Cobra Navigator- Lime Green
Looking to sell a lime green cobra navigator to move to a prowler 15. Kayak is only a few months old, has front and center (round) hatch with drop in bucket. There are two flushmounts installed behind the seat, and a a gaff/paddle holder on the left side (installed with two bungee term ends and a button). all holes drilled have been water-proof tested and had fair ammounts of silicone put on them. On the "rail" between the legs, there are lines marked 0", 12", 13" (for bass tourneys), and 22" written with sharpee. The boat is an awesome bay and la jolla boat, just looking to get into a faster and longer prowler. Hull only, no seat or paddle (i'll throw in a paddle if you don't mind a one piece flat [nonfeathered] paddle). PM me with questons or for pics.
$700 obo
*NOTE* This is NOT a Cobra Navigator-XF