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Old 03-16-2015, 08:02 PM   #1
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10 news tonight!

Turned on the boobtube at 5pm.... Sea world saves more poor misunderstood fur bag fish gangsters. 500 just this year in SD.Another 350 up the coast too San Fran.Just saw a herd of 15-20 adults cruising off moonlight,looking for their babies at sunset. We need to join / infiltrate peta to help close sea fuk world.Even if half those little farts live.That's another 250+ fish thief's.
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Old 03-16-2015, 08:20 PM   #2
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Wow, such hate for nature and sea life. Don't assume everyone is on the same hate train as you bro. Props to Sea World for helping animals in need. Respect nature and it will respect you, take away all the seals and the taxman will be looking for alternative meals such as ignorant fishermen that wish they could put a YT on their kayak such as yourself.
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Old 03-16-2015, 08:27 PM   #3
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Yeah, I get it, some people think we need to save every struggling animal. Well folks, most of the animals that are, uh, not exactly making it without human intervention, would die, as nature intended. With us stepping in, well, were changing the population of that species, which in effect (in this case), will in fact boost the population of, well, the tax man. But hey, I think there cool, I love seeing GWS's swim under my tub.

My only question is, how does Ryan H feel about this?
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Old 03-16-2015, 08:27 PM   #4
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I hate seals!!!
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Old 03-16-2015, 08:32 PM   #5
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I understand that we should leave nature to take care of its own, but of course we do not leave it alone do we. So if a seal is tangled up in fishing line we leave it to die because that is what nature intended. Well where did the fishing line come from? Sure, let nature take care of its own, if it's demise is not caused by human interactions in itself.

Originally Posted by bubblehide View Post
Yeah, I get it, some people think we need to save every struggling animal. Well folks, most of the animals that are, uh, not exactly making it without human intervention, would die, as nature intended. With us stepping in, well, were changing the population of that species, which in effect (in this case), will in fact boost the population of, well, the tax man. But hey, I think there cool, I love seeing GWS's swim under my tub.

My only question is, how does Ryan H feel about this?
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Old 03-16-2015, 08:35 PM   #6
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If you are unable to get along with the, (your words), " fur-bag fish gangsters," than stay out of their "hood."
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Old 03-16-2015, 08:44 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Chuck D View Post
I understand that we should leave nature to take care of its own, but of course we do not leave it alone do we. So if a seal is tangled up in fishing line we leave it to die because that is what nature intended. Well where did the fishing line come from? Sure, let nature take care of its own, if it's demise is not caused by human interactions in itself.
No Chuck, all I am saying is that we don't need to save every single one. There are times when we, humans, need to leave nature to it's own means, and other times, we need to step in. However, for some, an animals life is much more valuable than a humans. At this point in time, in the Southern California area, there is a clear over-population. Simple logic tells us that this is a time to let nature take it's course.
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Old 03-16-2015, 09:30 PM   #8
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George Carlin - Saving the Planet: https://youtu.be/7W33HRc1A6c
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Old 03-16-2015, 09:49 PM   #9
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just an opinion no one kill me over it

Okay i am not a tree hugger nor a left winger; however the problem is we keep these things in captivity once we put these animals back in the water they cant fend for themselves. There is so many bad cases of animals dying yes but isnt that the circle of life big fish eats small fish. That bring me to my last point the Damn kids pool not the seal pool. We are creating an environment for these seals saying its okay to take the land and steal from guess what the fisheries. that losses fisheries money tourism because of that dAMN smell.
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Old 03-16-2015, 10:17 PM   #10
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Old 03-16-2015, 10:26 PM   #11
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I agree with Chuck view that I don't understand the negative sentiment over seals just because they steal our bait. We're in their habitat fishing recreationally. Really, only Rossman has a legitimate reason to be pissed off. The other thread with people going off about shooting, hot-saucing seals is a real disappointment. Those of you in that thread that have young kids. Sit in front of them, look them in the eye, and tell them "I want to shoot a seal because it stole my bait." They respond with "Dad, you're an entitled douche."

Bubblehide, I agree as well, that nature should live or die naturally.
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Old 03-17-2015, 12:14 AM   #12
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"only Rossman has a legitimate reason to be pissed off"

great stuff
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Old 03-17-2015, 06:31 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by bubblehide View Post
No Chuck, all I am saying is that we don't need to save every single one. There are times when we, humans, need to leave nature to it's own means, and other times, we need to step in. However, for some, an animals life is much more valuable than a humans. At this point in time, in the Southern California area, there is a clear over-population. Simple logic tells us that this is a time to let nature take it's course.
Originally Posted by jruiz View Post
I agree with Chuck view that I don't understand the negative sentiment over seals just because they steal our bait. We're in their habitat fishing recreationally. Really, only Rossman has a legitimate reason to be pissed off. The other thread with people going off about shooting, hot-saucing seals is a real disappointment. Those of you in that thread that have young kids. Sit in front of them, look them in the eye, and tell them "I want to shoot a seal because it stole my bait." They respond with "Dad, you're an entitled douche."

Bubblehide, I agree as well, that nature should live or die naturally.
Well said John! Actually it is the last post you mentioned that boiled me to the point to lash out at this dude perpetuating ignorance. I also agree Rossman is the only one that owes retribution to the seals, that story was crazy man! I am sure that most who have kids and have made out of line comments about the seals would never have the balls to re-read their post to their kids, great point. These are the guys with little fish syndrome, "little fish, big mouth". I remember when I moved from the east coast I thought that seeing seals up close in the kayak was enthralling experience since I never grew up with those encounters, I still do. To be honest I have never had a fish taken from me by a seal in all my years of fishing at the Jewel. I have had them chase, but this is part of the challenge and rush. Although I have had them play tug-a-war with me and my hooping nets I am not telling anyone what to believe, but think before you puff out your chest and look like a douche, think about what is coming out of your mouth, that is, unless, of course, you want to look like a douche.
Don't worry Bubble, I still love you man, and still would eat your soup any day of the week. Just think that as humans and protectors of our ocean we need to respect it a bit more so that our sealife doesn't die off the way it has been. Is it time to go to Baja yet? Thats all folks.

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Old 03-17-2015, 07:37 AM   #14
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I have to agree with these guys, seals are just a part of the game. And yes they have stolen my fish. Some of you maybe even saw my tirade last fall where a seal stole my yellow popped up 20 feet away and I went chasing after it calling it an arrogant SOB. The reality is he won fair and square but you don't have to hurt them to train them. I just point the kayak at them pedal like hell and scream until they head for the hills, it seems to work just fine. FYI that seems to work with humans too, nobody ever wants to fight a crazy person
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Old 03-17-2015, 11:55 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by Chuck D View Post
Although I have had them play tug-a-war with me and my hooping nets
There you go popping off again ChuckieD. You're always spouting about your lobster hole but I haven't been taken to it yet. Whatever...maybe next year I guess... Jim
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Old 03-17-2015, 03:05 PM   #16
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Doesn't matter how many sea lions that sea world "saves". They will die when returned to the wild. There will be a giant die-off because there is no food for them. Their numbers have been artificially inflated since the last period of cold nutrient rich upwelling. Now there is no upwelling on the whole west coast of north america. No upwelling means drastically reduced phytoplankton bio-mass. No phytoplankton means no zooplankton. No zooplankton means no sardines. No sardines means bye-bye sea lion population. The beautiful clear warm subtropical water that we all love so much (including the YT) is actually killing a big part of our marine ecosystem. The kelp beds wont be far behind if water temps have a repeat of last year.

We have rose colored glasses in la jolla because we can almost always find bait. But the east pacific sardine fishery as a whole is on the verge of collapse according to CalCOFI scientists. Some even think the sardine is threatened as a species. The reason people have been feeling like the dogs have gotten worse in the last couple years is because they are all starving.

Don't hate on the dogs because you don't know how to deal with them. As a fisherman they are just as big of an asset as they are a nuisance if you know how to key in on them.
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Old 03-17-2015, 03:30 PM   #17
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Funny, we move into their territory and all of a sudden we're the victims.

That's like building a house on the foothills and then complaining that coyotes and bears are eating your pets.

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Old 03-17-2015, 04:24 PM   #18
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People aren't so smart, they stick to bias attitudes regardless of reality. Nature however will change to the circumstances and continue to thrive, although the change may be unpleasant to watch.

The real question is can the current fish population support the Sea Lion population. If not, it's likely a large numbers of Sea Lions will be found along the coast dehydrated and starving. It's nature's way to adjust by eliminating the weak.

If man intervenes by saving the weaker members, the overall population will become weaker. At some point (maybe a thousand years from now) the species will collapse entirely.

But, we won't be here to see that happen, so the compassionate thing to do now, is interfere with nature.
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Old 03-17-2015, 05:45 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by jorluivil View Post
Funny, we move into their territory and all of a sudden we're the victims.

That's like building a house on the foothills and then complaining that coyotes and bears are eating your pets.

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Old 03-17-2015, 05:52 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by Deamon View Post
There you go popping off again ChuckieD. You're always spouting about your lobster hole but I haven't been taken to it yet. Whatever...maybe next year I guess... Jim

Yeah Chuck. I want to go to the lobster hole too!
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