Got on water at 0930 with a friend . Apparently while we were sleeping in , the top dogs on plastic were heading in with a descent spread . An early am bite ? We made a handful of macs and went around corner . First pass nada . Reeled in to check bait thinking something is wrong . Sure enough , my mac has an eel grass mustache. I am not even fishing, just wishing . Give him a shave, and head back north.Within 10 minutes the first strike comes. I put the reel in gear too quick , and pay the price . Short strike , with nothing remaining but hook . I rebait and keep heading north . Strike two. One thousand one , one thousand two , reel in gear and instant load up. I was in the thickest part of weeds . Naturally the fish ran straight down . After a long drawn out battle the hook popped at leader/ mono connection . I had battled him through at least 10 yards of kelp . When he had come to a sudden halt, this being 20 minutes into the fight . I realized this was a bad scenario. I did what was inevitable . Instead of breaking my rod , I handed it to my friend . I grabbed the line by hand , and did a elbow wrap . Nothing but braid on return . I tried releasing drag about 20 minutes in. He was going through a brain seizure and was reluctant on moving . Nearly out of bait i headed back in .I reached for a different setup which would put me on bottom . I have not been having the greatest luck with droppers , so i did something different . I broke out an idea a local guide showed me a couple years back . This setup , has a more natural presentation , and was more than enough to give me the edge .95' -100' feet water . Greens or spanish did not mater . I could not keep a bait in water more than five minutes . 3 yellows and one black later , in less than a hour and 15 minutes . Pure luck , skill ? Blessing ?
. Stayed on water till dark . I had a couple more chances but failed . Overall amazing day on water . Enjoy everyone .