Well, I get to finally post a report here
Rigged up and launched @ 4:30 small surf mixed up ocean. I started catching spanish macs @ the second yellow can. I have two bait tubes, tied inline. I filled the bottom one fast(6 macs, 5 spanish and one nice greenback). Brought up some more bait for the second tube. I learned that when I unscrew the first tube the second (which is connected by the cap) unscrewes. I found this out by seeing my bait tube float by with no cap and escaping bait(all of it) :x . Well, now I know. Finally filled both tubes(12 macs), and started the slow troll paddle out. One mac high, and one down low. I did this most of the day. The hot pole was the one holding the mac down low. This produced 10+ fish and lotsa hits. I got rocked twice with line peeling until I picked up the rod to engage it, only to have it get spit out. All fish were bonito and calicos. I kept two deep hooked calicos for the table, and one bonehead for the smoker. The seas were mixed-up chop w/3-4' swell. Strong south current, 72-74deg . Little wind. I drifted to the outer west edge of the kelp inline with that babyblue wall. Seemed like it took forever to paddle back. This is my second trip out of LJ in my yak, so I don't have too much to compair it to, except MB and SD harbour. All in all, it's better than a sharp stick in the eye. I have pictures of my fish and kayak, but am computer stupid and can't get them up here.