Hit La Jolla today at 5:15pm, minimal surf, no wind, fairly glassy. Lots of tourist on shore, and in the water, probably pestering the leopard sharks. The inside seemed brownish, but once outside, it was a dull green. Tried out my new holy mackerel bait tube I made out of PVC. Works great!!! Honestly, I'd almost rather use it over a live well. I could fit about 5 baits in it, and they did pop out as mentioned by Mad Scientist, like a Pez dispenser, no reaching and grabbing, and slipping. Also, minimal drag, and no noise! If you havent made one, do so ASAP. Thanks for the tip Iceman.
Back to fishing. Current was slow, not as ripping as previous days. Trolled a single Spanish on the top around the corner for nada. Saw some bait popping, but nothing that seemed desperately pushed up. No breazing yellows. Really slow. Pretty much all quiet on the La Jolla front. Launded around 8PM. Talked to Paul from NY who reported nada. Well, not much to report, good luck to everyone in the Moyer Memorial tournament, a most worthy cause. 8)
Caught this sunset on the way in...