I don't believe in pigeonholeing myself into a category, especially when it comes to something in my life that is a recreational sport. That's exactly what I want to keep it. Get too hung up on the why's and how's of what everyone else is doing just takes away from why I do this for myself. And for extremely green newbies like myself this is one of the few and best resources to learn, meet new people and share the things that no one else in my day to day life understands. I can talk and talk about how excited I am after every trip out to my wife and my friends but they just politely nod and smile. It goes right over their heads. I posted a report and received a pm giving me some insight to what I might do to aviod possible risk of injury or worse. That's awesome. Exactly why I'm on this site and will continue to post my thoughts, reports and gratefully receive criticizim and advice.