Went kayak fishing for the first time about a week ago with Whizz Bang. Got to meet Rick and spent an amazing day on the water. Caught some little green/blue tiger striped fish and hooked one of them through its nose like they show you how to do on the half day boats. Peddled around for most of the day dragging him around. Decided to reel him in and check to see how the little guy was doing. Thought the fish was caught in kelp, so I fought it for a bit and realized I caught this thing, really seemed to bend the pole. Thank you Edberg for letting me use your Kayak, seems pretty fun and easy, congrates on winning EVERYTHING at the tournament. I don’t really see why anyone thinks this is all that hard. See you guys on the water. (Whizz bang weighed it and said it was a 28lb YT…whatever that is