La jolla fishing report Saturday 6/4/16
With kayakers out in full force it was an ankle slapper launch in the fog which burned off by 9am and flat seas a little slow making bait at first so I changed color on my home tied mackerel flys and then a big school of mackerel boiled and I loaded up with full gangions with a mix of pacific and Spanish mackerel so I started fishing........had live bait all day long with no hookups but sealions lost count how many sealions ate my bait.when I would see a sealion I would wined my mackerel up tight to my canoe and lift it out of the water My head was turned one time and the bloodie bastard about jerked my rod out of my hand three feet away with no catch to take home and seeing no hookups I did hear one yahoo from two guys in a boat casting iron into boils it was a well over due trip of having to work and missing the thrasher shark bite felt good to be on the water
Forgot to check water temperature wondering if any other yakers caught anything
Duke Mitchell
Last edited by MITCHELL; 06-05-2016 at 05:03 AM.