Central coast yak report
Last minute decision to hit the water today and it was a great one. I only wish we would have left sonner. The water was good for the 3 hours we had and I made it back to pick up my kid from school. Me and chris dropped in on the launch pad and took a short paddle out to the stomping grounds. Chris quickly hooked up on a nice cabezon and then a Ling. I started out with a nice grassy and then a nice lingcod over 27inches. Chris ended up with 4 browns, 3 Lings, grassy and yellow and black. All in all it was fun day with some big hits. We were using big hammer swim baits 6 7 inches and been there caught that fishing supplies very own butterfly jigs .
Last edited by VINNYC; 08-24-2011 at 04:41 PM.