Bet your bottom dollar the lawsuit figured in this determination. Do your part!
Excellent legal representation costs a pretty penny.
And now, the news:
State Law Office “Disapproves” South MLPA closures
Oct. 1 implementation delayed months or more.
Southern California saltwater anglers have long maintained the MLPA’s ill-conceived fishing closures were rushed into place to please the outgoing and largely unloved Schwarzenegger governorship. Say it loud enough that the three rash Fish and Game Commissioners who voted them in last December despite stern warnings from attorneys on both sides of the issue hear it. “I told you so!”
On Friday the state Office of Administrative Law issued a decision disapproving South Coast MLPA closures planned for an October 1, 2011 implementation, citing numerous technical grounds. Tellingly, the privately funded sham environmentalism that former MLPA Imitative Executive Director Ken Wiseman claimed as the most open and transparent public process in the state’s history was halted for failure to adequately respond to public comment or provide adequate reasons for rejecting alternatives.
According to Ed Zieralski of the San Diego Union-Tribune, a high-ranking Department of Fish and Game official who requested anonymity said planned South Coast fishing closures “will be delayed by months or more.”
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