopping at predetermined fishing spots or trolling as we move and stopping when something looks promising? Thanks in advance.

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Old 08-15-2018, 11:44 AM   #33
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Is there still room on the Trip around Catalina?

Originally Posted by Mootaineer View Post
Always wanted to kayak there, about to hit 50, and considering to check this one off.
Still recruiting and, if so, how many committed at this point? When do you need a final answer?

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Yes there is still room on the trip because:,
1. I want to have the chance to go as a group for a day or two offshore with everyone to see if this trip would be safe for everyone who wants to go.

and 2. Though I have many "maybes" I have no actual "FOR SURE'S" yet on the Trip to Catalina this year. Many folks are in the same boat as you.

I guess the latest you could RSVP is late September at our last OFFShore training day, but that is assuming I haven't received 5 "For Sure's" yet.

Last edited by Apex Predator; 08-15-2018 at 12:56 PM.
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Old 08-15-2018, 12:43 PM   #34
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How do I Pack for a Multi-Day Trip like this?

Originally Posted by Mootaineer View Post
Do we have to pack food for entire trip or can supplies be delivered with water and wood to one or more of campsites? Are there grills at campsites or will we need to bring one (my Adventure is a lousy pack mule with bait tank; second mirage drive will need to go up front)?

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Great Question! For a trip like this, all the same principles of backpacking apply, I.E.: Pack Smart. I have a Revo 13 which doesn't have very much room either like your island. But when you utilize your rear cargo hatch(Behind your Bait Tank)properly, you can put all of your clothes, camping items and your food for the trip in there(Everything that wont be in use while underway). I use small and medium sized dry bags that i can only fit a few items in, so that they fit easily into the hatch.

There are stores in Avalon(Our Halfway Point) and there is a Bar&Grill at Two Harbors, other than that we are on our own for food. Only water and fire wood will be delivered. So that means we will need 3 days of food at the beginning of the trip(Minus the protein we will harvest from the ocean.) with the ability to resupply in Avalon at the end of day 3 and the beginning of day 4. The only perishable food I bring is:,PB&J sandwiches, Cheese, Tortillas, garlic, olive oil, and soy sauce. To save on weight and bulk, I use freeze dried backpacking food(like: Mountain House) that just requires boiling water to prepare which I use a Jet Boil Backpacking Stove. All of the campsites have grill grates on the fire pits, a roll of aluminum foil and you are good to go.

You asked a very good question about the Batteries too! Battery Power for FF's, Navigation, Lights, radio's and smart phones I will talk about that very important subject when I get back from work tonight so stay tuned......
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Old 08-15-2018, 04:45 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by Apex Predator View Post
Great Question! For a trip like this, all the same principles of backpacking apply, I.E.: Pack Smart. I have a Revo 13 which doesn't have very much room either like your island. But when you utilize your rear cargo hatch(Behind your Bait Tank)properly, you can put all of your clothes, camping items and your food for the trip in there(Everything that wont be in use while underway). I use small and medium sized dry bags that i can only fit a few items in, so that they fit easily into the hatch.

There are stores in Avalon(Our Halfway Point) and there is a Bar&Grill at Two Harbors, other than that we are on our own for food. Only water and fire wood will be delivered. So that means we will need 3 days of food at the beginning of the trip(Minus the protein we will harvest from the ocean.) with the ability to resupply in Avalon at the end of day 3 and the beginning of day 4. The only perishable food I bring is:,PB&J sandwiches, Cheese, Tortillas, garlic, olive oil, and soy sauce. To save on weight and bulk, I use freeze dried backpacking food(like: Mountain House) that just requires boiling water to prepare which I use a Jet Boil Backpacking Stove. All of the campsites have grill grates on the fire pits, a roll of aluminum foil and you are good to go.

You asked a very good question about the Batteries too! Battery Power for FF's, Navigation, Lights, radio's and smart phones I will talk about that very important subject when I get back from work tonight so stay tuned......
When I did the crossing with my buddy there, I charged my electronics at the restroom at Two harbor.
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Old 08-15-2018, 07:36 PM   #36
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Guess you held your “deuce” all the way there rather than creating debris field for kayakers behind. Initially thought question would be whether 100% compliance with “pack in/pack out” principle. Question concedes non-compliance. Bravo for candor!

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Old 08-15-2018, 08:03 PM   #37
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Also, Semper “Deuce” Fi-Fishing may be on to something. Going over and camping first night with you and then staying another night (after you leave to round the island) and returning day 3 might be more feasible for subgroup. You would be solo or smaller group for rounding and returning home.

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Old 08-15-2018, 08:08 PM   #38
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Anyone looking for an adventure on a kayak?

Read this story. Pretty incredible.


If that doesn’t make you want to paddle to Catalina nothing will.
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Old 08-16-2018, 12:56 AM   #39
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How much Battery Power will a trip like this require?

Originally Posted by Mootaineer View Post
Do you know if there is electricity at campsites to recharge fish finders? Thanks in advance.

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When I do a trip like this, I don't like to have to skimp on fishing gear, I bring 4 rods, a Gaff, Fish Finder, tackle and of course a bait tank. I am sure you could just use bait when you roll up on it, but you never know how consistent that will be especially in October. I didn't bring a bait tank on my last crossing to Catalina because I didn't have a good solution at the time to have enough juice for 3 days of GPS, Phone, radio, FF and Bait tank. Parsons Landing(where I camped) is primitive camping with no power sources. This time however I have a solution.

In a 10 hour day of Kayak Fishing, the average person would use no more than 6Ah(Amp Hours) of energy to power a 12vFish finder/GPS and 6v Hobie Live Well. Despite using less Voltage your bait tank consumes more than Twice the power of your GPS/FF. Also our first two days, our campsites won't have power. It will not be until the end of day 3 when we arrive in Avalon that we will have access to electricity to recharge our batteries. in Addition to the 18Ah of power we would need for FF,GPS and Bait Tank; we also need to have and Additional 4Ah of Power to Charge Your Phone and Radios. This means you will need a minimum of 22Ah of electricity if you want your to be able to use that bait tank you are planning on bringing.

22Ah in a Lead batteries would be way too heavy, who wants to lug an anchor like that across the pacific?!, not me. The lightest batteries are Lithium Polymer, but if you have ever seen a "hover board" or a "Samsung galaxy 7" burst into flames, you realize really quickly why that might not be such a good idea for open water kayaking. That leaves Lithium Ion, Still light enough, but without the risk of a burning/sinking kayak in the middle of the ocean. Lithium Ion batteries are expensive, and if you ask me, too expensive if their only purpose is for your kayak.

I have a lot of 18v Ryobi Power tools that I use all the time on all sorts of things, they have 4Ah and now 6Ah Batteries that are much more dependable then anything else I've used, plus you can buy/return them at any Home depot. After a bit of tinkering, I made a waterproof box for them that runs them in Parallel and steps down the Voltage to 12V for my GPS/FF/Lights and 6v for my bait tank. My Ryobi Charger charges 6 of them a once in about 30 minutes.

Normally for a long day of fishing I bring one 6Ah battery to Power everything from the same source, but when you go in the deep water, and "lose sight of shore", you want to have a separate power supply for your GPS/FF so just in case your Bait Tank sucks up sea weed and zaps all of its power supply, you will still have your primary Navigation equipment working.

So this is what I will be using:

GPS/FF - a small water proof box(Walmart) and a 6Ah Ryobi Battery
(3 days of Power)

Bait Tank - A larger water proof box(Harbor Freight) with 2 x 6Ah Ryobi
Batteries run in Parallel (3 days of Power)

Radio/Phone Charger - a small Waterproof Box(Walmart) with a 4Ah Ryobi
battery(3 days of power)

Spare- I will bring along 1-2 additional 4Ah Ryobi Batteries in a small
waterproof box(Walmart) in case of an emergency.

Total 5-6 batteries with 26-30Ah of power that can be recharged in 30 min while we are chilling in Avalon.

I can show you my box and how to make one if you are planning on making the Trip.

Hope this helps.
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Old 08-16-2018, 01:10 AM   #40
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What our days will be like.

Originally Posted by Mootaineer View Post
Love endurance, but fishing more: echoing other poster, how do you see incorporating fishing? Kayaking and then stopping at predetermined fishing spots or trolling as we move and stopping when something looks promising? Thanks in advance.

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The only part of the kayaking where we might possibly not fish, is on the Crossing over because we may decide its best just to get there before the afternoon winds pick up,.. possibly. The rest of our days will start after we eat breakfast and pack up camp(with the exception of our Day 5 Rest). All of our campsites that I have chosen have reliable bait sources nearby, this allows us to bait up in the morning and take our time fishing and trolling at whatever pace we decide, until we reach our next campsite. Once there you can Cook, Sleep, snorkel, spearfish or go right back out on the water if you like. All I know is that there will be plenty of fishing.
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