Took my son to LJ 8/19/2014
He didn't get the catch but he got the hookup. I spent a lot of time with instruction but there's no better teacher than experience. He was able to set the hook on one today. When the line peeled off even faster after the hookset and drag was applied, instinct says to stop it with your thumb. Sooo his thumb was painted spectra red. I also got to watch him get pulled sideways on the yak before it came unbuttoned. I didn't know you could get pulled that way (without Best part of the day was hearing "DAD DAD I'M ON!!!"--- I got to pull on some too but no joy (The pictures will tell the story). Good learning experience for me too. ---Ahem* fish report... trolled macks, found a pair of decent yellows, didn't see anyone else pulling, bait is thick, not a lot of boiling or diving birds from my seat today.