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Old 06-08-2009, 01:30 PM   #1
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Posts: 167
Kayakfishermen/spearos/fishermen are intimidating and violent--The new enviro tactic


I've been talking to a few people and we notice a particular pattern emerging recently and in a quite coordinated manner.

Taking a page out of the 60's playbook against the civil rights movement, there is now a coordinated effort on the anti-fishing side to paint spearos, fishermen, and anyone who shows up at MLPA meeting to testify as "intimidation."

The lynching attempt is on.

This is a well-proven strategy for those in power.

By painting those of us who exercise our constitutional right to peacefully assemble and speak out and redress grievances as "violent" or "intimidation", they hope to motivate their sympathetic authority to take action to repress.

We see this latest coordinated effort increasing in tempo and volume at the June 4, 2009 BRTF meeting and subsequently online. Person after person, RSG members and non-RSG members from the enviro side, come up to the BRTF and allege generalized "intimidation" by fishermen and then spread the same message online. This is despite the fact that out of over 200 spearo/kayakfishermen/fishermen showing up at the meeting, not a single incident can be cited.

ZERO EVIDENCE. For that, we should be proud.

You are now the new Selma marchers. You are bucking a hostile governmental/private coalition in asking for fairness and consideration for yourself. Learn the lesson from history. Peace and persistent are key.


Your best bet, your ONLY choice, and the purpose of this post, is NOT to play into their hands. Every spearo, kayakfisherman, commercial fisherman makes his/her best impact when you show up, you continue to speak respectfully, you act civilly, you continue to work peacefully, smile, educate, and recruit convert, and you represent the best of the gentleman sportsman tradition.

Let your passion and energy be channeled into organizing, showing up, and delivering the best points you can, as well as smile and win converts.

Remember that this site, Bloodydecks, and Spearboard are heavily monitored (Steve Benavides, one of the enviro RSG, admitted that much in the recent OC Diving News discussions). Materials have been plagiarized from our work.

We are leading by example, and they are struggling to paint us as violent and intimidation (thank god the days of lynching and dogs and firehoses are behind us). There have been attempts at provoking us into responding (one tried to provoke me at the last meeting). Just let it roll off.

So the fanatics will try to provoke--I'm pretty sure it's going to be a coordinated effort on this point from hereon. Anything they can do to reinforce their attempt at painting fishermen, spearos, and kayakfishermen as intimidating. This is a frequently-used Childrens' Pool tactics by the seal people--slash out and then play the victim--a well-worn page in their playbook.

Just smile and hand out literature and speak civilly. Going forward, if we are going to f$ck up, or if they can goad us into f$cking up, losing our cool and getting censured for "intimidation" is the way it's gonna happen and their wetdream comes true.

Stay friendly, stay frosty, do your best to let it roll off your back. If you get yelled at or spit on--don't fight, don't react. Go get a DFG agent at the meeting and report. Or get me or Chris Fiero or someone similar, and we'll deal with it.
A spearo, but we are in this MLPA mess together

Last edited by zenspearo; 06-08-2009 at 02:02 PM.
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