Lost bait net found 1 yt
I've been that untrained monkey more that I'd like to admit. Launched just after five to hear bait is slow at the pier. Heeding advice from the board I go up there anyway. Later found out that Jim H ended up with 15 pieces there about an hour earlier and did much better than I. I got bit about 5 times only to land 2 greenies. One small one about 8". I touched the gills of the larger one and he starts to get verticle in the bait tank. Oh well he isn't going to make it. I decided to finally get going. Very quickly I get zzzzinged in front of the pier. Did not connect!!! It comes back with one mark on it. I hear some yt have already been caught back over by the kelp. I get on it to get over there, on the way several more are hooked. Once there I try to make bait once again at the yellow can. Like magic the big greenie in the tank is now swimming properly. On he goes, I am way inside away from the current action. I guess the school was coming my way. Ziiingg again this time I wait until I think it's coming out his butt. Fish on!!! After a shallow gaff shot near the tail section I put him in my lap, YES!!!! Opppss. HE DECIDES TO FLEE THE SCENCE. That sucker jumped out of my lap. Back up to gaff same spot and shallow near the tail. This time I put a wrestling leg lock on him and got the big game clip on him. Brad took a pic out there. If you could post it on this thread that would be appreciated.
Also somewhere I lost my orange bait net with black foam glued to the handle. If anybody finds it let me know.