Valentines 2/14/13
My girl asked if we could go fishing/hooping for valentines. We made a stop by Oex sunset so andy could fix my rudder because it kept kicking up and just wasn't handling right. Turns out I never learned how to lock the rudder cable up lol. Bought some toys for our kayaks while we were there and headed to DP. Launched around 3pm to wind, cold, and chop. I had planned on heading to headlands but conditions were too nasty. Hung out around the mouth of the bay for nada with chovies. Went back in for tailgate cocoa and hot sandwiches on our new mini camp stove and got our hoop nets ready. Hit the water for our hooping session around 8pm and stayed till midnight. We ended up with 5 shorts and we each pulled one legal. We were both pretty excited lol. This is my second hooping attempt and she had just went and bought her first license and hoop net the day before. What a great trip. Happy Valentines!