10-21-2011, 07:14 AM | #1 |
Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 2010
Posts: 1,972
When bugging, got tagged by a sting ray in the leg. No biggie for a while. Kept at it for another hour or so...Hobied back to my launch...cleaned, boiled & showered all the while thinking "I'm probably not going to sleep much tonight" as the pain was at a fairly high level. Once I laid down, heck no, it was unbearable. So I went on-line looking for a miracle cure (yeah right) and I definitely found it...place sting location under "as hot of water as you can handle for up to 10 minutes"...Instant relief. The water was so hot, my foot catching the trickle down could not take it but the sting location itself, no prob. I'd say 95% of the pain was taken away from that moment...The web page stated the sting ray's venom was protein based which could be neutralized by heat...it definitely worked for me.