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Old 06-19-2013, 09:30 AM   #1
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What intell should a real "fishing report" include?

Just stirring the pot a little here...haha
I read lots of "fishing reports" that contain almost no information, this can't in anyway be considered a fish report can it? Should BWE add another sub forum titled; 'Self-Gloating' for these so called "fish report" threads?

Shouldn't a real fish report contain at least the following:
Type of fish caught
Time of day fish was caught
Relatively specific location of the catch
Water depth
Tackle used
Specific bait / artificial used

Now I know people don't want to give coordinates to their honey-holes and all and they probably shouldn't but what's the real reason for a fishing report? I always thought the motive behind a real report was to help others chase the bite and catch more fish...a kinda pay it forward of sorts? If it's simply an opportunity to gloat then I'm all wrong.

Let the brawl begin!

Last edited by BrokeLoser; 06-19-2013 at 09:38 AM.
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Old 06-19-2013, 09:34 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by BrokeLoser View Post
Just stirring the pot a little here...haha
I read lots of "fishing reports" that contain almost no information, this can't in anyway be considered a fish report can it? Should BWE add another sub forum titled; 'Self-Gloating' for these so called "fish report" threads?

Shouldn't a real fish report contain at least the following:
Type of fish caught
Time of day fish was caught
Relatively specific location of the catch
Tackle used
Specific bait / artificial used

Now I know people don't want to give coordinates to their honey-holes and all and they probably shouldn't but what's the real reason for a fishing report? I always thought the motive behind a real report was to help others chase the bite and catch more fish...a kinda pay it forward of sorts? If it's simply an opportunity to gloat then I'm all wrong.

Let the brawl begin!
Yeah I'm with ya... we should have a fishing report second and a I just want to show off section. But maybe its because I'm still the guy that hasn't landed anything worth show off yet

I find some of those show off post annoying.
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Old 06-19-2013, 09:53 AM   #3
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I agree with most of that, most of the time reports are only some vague description about the noise their clicker was making, how late/early and dark it was, or how some non-locals were in the way but somehow they managed to catch fish anyways.

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That is all good and I enjoy reading the stories, a lot, but it would be nice to have more pertinent information like whats below.

Originally Posted by BrokeLoser View Post
Shouldn't a real fish report contain at least the following:
Type of fish caught
Time of day fish was caught
Relatively specific location of the catch
Water depth
Tackle used
Specific bait / artificial used

Let the brawl begin!

Then again, Raskal is right. If I caught several large white girls, I would post that chit and let everyone know how awesome I am too... People will post what they post and my impression is that there are not many members who are willing to share the more specific information. They want us to figure it out ourselves, who woulda thought!

haha nice post this will be fun...

Last edited by YakHanded; 06-19-2013 at 10:04 AM.
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Old 06-19-2013, 10:11 AM   #4
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Good post and question. Seeing a photo of a huge fish that was caUght
Some place at some time on some bait is not really a report IMO.
Seperate forums mite be a good idea. Mike
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Old 06-19-2013, 10:26 AM   #5
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In my opinion there are no rules as to how you post your fish report. Post what you want how you want. If some people want to leave out specifics then that's their choice, if you don't like it then don't read em'.

I think some of the reasons people dont' want to give all the specifics is that those people spent time energy, money and effort to find the "bite" and don't just want to give that info away freely. Also there are people who take all the information they can get and never contribute any.

If you don't know where the bite is currently, then your not paying attention. It's pretty clear where they are biting or have been biting, there are multiple locations. It's JUNE! Almost july the fish are biting where they usually bite this time of year. Just go fishing and you'll get a lot of first hand info, talk to people while your out there, you'll find that most people are pretty friendly and don't mind giving you info.
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Old 06-19-2013, 10:27 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by taggermike View Post
Good post and question. Seeing a photo of a huge fish that was caUght
Some place at some time on some bait is not really a report IMO.
Seperate forums mite be a good idea. Mike
Lets start working on a name for the new forum now.
My vote is:
"Hey look at me...I'm the sh!t...and you wish you were me."
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Old 06-19-2013, 10:36 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by ful-rac View Post
money and effort to find the "bite" and don't just want to give that info away freely. Also there are people who take all the information they can get and never contribute any..
I agree here.

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Old 06-19-2013, 10:42 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by ful-rac View Post
In my opinion there are no rules as to how you post your fish report. Post what you want how you want. If some people want to leave out specifics then that's their choice, if you don't like it then don't read em'.

I think some of the reasons people dont' want to give all the specifics is that those people spent time energy, money and effort to find the "bite" and don't just want to give that info away freely. Also there are people who take all the information they can get and never contribute any.

If you don't know where the bite is currently, then your not paying attention. It's pretty clear where they are biting or have been biting, there are multiple locations. It's JUNE! Almost july the fish are biting where they usually bite this time of year. Just go fishing and you'll get a lot of first hand info, talk to people while your out there, you'll find that most people are pretty friendly and don't mind giving you info.
I hope this thread doesn't turn to trivial.
It's hardly giving away top secret information when your report reads as follows.

6/19 - I caught this 32# yellow in 63' of water about 400yds NW of the big boiler rock at about 7:30am on a sardine 3oz dropper loop, 65# braid and a 20# 4' mono leader.

I guess I just can't wrap my mind around that mentality: "I spent a lot of time, effort and cash so your gonna have to as well."
It just seems so frat like...it almost falls in the hazing category...kinda gay really.
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Old 06-19-2013, 11:06 AM   #9
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Oh sorry you feel like your being hazed....

Just go fishing, no need to "stir the pot"...or put out your trolling lines, to get a reaction. Im going fishing this weekend how about you...or are you going to wait until somebody catches and posts up a report how you like....?
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Old 06-19-2013, 11:07 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by BrokeLoser View Post

I guess I just can't wrap my mind around that mentality: "I spent a lot of time, effort and cash so your gonna have to as well."
It just seems so frat like...it almost falls in the hazing category...kinda gay really.
So your saying everyone should be equal? Take what you have and give to others? Liberalism at its finest?

I'm Gay I guess. I can remember a few times I have gone out and caught nothing and after a few days or so found where my target fish were hanging out. Fished the area for awhile (two days/three days or when I got my "fill")) without a word to anyone. Than when I did post WITH ALL the particulars...the hate mail would roll in!. Really don't bother with reports anymore.
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Old 06-19-2013, 11:11 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by ful-rac View Post
Oh sorry you feel like your being hazed....

Just go fishing, no need to "stir the pot"...or put out your trolling lines, to get a reaction. Im going fishing this weekend how about you...or are you going to wait until somebody catches and posts up a report how you like....?
Well said. I think brokeloser guy feels left out of the bite and wants a handout? Unlike you and me that have to work really hard to get even one fish,
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Old 06-19-2013, 11:16 AM   #12
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Oh here comes the semantics...so predictable.
Plain and simple guys...it's not a fishing report if it doesn't contain certain details....sorry...carry on.
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Old 06-19-2013, 11:31 AM   #13
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its just fishing.

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Old 06-19-2013, 11:33 AM   #14
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Aww come'on brokeloser, this is the reaction that you wanted and expected....you got what you wanted right? Remember "stir the pot"?
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Old 06-19-2013, 11:47 AM   #15
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I always catch my fish at L.J., west end of the dam near the overflow on the negative tide, on the harvest moon, next to the 3rd big sunken rock, with live bait... But no one ever believes me ,so that's why I don't post pics and sizes, longs and lats, and such....... But I do like popcorn...
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Old 06-19-2013, 12:00 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by ful-rac View Post
Aww come'on brokeloser, this is the reaction that you wanted and expected....you got what you wanted right? Remember "stir the pot"?
Not really man...I didn't start this thread for selfish reasons...you'll see, I won't stoop down and engage in an argument with you...I see no reason to puff up from behind the safety of my keyboard. I really hoped to spark a quality topic of conversation.

Plus, their really is no argument...I'm simply making a point that we have a "Fishing Reports" forum where rarely a true fishing report is posted...that's all.
We can all act stupid for the sake of debate but I'm pretty sure we all know what a fishing report should entail.
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Old 06-19-2013, 12:07 PM   #17
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Any one know why history repeats itself:


Lol this is also the same Post where Neil called matt and Elite kayak Fisherman LOL

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Old 06-19-2013, 12:15 PM   #18
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I've been looking for that one!

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Old 06-19-2013, 12:18 PM   #19
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aw crap! i forgot to post this one last february!

he was foul hooked so it doesnt count anyways.....

sorry guys!

120 feet, water 58, right off the point
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Old 06-19-2013, 12:22 PM   #20
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If we know what a report should entail, then why ask what it should entail?
Sounds like we are chasing our tails.
I personally have never had a big fish report from LJ. I have had cool nature encounter reports though and share those.
I will share the report of my first Yellowtail catch.

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