I'm in the process of setting up my inflatable kayak (Sea Eagle 465ft, 15'3") with a full-functioning sail to be used mostly for trolling. Considering the size and nature of my boat, how would you install teasers? Based on what I've read, its seems like I could tie a line to the back of the kayak with a bird teaser and a daisy chain of squid and just run my lures a bit behind that, unconnected to the teaser. I usually use two rods. Does this seem logical?
Also, how shallow could you be fishing and still want a teaser chain? Where I live here in Ecuador the most accessible fishing area is a large estuary (Guayas) where the depth is 20-50 feet. Would it still be advantageous to use some kind of teaser? It seems like it would be helpful, since a kayak doesn't won't get their attention like a motorboat would...