Robfish now that is what I am talking about!
Excellent suggestion! Now will I need a specific charger for that too? I have to imagine my regular sla charger won't work.
It is pricey but I think I might swing it because I was considering two 20 amp hour SLA's anyways.
Originally Posted by danjor
7 day trip huu
Vegas to laughen on the colorado river?
Something like 89 miles.
Allways wanted to do that trip
That sounds like an awesome trip. I am actually back in Wisconsin...we have a 90 mile stretch of river in the northwestern part of the state that is part of the National Scenic River system, so it is mostly undeveloped. Namekagon river if you want to check it out. You get a lot of people that paddling it, but very few that actually take the time to fish and man is it fun! Primitive campsites along the stretch of the entire stretch of river and it is just a blast. We are going about 65 miles over the seven days. We like to keep our per day mileage a little lower so we can fish spots for a long time if we find good ones. We put the emphasis on fishing, not getting to the next checkpoint.