SD Bay 04/05 Oct
Well I was suppose to meet up with a couple team sewer's but I forgot I
told my brother in law id meet up at his yaht club for a lobster event. I ended up with one legal off there docks from 630-1000. I won the guest prize of $100 bill. Not to shabby for a 1.55lb lobster. After that I was still feeling froogy for some more lobster. I launched my yak around 1050 and nothing but fog, fog, and fog. Playing it on the safe side I didn't go near the channel like I wanted too. I stayed close. Round trip for last night was .6 miles on the water for 2.5 hours. All hoop nets stayed under 20ft deep. I ended the night with 4 legal and 2 short from the yak. Not Bad for my first time out this year.