Yoyo jigging for.......sand dabs?
Hit up county line in hopes of another yellowtail. Met up Joe and Thomas. Also met another BWEer at the launch. There were about 15 other kayakers, few party boats, and a bunch of pbers. Launch was easy, get out on the water near deephole. Drop some frozen squid down and start working the jig. Didn't get much time working the jig since my squid kept getting hit by jumbo 2lb macs. One I pulled up had bite marks all over it so I ditched the squid and trolled a mac around. Start working the yo yo again only to get slammed by this beast. ...lol! Started making our way back in, and wanted to see what was in the kelp. Dropping whole squid, the heads kept getting bit off, then the bites would stop, so I dropped strip squid instead and pulled up a nice 18" calico. He nearly pulled drag! Nice weather, fun day on the water!
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