tax man county line
today i was trying something new . i have been trying to shave weight so i opted to ditch the hobie tank and use one of these plano floating tanks . i had some nylon web leash laying around so this is what i used to secure the tank to kayak . the leash was bright orange . bad idea . so i was fishing and all of a sudden something runs into my lines and i look down and i see white and grey . the first thing that came to mind was a dolphin . so he circles me and breaks surface and slashes his tail at me . he was real aggressive and he encircled me 3 times . i looked down and we made eye to eye contact . he was 12 - 15 ' . i quickly pulled the tank up and my lines , crapped shorts , and starting paddling .2 hours later he broke surface and nailed a big dog . this was witnessed by other kayakers and pb 's . other than that fishing was slow , and bait was plenty .